
Universal system online

.......In a world where secret unfolds one must be prepared for the changes it brings .. ....said drake as he took his staff preparing for the next battle.....

CrystalIvy · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

chapter 2

... After several days passed, finally it was the day of the CEE exams.

After eating his breakfast that morning

Drake's family helped in his preparations and he and his dad left for the school .

On arriving at the school, Drake saw a few of his classmates and also some unfamiliar faces with also lots of parents with their kids wishing them and preping them up.

"Good luck drake'', ..his dad wished him

"thanks dad''.. drake replied

" I'd be waiting for you in the car hurry up now and go''... said his dad as he waved to drake who was already leaving.

"Alright dad... drake replied as he went along to meet his friends.

Leo, one of drake's friends with average height and also average looking, with dark colored hair saw him from afar and called out to him.

"what's up drake how are u feeling about the exams", because I'm really nervous and I'm not really the smartest of the bunch"

said leo as he tugged his bag

"I'm actually nervous though" rubbing his neck sheepishly drake replied.

" what about the others have you seen them",..asked drake as he looked around.

"Yes,but they've moved to the front of the roll",...replied Leo

"Okay then let's catch up to them",... said drake as they moved forward to the front roll.

Then they saw the principal stepping out of the building with some of the teachers and he came to the front of the students and said..

"Good morning students,You are all to enter the hall with only your writing materials and nothing else ,if you are caught cheating you would not be allowed to write the exams until another seven years.

As the students heard these they began murmuring

"That is a very long time" whispered Leo to drake

"Yeah" drake whispered back

"The principal continued with his speech"the top scorer would get a scholarship to the best college so you all should try your best in your exams.

"Good luck to you all I wish you success.. said the principal as he ended his speech.

All the students including Drake and Leo clapped in applause and the gates were opened for the commencement of the exams and they all went in.

After the time was up and the exam was over all the students came out, some with happy faces,some with doubtful faces and some with sad faces.

Drake was quite happy since most of the questions was within his capabilities. As he came out of the hall,he saw his friends and Leo and left for their direction.

"Leo how was your exam" -he asked as he got closer to them

"I'm not sure but at least I did my best"- Leo said as he beats his chest

"Dramatic" drake chuckled and they all smiled

"Drake how was your exams" - asked Ella one of his friends,she has long black hair with a pretty face and good figure with fair skin she was a beauty and she has a crush on drake but was very good at hiding her feelings.

"It went well I'm sure I can ace the exams" said drake confidently.

"Alright guys should we have a celebratory party when the results are out"- Leo suggested

"Of course"- Adam a friend with a tall and slim build with handsome features replied."let's have a party at the new restaurant at the end of the street.

Okay then" -they all agreed

And they left for their various homes awaiting the results of the exams.

Drake left with his dad,on the way his dad asked about his exams and he replied with the same answer as with his friends.

When they got home his mom prepared his favorite meals and they ate dinner happily as they awaited the results which would be out the next weekend in anticipation.
