
Titanfall in Marvel

A soldier who died in war was reincarnated in the Marvel universe with a titanfall system after his "training". This isn't your avarage pushover. The mc will do whatever it needs to be done to achive his goals. While trying not to be edgy or cringe. Warning: Gore and heavy language

The_Puffer · Movies
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25 Chs


Some of you wanted to have pictures of the characters. So I am going to try to find a referance pictures of them. For now here is Neith's.

/Neith Pov/

"Ma'am, we got a message that the ground forces are not enough to capture him alive."

"As expected. Ready the pelican. I am going in."

"Yes ma'am."

I get in the pelican and signal the pilots to take off. I need to catch this guy or captain will be dissapointed in me. And if some punk with a metal arm causes captain to be dissapointed, then he better off dead.

"Ma'am, you are angry again."

Huh? Oh! I accedentally crushed something again. Oh well, I am sure they Will fix it.

After couple minutes the pelican finally lands and it's ramp opens. What greets me a angry lookin guy with a lot of nazi issiues.

I look around and see that everybody is still alive? What? Isnt he spose to be brainwashed beyond reason? Or he is not strong as we thought. Hmm Now that I look at it, he doesnt have any guns. He is probably out of ammo. Thats why he didnt lose any time killing and just neutralized them.

He ran towards me with a great speed. For normal people that is. Right when he got in my range, I kicked him square in the chest. He couldn't even react and flew 15 meters back.

I walk towards him slowly. He gets up and raises his hands like a boxer. I look him in the eye. Yep, he is not in his right mind. He throws a right jab at me which I just casually lean slightly to the right to dodge it. He attacks while I dodge. He is not getting tired. Probably because of that serum. He he when we get him, we can get enough samples to make it ourselves!

"Be Glad that you can serve a greater purpose!" I shout at him. He throws another punch with his metal arm but I catch it. He tries to free himself but no avail because my fist is already at his face. That should've put him to sleep. But no, he punches me on my face. I dont even feel his punch. He is so weak.

"Is that all?" I raise my fist to punch him again. He doesnt looks phased so, I just punch him many times untill he goes to sleep. The captain wanted him alive but didnt say anything about having a complete face.

After 4 punches he loses consciousness. Not bad. For a weak guy, he is quite durable. No one in our group passed 6 punches. And considering a normal person goes down in 1, I think that serum is quite strong.

"GET UP YOU TWERBS! WE ARE LEAVING BEFORE GOVERMENT DOGS ARRIVE!" I cuff bucky with the special hadcuffs that they used on the captain in the simulation.

I get in the pelican and throw bucky on the floor. After couple 8 minutes we reach the frigate.

"I cant believe our forces failed to capture one weak guy. The training will be tripled" I say as I dragg the unconscious guy on the floor.

"Hey Doctor! Take this man and undo his brainwashing!" I throw the guy near him.

"Ma'am that is not that eas-"

"Hell if I care! Today I learned outir forces cant even upperhand a guy with steroids! I dont care what you do but I want him sane when I get back."

"Y-yes ma'am."

-1 week later-

/Jerry from the cafeteria/

"So you kinda something like a nerfed Jack hanma?" I asked the steroid guy as the lady death likes to call him.

"Dont mind him please. He is an odd Ball even among us. He was just referring to you being stronger by using a serum." My brotha commented.

"Nice arm you got there. Must've been expensive." I would've kill him if captain didn't needed him. Honestly, the only one in here I dont want to anger is the Captain. I feel like if I comment something bad about him, an arm will Come out of the wall and drag me into the darkness.

The steroid bag didnt talk all the way so it was kinda boring. We FINALLY reached the room we were spose to bring him. Steroid bag got in while me and mark stayed at the door to guard if he decides to 'ressist arrest' if you get what I mean.

/Captain Pov/

When he came in, he immediately searched the room for possible exists and things he could use as a weapon. I know it because I would've done the same.

"Welcome Mr.Barnes. Please have a seat." I show him the the chair infront of my desk. He nods and sits.

"So I spose you have some questions?"

"Yes. Where am I exacly?"

"You are currently at 450km above earth, inside a highly technological space ship." His eyes widen at my answer.

"What happened to me?"

"We 'rescued' you and undid the brainwashing."

"Why did you guys helped me?"

"I just dont want a super soldier who is bugging us all the time and since you are the friend of captain america, we wont kill you. At least not now." He doesnt reacts to the end part. I guess thats reasonable for a soldier like him. One day your friend, can become your enemy other day.

"What happened to Steve?"

"He is currently frozen in the ocean. Alive."

"Can you rescue my friend?"

"Yes. But that brings the question, what can you give us for it?"

He seems to understand what I want. And says "I will be one of you guys."

"Hmm a great purposal. But I failed to see your value." think its easy to join me? Heh you need to sell yourself to me.

"I understand. Shall we go to a place where I can show you my Abilities?"


-Gun range-

Ugh. This place brings back bad memories my brain tries to forget.

Buck gets a random gun and inspects it for a few seconds. Then like he shot the gun his whole life, he loads it and fires it all dead center. This guy must have some kind of hacks. I am better than him in this area but damn even I was a little sluggish when I tried titanfall guns for the first time.

"Hmm. Not bad."

He tries all the guns and shows great marksmanship.

"Eve please make sure that only we can use our guns from now on. I dont care if its a complicated proccess or just DNA lock." He got used to our guns almost immediately. I cant let this flaw go unseen.

What if enemy manages to get one of our guns? Oh no. "Eve, also make sure that they self destruct beyond reverse engineeering when opened without clearence." I dont care if Its an innocent person who tries it, If someone tries to touch my stuff, they die. And I dont want potencial enemies who uses my tech againts me. Looking at you unborn spiderman!

Vulture and Mysterio are caused by your stupidity. I am pretty sure I wasnt THAT stupid when I was at his age.

(I am not that older than him but I think the authors either wanted to make him incredibly stupid or they dont know how teenagers think. Peter in the film acted like he is 9 year old.)

{Roger that Captain}

Buck seems suprised by the sudden voice coming from the speakers. "Its the ship." I say to him which he doesnt understand but nods at me as we go to the next area.

-Pilot Mock battle ring-

"Are you sure? These guys are not same with the ones you knocked out in down there."

He nods at me and gets in the ring.

"Hey Jerry. You go last. I dont want him to lose too soon."I say to Jerry while looking at bucky. He probably had a twisted smile right now.

A pilot entered the ring with a smile on his face. Bucky took his stance and looked at him. Pilot didn't wait and rushed in. Right left right left the pilot didn't give any opening for bucky to strike. Bucky gets cornered but the pilot makes a sight mistake possibly because he is underestimating him. That sight mistake is enough for bucky to punch him with his metal arm. The pilot staggers back a little bit and bucky uses this to kick him. The pilot falls down. He looks at buck with angry eyes and when he was about to get up I stop him. He understands and gets down from the ring.

"You could've easily beaten him if you took it seriously from the start." I say to him while patting his shoulder. He nods and leaves smiling. I guess he got happy that someone knew he could win.

This time a female pilot enters the ring. Damn look at those thighs. She seems to realise I was starting at her and gives me a warm smile. I smile at her too and they both got in the stance.

They both rush at eachother. Bucky throws a jab but she quickly ducks under it and grabs his arm. She lifts her legs, puts it around his head and arm locks him. She attemts to suffocate him which is a smart move but she forgot what arm she is trying it from. Bucky uses his robotic arm to full strength and tries to break away from the arm lock.

But as he is trying to break away, the arm dents from the force female pilot is applying. Bucky manages to break away from the lock and the female pilot falls down but quickly recovers. She rushes at him and high kicks him which he defend with his metal arm again. But this time the force is too much and he gets throw to a side. She doesnt gives him time to rest and throws multiple jabs and uppercuts at him.

Bucky seems overwhelmed but still manages to hold out. He quickly jabs her chin with the metal arm which she staggers back quite a while. Right when he was about to finish he off, I stopped the match.

"Thats enough!"

Hearing this, buck stops and looks at me.

"You are in. Congratulations. Sorry Jerry but he seems like too easy for you."

"I- Its no problem Captain. He can get better and be a worth prey of mine. Hehehehe"

-In the office-

"So. I need you to sign this."

"Okay." He signs the paper. "What do I need to do here?" He asks.

"I saw how you beat everybody we sent. How about you train them as you like? I want a capable soldiers not some cannon fodders."

"I understand."

"Dont worry we will rescue Steve for you. Eve, please send a rescue team to the crash site Valkyrie discovered."

{Roger that Captain. Sending the rescue party right now.}