
Universal system online

.......In a world where secret unfolds one must be prepared for the changes it brings .. ....said drake as he took his staff preparing for the next battle.....

CrystalIvy · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

One week later

The family of four sat together in front of the laptop screen glued to it waiting expectantly for the results.

Drake imputed his exam details, after which loaded for a while before the page finally showed his results:

Total obtainable:500




general studies:77


Total obtained:402/500

Great! With these I should be able to get into foundation university;" drake thought".

You did well son, "his dad exclaimed


This calls for a celebratory dinner; "his mum said as she stood up, hugged her son and left for the kitchen."

Congrats bro,"his younger sister said to him smiling.

"Thanks sis"drake replied.

After which Drake left to his room,as he got there he had a call from Leo .

"Drake,have you checked your results",Leo asked him over the phone as soon as he picked.

"I have,and the results was quite good, have you also checked yours"he replied as he moved towards the bed.

" 'Of course',why do you think I called",Leo answered and said:

"I also did well, I think I should be able to get into the school I choose"

"So how about the get together party it's tomorrow noon,its compulsory you come ,it's gonna be fun".

"Okay then I'll be there";drake replied

"Right drake, did you see the news about universal system online(USO) launching soon are you gonna play" -."Leo asked expectantly.

"Not sure"-drake replied ;

"Are u playing?"-drake asked

"Of course I am,I've just even bought the game capsule,waiting for the launch.

"I have a feeling the game is special,u know I have good hunches."

"Yeah, yeah, alright I'm hanging up gotta leave for dinner"-drake smiled and said

"Okay, remember the party by tomorrow noon,"Leo reminded and hung up.

"I think that VR game is worldwide, I wonder what its all about"

"I should check more about it ,might be worth playing -drake thought.

Evening came and the family had a celebratory dinner for drake which went joyously.

Next day,drake was preparing for the party when Leo called to remind him of the party since drake never attended such gatherings

"I'll be there soon"-drake replied as he put on his shirt.

"Hurry up bro, we're already here, don't keep us waiting",- Leo said.

"Okay, I'll be right there,chill bro:-drake chuckled and hung up.

After he was done getting ready he went downstairs

"Mum, I'm leaving for the gathering now:-drake called out.

Okay son,have fun.-she responded

Drake called a taxi and they headed for the party.

One Million Club

As drake entered he caught sight of his friends and moved towards them and sat next to Leo :"Hey, I'm here now happy-drake asked jokingly.

Of course I'm glad:-leo whispered to him as he moved closer and put his hand around his neck .

"Move jerk,go toy with someone else,frowned drake as he moved Leo's hand.

"Ouch,you hurt my feelings aren't we buds"-leo whined

"Yeah,yeah whatever:-drake responded and the others chuckled.

Currently they were 9 who attended the gathering with some other classmates.

"You guys are u playing USO when it launches"- Adam asked.

"Of course. I've gotten the game capsule and I'm sure the VR game is going to be fun" Leo replied as he rubbed his palms.

"What about you drake"-adam asked

"He's a chicken he won't"-leo teased

"Smack"Ouch why would you hit me"-leo asked angrily as he rubbed his head

Ignoring him,drake replied -"I'm not sure yet"

"See he's a chicken" -Leo teased again.

"You guys and your antics"-Ella chuckled at their display.

"Of course that's how we are"-Leo answered proudly with his hands on drake shoulders again.

Drake just shook his head at Leo's antics.

The gathering went smoothly with them chatting, eating and drinking.

When it was dark they all bid themselves goodbye and left to their various homes.

Ella and drake we're going on the same route home so she decided to confess her feelings to him on the way.

"Drake",-Ella called out .

Mmm,what's up"-he asked

"Umm I've wanted to tell you that I've had feelings for you a since a long time ago and i still do"-seeing his shocked expression she continued,"I know it's sudden but please think about it before you reply"-she said and left hurriedly.

"Ufff,what's gotten into me"- thought Ella to herself as she blushed ,she hurriedly got in a taxi and left.

Standing there and still shocked drake watched as she left, breathing in some air he continued his journey home.

"Who would have thought the class beauty had feelings for me"- drake thought.

As he was lost in thought thunder struck and he came back to his senses.-"Looks like it's about to rain"-he thought outloud as he increased his pace home.

Soon the rain started-

Fuck,why do you have to start now,I haven't gotten home yet,"-drake complained

After walking for some time,he saw a dilapidated building,

"Well, I'll just stay here for the time being"-he thought as he entered the building.

The building looked quite old for some reason-"how come I haven't comp this here before" he thought as he looked around the place.
