
Twilight: A Transmigration Story

Alan Moore was just a typical university student going about his day when a flash of lightning struck him out of nowhere; killing him on the spot. Alas, it turns out that it was a mistake. Apparently, the ROB that killed him was aiming for the guy standing next to Alan. "Are you kidding me?!" Alan roared. As compensation for his mistake, ROB sends him to another world with a unique ability that would allow him to survive. And it wasn't just any ordinary world. **** Love Interest: Alice Cullen (Cliché) Disclaimer: Twilight does not belong to me. The cover picture does not belong to me. Credits for both belong to their rightful owners.

honeyseeto_03 · Filme
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23 Chs

First Friend?

(General POV)

In the backyard of the residence, the two boys, Jacob Black and Alan (Moore), stood at two opposite ends of the grass.

Each had a glove on their left hand and they passed the ball with their right.

No words had been spoken between the two yet as both did not know how to start a conversation. Alan felt a little ashamed though. Considering he was the older of the two, both mentally and physically, he figured he should be the one to say something.

Throwing the ball to the other, Alan coughed and asked, "So...Jacob right? How long have you and your family lived here?"

Jacob's eyes widened for half a second before he replied, "Um...my tri- ahem - my family settled came here in 1855."

Alan barely caught the younger boy's slip-up. He noticed it but pretended not to. Instead, he said in surprise, "1855? Wow. That's over a century ago."

"Yeah. I guess it is pretty long, heh," Jacob grinned. "What about you? I heard a bit from my dad about how you're in foster care with the Chief. Where are you really from though?"

"Uhh..." Alan paused and thought about how to answer before saying, "I don't know. You've already heard I was found on the side of the road just a few meters outside the city's entrance. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything before that."

Catching the ball, Jacob's mouth opened slightly. A guilty look overtook his features, "Oh. Sorry, I think that was rude of me."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I don't really mind you asking," Alan honestly said. "It's not a secret anyway."

Jacob nodded appreciatively.

After the ice was cracked, the conversation was able to carry on smoothly as the two found other topics to talk about. Jacob seemed happy to make a new friend while Alan was happy to have A friend.

It wasn't until Billy and Charlie arrived did the two finally cease their game and bid each other farewell.

Seeing the pleased look on Billy's face, Alan knew he was in the clear.

For now at least...

Either way, Alan was glad the first meeting he had with the second male lead went well. Overall, he wanted a peaceful relationship with the main cast. He wasn't the type to start unnecessary conflicts.

As for the conflicts already in existence with the Cullens and the Quileute Tribe...well...

That's not really his problem.



(First Person POV)

So Jacob and I gradually became friends.

I mean, we hit it off pretty well and he was a fun kid to be around. Although he was a little shy at first, he quickly came out of his shell once we started talking.

His personality is pretty similar to Jacob in the original series but since he was still a child, he was a little more playful and carefree.

After that day he came to visit with his father, the two of us hung out pretty often.

Charlie was fine with him coming over every so often but I think he was more grateful that I was able to make a friend - and it was the son of one of his best buds.

Jacob and I usually played catch in the backyard when he'd come over. If we were bored of that or if it was raining, then we'd watch a bit of tv or play some card games.

Video games weren't really a thing here in Forks. Sure, there were families that had them but most families here were used to interacting offline rather than online.

I wasn't a big gamer in my former world. I liked reading fanfictions, web novels, manga, and all those sorts of stuff, but games? Couldn't be bothered to learn.

"Alan? Hello~ Earth to Alan!"

"What? Huh?"

Jacob raised an eyebrow at me, "Dude, you've been like staring into space for a whole two minutes. What are you thinking about?"

If you're wondering, Jacob and I were currently putting together a jigsaw puzzle in the living room table. He came over again today and we wanted to play a bit of catch but it suddenly began pouring with rain. Heavy rain.

Although Jacob would probably be fine considering his high body temperature, I would not. So the next best option was to stay inside and find something to do.

Luckily, one of Charlie's old Jigsaws was lying on the book case.

"It's nothing important. Just thinking about life, love, friendship..."

Jacob gave me a confused look before saying, "You're such a weirdo sometimes."

"Why thank you."

"It's not a compliment."

"I know, but I'm taking it as one."

Jacob rolled his eyes and snorted. I punched his shoulder jokingly and he shoved me back, hard.

If it were not for my training and excellent balance, I would've been knocked to the floor. Even if this guy hadn't shifted into his wolf yet, he was still pretty strong for an 11-year-old kid.

"Jeez Jacob. You could've killed me with that shove," I joked.

"Yeah right! I'm pretty sure you're as tough as me," he retorted.

I just smiled and laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Jacob and I glanced at each other in unison before turning to look at the door in confusion.

Leaning over to me, he whispered, "Uh, did you invite someone else over today?"

"No," I replied. Maybe Charlie did? But he didn't say anything about having guests over. The knock sounded again and this time, I walked over to the window and peered out. Behind me, Jacob followed and copied my actions.

He glanced out the window and his eyes widened before contracting.

"It's my tri- uh family member, Dan," Jacob pathetically lied.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and walked over to open the door.

I met the tall, tan, intimidating stature of a man. Dan, was it? Well, this guy certainly has a problem with me. Why's he staring at me like that?

Ignoring his gaze, I said, "Jacob's here."

"I'm aware. I've come to collect him," said the other. Turning to look at my friend, Dan said, "It's time to go Jacob. Your father wants you home."

After which, he gave Jacob a certain look prompting the latter to nod. Jacob glanced at me apologetically.

"Looks like we'll have to cut today short. I'll see you next Friday, yeah?"

I nodded, "Sure. Just make sure you bring some snacks or something."

The response I got was a brief chuckle.



A/N: Just thought I'd let you know, the MC still wishes to somewhat remain an ignorant bystander as he'd previously said (Chapter 1). However, that doesn't mean he is averse to befriending the main characters. At present, he is just not interested in getting involved with the plot. This may change in the future though as the plot unravels.


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