
Universal system online

.......In a world where secret unfolds one must be prepared for the changes it brings .. ....said drake as he took his staff preparing for the next battle.....

CrystalIvy · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

...In a average looking building consisting of a living room which was furnished quite acceptably a young man was leaning on the couch after watching the latest news of a new VR game, having heard of numerous kinds of such news and watching ads like these it wasn't that intriguing but this one was surprisingly quite hyped for weeks now,

slumping on the couch he decided on what was next as he would be having his College entrance examination(CEE) in the next few weeks .

Being quite brilliant he still needed to put in some efforts for the CEE Exams. And being the only son Drake had being saddled with expectations from his family even though it was not so obvious.

He had a younger sister with the name Eva, she was quite pretty at her young age of 14 having blonde hair like her mother's and almond eyes like her father's,she sure was going to be a beauty after growing up.

But battling with an unknown kind of illness and after trying different hospitals and all other medical and worship centres showed no signs of improvement .Her skin was quite pale because of these and she also has difficulty breathing problems, so she was given a lot of attention by the other three family members which she was quite thankful for.

While her brother was 17 years of age with dark brown hair like his father's and crystal blue eyes like his mother's he was also a handsome looking guy. The family of family of four was quite harmonious and peaceful . While thinking about what to do after his college exams he got interrupted in his train of thoughts.

...Drake... his mother called out for him,

she was a woman In her mid 40's, she has blonde hair and crystal blue eyes making her look extremely pleasing to the eyes ,her name was Anna and the only daughter of the walker family.

... Mum,

Drake answered looking in the direction of his mom quite pleased for the thousandth time that he got good genes from his parents.

..your dad is back.

she answered from the kitchen as she continued making dinner.

..... Okay mum

I said.

Dad is a business man, working in a production company in the next town from ours. Though not earning a lot it was still enough to live comfortably.He was quite a tall man with dark brown hair and almond eyes also with good looks.

On getting to the door, we welcomed him back home and we all sat at the table to enjoy dinner.


his father started,

Which university are you considering to select as your choice.

drake answered :

....Dad, I'll be choosing the foundation university as my choice, this was among the best schools in london .

...Okay son,

his father replied quite pleased with his choice

Anna then said;

...,drake,just focus on your studies and I hope you ace the exams,I hope you are studying well.

...,Yes mom,drake replied.

....brother, you can do it.

Eva said and they all chuckled as they tried encouraging drake.He was quite thankful to his family for the encouragements and they ate and laughed as they continued with their dinner which after they left to their respective rooms.