

Abgeschlossen · 15.3K Ansichten
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What is Unseized

Lesen Sie den Roman Unseized des Autors Heroic_Pent, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Well this is one of the usual stories you know of. About a hero who will save the world but well I'm not that guy instead I'm what you'd call a side character the hero doesn't even care about but I ha...


Well this is one of the usual stories you know of. About a hero who will save the world but well I'm not that guy instead I'm what you'd call a side character the hero doesn't even care about but I have my own story to tell away from his perfect world

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Cinta yang merubahku

jasmine Azzahra seorang mahasiswa yg selalu menjadi bullyan di kampus. dia tak pernah merubah penampilannya semenjak dia SMP dulu, berkacamata dan rambut yg selalu diikat. bukan tanpa alasan, dia tidak pernah berani merubah penampilannya karena ketika dia sedikit saja merubah sesuatu dalam dirinya. Rina teman dekatnya sekaligus tetangganya itu selalu membullynya dan mempermalukannya secara terang-terangan di depan orang lain. meski begitu jasmine tidak pernah mengadu pada pihak kampus ataupun pada kedua orangtuanya. karena jasmine menganggap Rina seperti saudaranya sendiri, Jasmine takut jika dia mengadu pada orangtuanya, hal itu akan menghancurkan hubungan kedua keluarga mereka yg mana sudah bertetangga sejak dulu. dan jasmine selama hampir 8 tahun dia memilih untuk diam. Reyno bayu wijaya, mahasiswa baru dari Amerika yang pindah ke universitas yg sama dengan Jasmine. Reyno, lelaki tampan yg bisa dengan mudah memikat hati wanita. selain itu Reyno juga merupakan anak lelaki dari keluarga yang kaya raya yang siap menjadi ahli waris perusahaan besar setelah dia lulus kuliah. Sebenarnya Jasmine dan Reyno sudah kenal sejak mereka SMP, tidak ada yg tahu tentang pertemanan mereka dulu. Ternyata 8 tahun lalu keduanya pernah bersekolah di SMP yang sama, yang mana Reyno dulu tidak se-macho dan segagah sekarang, dulu Reyno sama seperti Jasmine, Reyno sempat menjadi incaran satu sekolah sebagai bahan bullyan. karena hal itulah mereka dulu dekat. apakah keduanya jika kini bertemu masih bisa dekat?

sitiaminah260698 · Geschichte
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3 Chs

In the bottom of the Darkness

Throughout my life, I was always captivated by all the television shows that consisted of short stories. I always found it pretty clever how they put in fantastic stories, in thirty minutes or an hour. My initial references were "Twilight Zone", "Amazing Stories", "Night Gallery", among others. Of course, over time that continued with current shows like "Black Mirror" and "Room 104". On the literature side, this started with the short stories by Stephen King and Charles Bukowski. That later continued to evolve with other authors such as Lovecraft, Jorge Luis Borges, Clive Barker, among others. Thanks to these influences, I decided to take the step of starting to write my own short stories. These stories were written throughout my life. While I was developing them, little by little, I polished, expanded, or shortened them, depending on the situation warranted, and this is how this compendium of stories was born. "In the bottom of the Darkness" is simply a name that occurred to me, since many stories have a dark foundation, concept, and approach. I wanted to find a rhyming title and that's what I came up with. Initially, I wanted to write basic horror stories, but the problem is that I could not come up with original ideas. When I came up with one, I realized that it was quite similar to those of Stephen King or another author. So I started to work in another way, to discover how to make a more authentic story. After some time racking my brain I was able to get it and here is the result. The stories are varied, mainly there is a bit of dark realism, magical realism, horror, fantasy, eroticism (do not worry, it is moderate, it does not become pornographic), among others. Each story touches a different theme, using a different genre, which makes this compendium very varied and dynamic. I hope you enjoy it...

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