
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Just remember it

Taylor mansion...

The Coopers and Taylors exchanged greetings as the former entered the mansion.

"How was your trip Michael?" David asked they all took their seats.

"It was beneficent and the deal was made." Michael replied.

"That sounds good." David said making Michael nod his head.

"How is your business lately?" Michael enquired.

"It is as usual, good." David answered.

"Enough of your business talks. If you want to talk about work you can meet later. This is family meet." Lily stated making David roll his eyes and everyone else chuckle.

"Lily is right. No more work related topics." Alice seconded her.

"Fine fine." replied Michael rolling his eyes.

"Kids, you can go to your room to study." Lily said. "Okay mom." John said and both of them went upstairs to John's room. An awkward silence took place between them. They sat at the study table.

Lizzie broke the silence asking "Which subject are you going to read today?"

"Social studies" John kept his answer short.

"Then you can go through the notes I have prepared for you. Here it is." she handed him the book.

"Thanks" was all he said.

They started studying and each of them was absorbed by their respective books.

Meanwhile in the living room...

The four people laughed as they were speaking. "So did John tell you about their prom this weekend?" Michael asked becoming serious.

"Yes. He also told us about his date." Lily replied looking at him.

"So, what do you think?" David said.

"We also don't know what is happening between them. But John surely is acting weird. He is not being himself lately." Lily said making everyone frown.

"Lizzie is no different. She is also being upset these days. I wonder what's wrong with these kids." Alice said before sighing.

"I am thinking about the same. Should we talk to them?" Lily expressed her concern.

"I tried talking to her but she won't tell anything."

"I will try talking to John later. May be he will share something." Lily said making everyone nod their heads.

Just then David started coughing vigorously. As Lily tried to give him water, he refused and excused himself to go to his room.

"I am seriously concerned about his health. He had been coughing more lately. His health worsened." Lily said.

"Why don't you go to the hospital?" David asked as he also noticed it whenever they met.

"I tried talking to him but he refuses everytime saying it's just a normal cough. But he became very weak these days. He gets tired easily." Lily answered making Michael frown.

"He shouldn't neglect his health like that." Alice sighed.

"Right. I will try talking to him." Michael seconded her.

After almost ten minutes, David came back from his room.

"Are you okay now?" Lily asked with worry in her tone.

"Yeah I am absolutely fine. Let's not talk about it now." David said making everyone sigh.

The two ladies went to the lawn and the men to the study room.

In John's room....

Both had not spoken a word except for their doubts in the studies.

"So, do you really want to go to prom with Lucas?" John asked as he couldn't stop himself anymore.

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know if you really want to go with him."

"It's not like I thought about going with him. But I have no one else to go with." Lizzie replied making him frown.

"You had me." John said making Lizzie look at him.

"But Violet already asked you by then. How could I think about you?"

"You are right. She asked me but I didn't accept her. You should've waited for my answer." John said making Lizzie bite her lips.

"Let by gones be by gones. I don't want to talk about it anymore." Lizzie said lowering her head.

John felt very hurt as she didn't think about him and when he tried to talk about it, she told she didn't want to talk about it anymore. He felt his eyes becoming wet and before she noticed them, he wiped them off and looked away.

Both of them went back to studies.

In study room

"David, you are ignoring your health. And we don't want you to do that. Let's make an appointment with doctor tomorrow." Michael said sitting on the sofa.

"I already told you that it is just a normal cough and I am absolutely healthy. It is not necessary to go to the doctor." David said sternly.

"You know that you can tell me anything, right? I promise it will stay between us."

"I know Michael and that is why you are more than a brother to me. I trust you with my life. There is nothing to hide really. I am alright." He gave him an assuring smile.

"I am always here to listen. Just remember it." Michael sighed and said making David nod his head.

'It is not because I don't want to tell you Michael, it is because I don't want you to suffer with me.' David thought to himself. And they continued talking about business life.

In the lawn

It is already evening and Lily was watering the plants and Alice was helping her.

"I always thought that John and Lizzie would eventually like each other and fall in love." Alice said.

"Yeah, I thought the same. I always liked seeing them together." Lily said as she nodded her head.

"But the situation seems otherwise." Alice said to her disappointment.

"Yes, and I just hope whatever decisions they make, they think and make so that they won't suffer later." Lily said making Alice nod her head.

"I don't know what awaits for them." Alice sighed.

"Let's hope for their best and happiness."Lily stated and continued to water the plants.

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