
True God Usopp

With a tragic past a once cowardly child swore to brave whatever dangers he encountered in the future. This is his revenge story and it starts with him meeting a happy-go-lucky boy with a straw hat. (I do not own One piece, nor do I own the cover photo.)

S1r1usG0ld · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

The Great Captain Usopp

In the calm East Blue, a young boy could be seen running through Syrup Village.



The young boy yelled running through the village. His face showed much more panic then usual, but this didn't catch the villagers eyes.

"Shut up Usopp!"

"It too early for this.."

"Go lie somewhere else!"

The villagers berate young Usopp as he ran through the village. He shouted and ran all the way until he reached a cliff overlooking the sea. His face turned white as he looked at the incoming ships. 50 ships where moving quickly through the water as he set up his show. Usopp had just turned 8 a week ago, and he was scared as any child would be facing pirates for the first time.

While the ships docked, a tall man stepped off the biggest ship. He was dressed in golden armor and looked ferocious as he yelled at his men, "Hurry up and get off the ships! I want everyone to search this entire island for men to join the honorable Kreig Pirates!"

When Usopp heard the mans plan he knew it was time to act. So while his legs were shaking barely holding him up, he yelled at the pirates.




All the pirates looked at the man that dared challenge their captain and laughed. The boy couldn't have been more than 10 and was shaking in his boots.

"Why don't you go home to your mother brat!"

"Why don't you show us these 80 million pirates!"

"Do you even know who we are little bastard!"

The pirates laughed and jeered at the young boy and watched as he took a step back back.


One word. That's all it took for thousands of pirates to become as quiet as a church. They all looked at their captain awaiting what he would do.

"Yes Captain Kreig."

"Kill the brat and let's start ransacking this town."

"Of course Captain."

Usopp had heard enough and ran back to the village. Back to where he though he was safe. He made it to the town and realized how few people their where compared to the pirates.

He was having an internal dilemma. Does he abandon his childhood home and survive, or does he run and hopefully keep his life.

While his thought ran rampant, behind him screams of terror filled his ears. With a heavy heart, he made the worst decision of his life.

He took of towards the forest yelling along the way, "PIRATES ARE HERE, RUN FOR YOU LIVES!"

With tears streaming down his face he made it to the edge of the forest. Ignoring the pleas for help that rang in the background.


He stumbled. His arm grew numb. He looked behind him and one of the pirate was holding a smoking gun aimed at him. He tried as he might to put his hands up and stay still but the blood loss and pain from his shoulder made him unable to keep his balance and he slipped down a cliff falling to his death. As he was falling a million thoughts ran through his head. How cowardly he was. How he didn't even have the dignity to die in the town. How his mother and father would be ashamed.

He kept falling for what seemed like eternity until he hit the ground and rolled in a cave down at the bottom of the cliff.

The pirate scoffed at the kid and came back to the village to continue his fun. He had no way of knowing that this mistake made a monster of unknown proportions appear out of the seemingly weak east blue.

Days passes and finally Usopp awoke and immediately grit his teeth at the immense pain. He was confused at first of where he was but when he thought back his face grew pale and he started crying.

After an hour of crying he made his way back to the village slowly. When he got back to the edge of the forest, he almost started crying again, 'No Usopp, don't cry! You don't deserve to after what happened.'

He watched and waited until he was sure no one was there and walked to the nearest house to hide behind. He peered around the corner and threw up from gruesome sight in front of him. Bodies littered the scorched ground, women and children made up the majority. He saw people he would meet with everyday and would give him food even when he would lie to them in the mornings.

He tried to stop the tears from falling but to no avail. He was only eight and this sight would frighten any child. He looked around some more and saw a man with an axe for a hand standing in the distance with a couple of other similarly dressed men. He approached cautiously to check out the situation.

"Captain Morgan we've confirmed only 3 injured women and 4 children remain. If they don't receive medical attention they will die in a day or two."

The man with the ace-hand turned and started back to his ship. "Leave them, they'll only be burdens and cost us money to relocate and treat. It's better that no one survived this attack."

Usopp couldn't believe what he heard. Weren't these marines. It certainly said so on their uniforms, how could they just leave them and not help.

"Just put them out of their misery before you head back to the ships, they should be honored to serve some justice before their ends." Captain Morgan added before leaving out of earshot. The marines complied and left to do their task.

Usopp for the first time in his life felt a new emotion, something that came from his soul. Pure unadulterated anger. 'How dare they talk of justice and commit such atrocities.' He couldn't understand why this was happening to him and the village. Did they do something to anger someone. Why couldn't their peaceful village live while these monsters keep their lives.

While he was thinking of this, 7 gunshots rang out in the sky and Usopp's mind snapped.

'Why! Why!! Why!!!'

He begged for an answer as a wave of power radiated out of him and he passed out in the house he was peeking out of. Unbeknownst to him, a dozen marines passed out from the wave of unknown power. The other marines came back to the village after a while and found them just waking up and asked what happened and no one knew the answer.

A couple of days later Usopp woke up again only this time he didn't have any expression on his face. He got his bearings and looked for a boat to leave this hell of haunted memories. He found a small boat that was just big enough to let him leave the island and set sail.

Days passed, and soon a week came and a marine ship with a dog face as its figurehead. An old man looked over the seas and saw a boat floating across with a small child passed out inside.


Usopp was barely conscious but could hear voices occasionally. They sounded like they were trying to help him so he relaxed and fell asleep.

When he woke up the first thing he noticed was how thirsty he was. He grabbed the glass of water already prepared for him and drank it all, completely oblivious to the other presence in the room.

Once he satisfied his thirst he began looking around and saw a man with a marine coat sitting across from him. He immediately jumped up to punch him and run, but before he could get too close a fist knocked him in his head.

"Kid, you're a hundred years to early to get passed my fist of love." Said the man while grinning.

"Shut up marine, are you gonna finish me off like the rest of my village." Usopp yelled defiantly.

The old man visibly shook as he looked at the young boy. He couldn't sense any lies in his eyes and could tell something had happened. He thought for a second and could only think of a small village in the Gecko Islands that was raided by that small pirate Don Kreig.

"What are you talking about kid the only village that's been raided near here is Syrup Village, and they were all killed before any marines got there.

Usopp grit his teeth and yelled out in blind anger, "How dare you say that! There were 7 people still alive until one you told the other marines to kill them."

The old man's face darkened and said in a low tone, "Boy, I need you to tell me everything that happened at your village."

Usopp could tell that the man was angry and thought how foolish he was to make him mad and ran as fast as he could for the door.

Right when he was about to open it he was grabbed by his collar. He struggled with all his might until the old man brought him into a hug and whispered, "It's ok now you don't have to be scared anymore."

Usopp froze and couldn't think anymore. On one hand the marines killed the rest of his village, on the other this man seemed genuinely concerned about him and he couldn't stop his tears from falling down his cheeks.

He cried for the first time in a week. The old man held him until he calmed down. After Usopp was calm, the old man sat him back down on the bed and said, "Listen kid, my name is Vice-Admiral Garp. I'm a Marine from the Grand Line and I just arrived in the East Blue yesterday. I know you've been through a lot but I need to know what had happened so I can bring the men who did this to justice. So if you can talk about it I need to know."

Usopp looked at the man who radiated good intentions and started from the beginning as he continued Garps face just got darker and darker. Finally when he told him what the marines did Garp was seething. He immediately pulled out his Den-Den-Mushi and made a call.




"What do you want now Garp, I already gave you 2 weeks vacation to see your grandchild." A voice with an Afro appearing on the snail said.

"Not now Sengoku, I'm serious." Garp said in a low voice.

Sengoku realizing that somethings wrong immediately became serious and asked, "What happened?"

"Do you know of a guy named Morgan who's a captain in East Blue?" Garp asked.

"Hold up, I'll check." Sengoku said. A few moments of silence later and he continued, "Yea, says hear he works out of the 153rd base, what about him."

"Apparently he decided that civilians in need of medical attention didn't deserve it and as he said 'put them out of their misery for justice'." Garp said as his anger seeped through the call.

"HE WHAT!" Sengoku yelled. He couldn't believe a captain would do something like this. He knew that corruption was running rampant in the marines but he didn't think it ran to outside the grandline. "Tell me everything."

And so Garp did, and by the end Sengoku was just as mad. "Garp is the kid with you now?"

"Yea, he's been here the whole time."

"Put him on"

Usopp walked over and grabbed the speaker. "H-Hello."

"Hello young boy I'm sorry for what you have gone through and would like to apologize for the behavior of the marines. Do you know who I am?" Sengoku asked.

"Old man Garp called you Sengoku is that it." Usopp asked unknowingly.

"Yes, I am Sengoku but I'm also the Fleet Admiral of the marines and I want you to know that these marines will be caught and imprisoned for their crimes."

Usopp was unable to think. This Afro haired man was the leader of the marines and was talking to him if anyone could do anything about this it was him.

"Thank you Fleet Admiral."

"No problem kid, now hand the phone to Vice Admiral Garp." Sengoku said.

Usopp does this and Garp walks out of the room to finalize the details. After everything was said and done Sengoku asked, "Before I go what will you do with the kid."

Garp thought for a second and decided, "I'm going to take to my grandson and let him stay with them he's to young to start as a marine and he's too broken," garp said with a sigh, "Maybe Luffy can fix him and give him a normal childhood."

"Sounds good, let me know when you re-enter the Grand Line." Sengoku said before he hung up.

Garp satred out to the sea and sighed, "Well, maybe Luffy will get another friend."

A/N: Hello everyone, Author here and just wanted to let you know that I'll be starting this story from now on and I'll be stockpiling chapters until I can release them continuously without worry. So be expecting this story to only start a schedule in a bout a month this is just a teaser to let you guys tell me what you think leave some comments and tell me how you like it. Until then Bye~Bye :)