
Unrivaled Demon Knight (Sidonia)

(A/N: Not Harem. Jason X Kobayashi.) At first, Jason Star seemed like an ordinary handsome man who didn't stood out much, but secretly, he was the number one ranker of the most popular virtual game in the world which had the theme of robot vs aliens. The most notable thing about him was his exceptional piloting sense, and rational decisions. Still, he was a human who also usually makes mistakes when faced with sudden situation. While relaxing on the rooftop, Jason suddenly met his demise after an unfortunate accident of getting struck by lightning. However, he soon found himself being thrown into a futuristic sci-fi reality where his life is always at constant dangers. However, despite that, he now seemed to found a place where could truly belong. Along with his alien parasite buddy, Jason will use any means to survive. Helping humanity along the way is just a stepping stone for that. As for girls? Pftt! Who needs those thots when you can have those beautiful mechas for yourself! But it might change soon... who knows... .... This is me trying to explore and create some of my ideas about the world of sidonia, so expect changes. A/N: This story is not about some loner or selfish MC. He will instead help humanity and it's sanctuary by 'indirectly' helping advance the technology. The reason is simple. He will die alongside it because there are no other place. Suggest some good weaponry and other technological stuff There will be many mistakes done in the grammar because of this shitty auto-correct. This is also an uncharted territory for me so please pardon my mistakes.

Ishya_Chan · Anime und Comics
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71 Chs

Rokurome ll

(A/N: Another info dump! There's also some Gundam techs included. )


Chapter 25 — Rokurome ll.

Jason Star's Daily Log | Day 115.

Sidonia was still currently calm and relatively peaceful without any occurrence of unusual events.

It was due to the Small Mass Union Ship not making a move against Sidonia yet, as if preparing for something.

As the busy days continued to progress smoothly, many more batches of Guardian Knights were created for the official pilots and SDF trainees to use.

Due to Jason's arrival, the mortality rate of the pilots decreased rather significantly. As a result, there were still many more skilled and experienced pilots preparing themselves to fight for the incoming future battles. The new pilots and trainees were also adapting themselves to the recent changes slowly.

Things were going well for Sidonia, making it look very unbelievable to them. However, things were now starting to change.

Humanity weren't the only one advancing forward...


Advance Training Room | 12:00 PM

After that memorable yet also dreadful hot spring experience with Kobayashi, many days immediately flew by.

Since that day, Jason rarely went out of his house and became a temporary hermit that sought the dao of self-control. He immersed himself with meditation, and recited the sutra of the bonk priest everyday.

As a result of his diligence, Jason's mental fortitude was now as solid as the body of his beloved robots. Despite that fact, he still felt it wasn't enough to confront Kobayashi.

However, he soon snorted after believing that nothing could ever shake his mind anymore.

Jason also did some crazy things while using his various connections within Sidonia. He created his own private basement beneath his tree house using the money he steadily earned from Toha Heavy Industry.

The extreme resilient private basement was build in no time thanks to the advance construction technology.

Jason then turned the basement into an advance training facility. The facility contained various alien-tech equipments like a treadmill that can increase in speed indefinitely, and an artificial gravity training room.

The purpose of those equipments were to train his body until its very limit to make it grow more powerful. Jason's ability to influence Higgs Particles would become greater every time his body grew powerful.

The concept of the gravity room was like the artificial gravity system used within Sidonia, but it was a compact and miniaturised version made by Mr. Alien. In fact, every equipment were created by him using the materials that Jason bought using his own money. He was very rich.

The Modified Virtual Training Room was now also built inside the basement. The functions were modified by Mr. Alien to become more impressive and realistic. Now, the simulated beings have the abilities to think, adapt, and improvise on their own will by collecting and analyzing data.

The Virtual Training Room was even capable of simulating an innumerable amount of environments and conditions. Jason could change anything to suit his own preference and imaginations.

There was also a function not limited to piloting the Guardian Knight. A function that was the best way to polish various martial arts, and learn many methods to precisely control the entire body by simulating and sparring against many unknown superhuman martial artist.

Jason didn't know who those martial artist was, but he was sure they weren't humans from Earth...

It made him develop many hypothetical thoughts....

After using the Modified Virtual Training Room, Jason experienced a massive overall improvement. His pilot senses and technical tricks included.

Moreover, Jason finally attained perfect control over his physical strength!

Jason now developed a precise instinctive control over his body, allowing his mind-body coordination to reach its utmost peak. It even allowed him to forcefully contract his muscles to close wounds, or even harden it like a chromium by just using pure force.

⟨ Host, you have perfectly controlled your strength under Level 3 Seal. We will now move toward Level 2 Seal. Don't worry, it will be much more easier to adjust since your body-mind control has already reached an impressive level. ⟩

Jason nodded his head, while happy to hear it would be much easier even at Level 2.

⟨ Adjusting Body Seal to Level 2.... ⟩

Jason then suddenly felt some shackles shattering within his body, causing him to soon feel his body growing as light as a paper. His senses started expanding and growing sharper, his countless cells overflowing with overbearing strength and vitality.

His physical body grew five times powerful compared to before!

The tiny crystal reactor within his heart also became quite active, causing Jason to feel his attunement and control over the Higgs Particles to also increase significantly.

"Amazing!" Jason exclaimed while feeling the wonderful sensation of his body becoming free from the seal.

He took out a highly compressed steel plate, and then punched it using his right arm.


Jason's entire fist pierced through the steel plate, leaving a very large holes with cracks spreading.

"...!" Jason was amazed by his strength and durability.

It didn't even hurt nor caused any damage to his fist, the body's resilience improving greatly along with the strength.

A normal superhuman's head would have easily fractured after receiving that kind of strike.

Jason then went to practice on getting familiar with his excess strength, quickly controlling it to the bare minimum. He also subdued his senses to a bearable level since it was annoying to pick up so many unnecessary things with his perception.

He needed to train more...

Jason then thought about something while he was training, realizing he can finally create more circuits with his body improving greatly. He encountered a hurdle previously, not allowing him to create more circuits.

He decided to continue creating his own circuits, expanding toward his two arms this time.

He soon managed to create circuits over his left arm, but it was still not finished. However, he didn't continued since he knew when to stop.

Jason decided it was finally time to end today's training session. He quickly went to the tree house to take a shower to rinse his sweats away. His sweats weren't that particularly that pungent or sticky, it was instead like drops of resplendent sweet dews that smelled refreshingly good.

As for why he knew his own sweat tasted very sweet, well.... Jason decided to lick and taste his sweat to confirm for research purposes...

It also took him a lot of effort to not get addicted to his own sweat.

Jason finished his shower shortly afterward, and then suddenly heard his smart watch ringing loudly.

It was an immediate warning for Gauna Attack, them asking him to sortie out.

Jason didn't understand why he was ordered to sortie out when he still don't have his own unit, but then saw a message notification popping.

He saw it was Sasaki who messaged him, telling him that his partner Rokurome was now completed.

His lips curled up excitedly.

Jason immediately went out after living as a hermit for some days.

It was time for mission again.

And like always—

Aim for the perfect clear!

It was finally time for Pilot Jason to once again return, along with his newly upgraded partner.


Toha's Main Factory | 1:39 PM.

Jason arrived inside Toha Heavy Industry's main factory, the location where Rokurome was currently held.

Walking toward the site of Rokurome, Jason greeted the workers he came across. It didn't took him that too long to arrive.

His eyes soon shone with excitement and lust after seeing a gigantic guardian that looked like a valiant yet fearsome knight.

The Silver Strand Type Demonic Soldier, Unit 666, Rokurome ll.

It was vastly different compared to the ordinary Guardian Knight.

Rokurome was built with a more larger structure and thicker armour plates, making it bulkier yet still appearing streamlined. Its metallic scheme of greyish black with some crimson gems made it look fearsome and aesthetic.

The head had short metallic horns that pointed behind while also having a face that bore resemblance to human with two ruby eyes.

Rokurome's was created using valueble rare materials that were more expensive and harder than the normal materials that built the Guardian Knight.

It wasn't also built with the secondary arms, a crimson coat falling down its proud back instead.

(The Image Is Here. You Must Look For Better Immersion.)

The crimson coat was an experimental defensive equipment known as 'Metallic Fabric'. A very flexible and soft fabric that exhibits the hardness of steel. It was processed using a top-secret special method.

The crimson coat was covered with the Anti-Beam Coating that have a chance to reflect. There was even a camouflage option attached to it.

Rokurome also possessed two Fusion Reactors within its body because the various thrusters and energy projectiles were optimized to use more power output, which made the energy energy consumption reach a terrifying level.

The two Fusion Reactors didn't operate normally—the two reactors operating efficiently using a unique passive system.

The Particle Synchronization System.

An unique system that made the two reactors to perform particle generation in synch with each, making the particle generation reach greater thresholds than just operating separately. The resulting particle generation is not double of that a single reactor, but is instead squared of that a single reactor output.

This occurs because of the synchronization of the two reactors, allowing the system to achieve such a high particle generation rates.

In fact, the particle generation rates are so high that most of particles generated would probably compress within the converter's storage unit that was improved to store much more high-density particles in case of emergency.

However, Jason was more interested to try out the new melee-weapon known as 'Sword Cannon', and the new system interface program that Mr. Alien developed.

The sword cannon was a weapon made out of compressed alloys that was infused with Antinium.

It was a gigantic crimson greatsword that was very sharp, and can also shoot energy projectiles that can indefinitely increase in power output depending on the amount of particles poured into it.

The only way to supply the sword cannon with particles was by connecting its Silver Thread Tissue Connector into Rokurome's hand.

As for the system interface upgrade, Mr. Alien called the new added system as 'Tactical Precognition Information Gathering System'.

Or TPIG System for short.

An interface system designed to help both of the pilot and Guardian Knight to harness their full potential.

TPIG System instantly analyze the combat situation based on the massive amount of data collected by its various sensors, then transmitting massive amount of combat informations, possible responses, and results directly into the brain.

Using it, Jason didn't even need to observe and see anything, the combat data collected from the sensors would instantly transmit into his brain.

And in more simple words, the system helps the pilot to know the actions necessary in advance to achieve the most perfect and efficient combat state.

However, controlling the system required an extremely high willpower and a powerful brain to withstand such a vast amount of informations being transmitted into the brain every seconds.

Only Jason with his evolved superhuman brain and Thought Acceleration can handle and process the system. Still, even he would need to be careful about overloading his brain.

The TPIG System also included a device known as the 'Neuro Ring' in the cockpit seat, allowing it to scan the pilots brain activities and control the emmision of neurotransmitters, allowing the pilot to receive the data directly, and operate at a level beyond living organism limits.

The Neuro Ring would only deploy when the system activated, appearing over the pilots head from both sides.

All in all, the TPIG System was a double-edged sword that also consumed so much particles to activate.

Anyway, enough with all that overloading information!

It was time to sortie!

To be continued.


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