
Titanfall in Marvel

A soldier who died in war was reincarnated in the Marvel universe with a titanfall system after his "training". This isn't your avarage pushover. The mc will do whatever it needs to be done to achive his goals. While trying not to be edgy or cringe. Warning: Gore and heavy language

The_Puffer · Filme
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25 Chs

Jerry from the cafeteria

Guys I just discovered that The titanfall Servers are back online! I am going to redownload the game!

Anyways have fun reading it <3

/Neith Pov/

I am in charge of the base raids. Most of them are already captured by americans but they are going to do something stupid as the 'Paper clip project' so I needed to kill every one of them while they are weak and burn their bodies because it turns out a creatures named hive can take over them.

Acording to the files, those guys are like cockroaches. We could've use them to weaken the enemies strength but We cannot affort to be infected by them even if its possibility is low.

I send 70 man to track down the documents. They are going to scan it and then destroy it. Captain Also wanted me to get a man named Bucky Barnes. Hmm he is quite good looking. But captain is more handsome. Wait! What am I thinking?! Focus on the mission Neith!

Captain said he is brainwashed so we might need to take extreme mesures. Sleeping gas, sonic bombs or even a titan. We can kill him easily but capturing will be more difficult.

/Jerry Pov/

Hello. My name is Jerry. I have been reborn in an unknown universe. I always liked to read online mangas and such. I was not a good hacker but was good enough to find some ancient mangas such as konosuba, Jojo, Bleach, jujutsu kaisen and many more. Altough most of them were corrupted, I managed to recover most of them. My speciality is document recovery after all.

After reading so many isekai mangas, You may ask what was my cheat? Well, I haven't meet any kind of ROB so I dont know. But It looks like one of my powers is immortality. Cool right? I am going to use it to raise at the top of the world! Though, beating Captain might be difficult. He is simply a monster.

After 5 years, I am finally deployed in a mission which I am exited for it! We are going to show those stone age monkeys the difference between heaven and earth!

"Are you nervous Jerry?" asked my besto friendo Mark. Mark wore glasses and always kept a cool head in every situation. Sometimes he would make the signature move of every character with glasses did.

"Yea. A little bit." I answered honestly. I was in an unknown universe, againts an enemy with unknown weapons. Of course I would be nervous.

"By the way, why are they calling you Jerry from the caffeteria?" asked a pilot.

"You dont know? One Day he was at the cooking duty and..." before the pilot could continue, the pilots that were flying the pelican said that we were approaching the drop zone. Everyone put on their helmets and waited for me.

I got up from my seat. And aproached the ramp that was still closed. My job was to ensure that nobody got left behind so I was the one to open the ramps and jump last. I stood tall and turned back to face my comrades. And did what every rational person would do.

"Alright, Kids. You ready for thrills, chills, and kills?" I said as I rubbed my hands together.

"Must you say that everytime?" Mark asked with a broed tone.

"Yes. Yes I must. Lets go team!" I said as I opened the ramp with the button.

Everyone started running and jumping from the ramp then I jumped behind them as Well. We were free falling without any parashutes.

"By the way guys. Have you ever Wondered why Lady death sent us to a normal soldier work?"

"Dont let her hear that you called her lady death. Your head would be in the mac guns even though that name surprisingly both fits her and is short version of her nickname." said a pilot.

"This was the most heavily guarded hydra base so they must be hiding something big." answered Mark.

We activated our jump kit and landed smoothly.

"So are we gonna go stealthy or guns blazing?" a pilot asked.

Everybody in the team including me looked at him like he was stupid.

"Bro. Even the jerry from cafeteria doesnt asks this question." a pilot said.

"Heh of corse its stealthlyy... " everyone looked at me like I was a dumb person. "To their deaths! Yes we are going to hit them so hard that they wont realise what hit them!" yea. I totally wanted to say that.


"""""YEA!"""" everyone shouted at the same time. Which alerted the guards. But it was too late because they were already dead.

-5 minutes later-

*boom*x3 I nocked on the door 3 times out of courtesy.

"Open the door before we use force!" I tried to reason with them. Give them a chance to redeem themselfs.

*thub* *beep* my buddies placed the square playdough on the door.

*BOOM* confeties!

"Haha just joking. We are going to use force either way." I invite myself inside since they are not able to open the door for me.

"Damn jerry. You really are a different person when fighting." One of my comrades commented.

"I love fighting! Especially the killing part." I casually let him know my hobbies and what I like about it.

"Swimming inside the enemies blood is a good way to start the day." I liked swimming. Especially in the mornings. I got a very lean body Thanks to it while my height grew. The water I use may be a little thick so it makes swimming harder, but thats better because I like it that way.

I spotted 4 men 2 woman in the corner snugling with eachother to keep theirselfs warm in this cold weather.

"What do you keep here?" I asked nicely to one of them with a sweet smile that could MELT hearts.

"I- I dont know! Th- they just keep me here and do research about worm holes! I- I swear!" Poor man seems little scared by my gun's barrel but I think thats normal. These things are very loud and be very dangerous if you use too near to an ear.

I scanned every document inside and it seems that they are telling the truth. So lets ask them to open the giant Steel door for us. "Open the door or you die." I am such a great person that I even let him know that He could meet the god if he fails to open the door. At least the god will treat him better than these monster who kept them there.

"Y- Yes!" He quickly rıshed to a console to open the door for us. What a great person. He doesnt needs to do it but still rushes to our help.

The giant door opens and we look inside. There, we saw a blue portal thingy just casually open in the middle of the room.

"What are we going to do with it?" asked one of my Friends.

"Destroy it of course!" I told him happily and pressed a button on my Arm Ipad. Suddenly the pelican Appeared on top of the facility and dropped us a gift like santa! The gift destroyed the roof and landed infront of us.

We opened it and there we saw 50 high explosive bombs! One of these babies can level a building. So we took 5 each and pressed the button again to send it back. The pelican dropped us a rope so that we could attach ourselfs when we place the bombs.

Everybody placed their bombs and attached to the rope so I set the bombs I had on timers and throw 4 of them inside the portal while I leaved other one inside to cause a chain reaction.

The People inside were soo happy that they kept hugging me and I couldn't attach myself to the rope. So I had to send them to a better place where they can hug eachother as much as they want! I attached myself and we lifted off. The hydra base we left was now a loaded fire work!


*BOOOM* Ah what a beautifull sight. I wish Captain could see this too.