
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasie
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27 Chs


After a while when Lily and Alice finished watering the plants and their chitchat, both headed inside to see John and Lizzie coming down the stairs.

"How are your studies going on?" Alice asked as she and Lily seated on the sofa.

"Good mom."

"Good aunty. Lizzie is helping me a lot." John said making Alice smile and nod her head.

"It is not like you can't do it, it is just that you won't do it. I am just pushing you." Lizzie said she sat beside her mother.

"Right. We all know your talent John." Alice stated.

"Thanks aunty." John said scratching his neck.

"Where are dad and uncle?" Lizzie asked.

"They are in the study room. John, can you please go and ask them to come down?" Lily said.

John nodded his head and went upstairs to call them. After a few minutes, the three men came down to see drinks and snacks being served on the table. The two families had their snacks with drinks and had a good family time together.

After a few hours they had their dinner. The dinner was not only filled with delicious dishes, but also with sweet laughs and smiles as the elder couples remembered their old days. The teens could only laugh at their parents hearing their childhood stories.

As all finished their dinner, the Coopers left for their home. Everyone was so tired that they got to bed early.

The next day was like any other for everyone. Lizzie helped her mom in cooking, studied for sometime, binged a few movies.

It was the same for John. He went to gym, played his favorite video games, and studied for a few hours.

The combined studies of John and Lizzie went as usual, with awkward silence. The two were still in the state of confusion, trying to realize what they actually want and feel about each other.

While these two were in their darkest phases, Lucas was on cloud nine. Since Lizzie accepted to be his date day before yesterday, he was beaming with happiness. He was practicing his lines to say to her on the prom night. He rehearsed for god knows how many times in front of the mirror. He never felt this excited and nervous at the same time before. He chose his outfit to be the best of all. He wanted to look the best among all, well at least in her view. He was getting impatient as time passed on and couldn't wait to meet her already. Each day felt like a year for him.

"Why is my boy so happy since yesterday?" Cassie asked as she saw her son giggling at himself.

Startled by his mother's presence all of a sudden, Lucas cleared his throat before saying "I am normal mom."

"Who are you lying to, Lucas. I am your mom and I can know everything about you. Your face tells me that you are very excited about something."

"Mom that is- it is because I...I" Lucas stammered scratching his neck shyly.

"It's okay Lucas. You can tell your mom everything." Cassie said seeing him struggling with words.

"Mom, I like a girl in school and I am going to confess to her on prom night." Lucas said taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

"What! Come again Lucas." Cassie spoke as she couldn't believe her ears.

"You heard me right mom. I like a girl." Lucas told a little more confidently than before.

"Oh my god Lucas. I can't believe it. Who is that girl? What's her name? Does she like you too?" Cassie asked like she was running out of time.

"Woah-woah mom, slow down. Firstly, her name is Lizzie Cooper. Secondly I don't know yet if she likes me. I am confessing to her on prom." Lucas told. His expressions changed to worry as soon as he said that he didn't know how she feels yet.

Noticing her son's upset face, Cassie spoke "You are a good boy, Lucas. There is no reason for rejecting you. But it necessarily does not mean that the girl you love has to love you back. You need to be ready to face any outcome."

"But mom, I really like her so much. What if she rejects me?"

"I know Lucas and I can see it in your eyes. But it may be possible that she doesn't have the same feelings for you." Cassie tried to explain. She did not want to discourage her child but she wanted him to face any outcome bravely.

Lucas nodded his head and went to his room making Cassie sigh.

Unknown about all this, there was a girl humming her favorite song, twirling and swaying her dress to check herself for the 99th time if she can finalize the dress.

Though Bella was extremely shy with people around, she was more expressive to herself when alone.

She lied down on the bed and started remembering her times with the boy she loved. Whenever anyone made fun of her, Lucas was there to her rescue. She remembered how he always took stand for her and protected her. He was always nice to her and motivated her which is why she thought that the girl who he liked was herself.

She decided to tell him that whatever she told him the other day in the mess hall was not just a game but true to her feelings and that's how she felt about him.

Her face flushed red thinking about him and buried her face in the pillows.

At first, she was disappointed when Lizzie told her that he asked her to be his date. But when Lizzie also told her the reason that he still wanted some time to confess to the girl, she cheered up.

'I will tell him first about it and he will be shocked to hear.' she thought and giggled to herself. She spent the complete day thinking and dreaming about him.

But what she did not know was how her dreams were going to be shattered, how she would be devastated to know that the first love of her life actually likes her bestfriend.

Finally the day passed leaving tints of happiness, love, excitement, confusion, fear in the people's lives.

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