

Never look in to the looking glass!!!!

Sofie_Kayinza · Filme
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5 Chs


" stop crying my child every single thing is going to be okay " Doris hashed her as she also patted her on the back .

" How I wish I died with mum this wouldn't be happening to me " Kimberley spoke as her voice trembled and stuttered at the same time

" Don't ever say anything like that ever again " Doris capped her face and place a kiss onto her forehead . she loved this little girl with all her heart she raised her , fed her , changed her and it hurt see her being treated as if she was an impostor when in actual sense she was the legitimate daughter of the Gregory family . it was only a matter of few minutes and sleep had already stolen her ." she's asleep " Gertrude the other maid that came with SPOKE .

" poor girl, even with all the riches in the world she's miserable what's the point of being rich when your mistreated moreover by your own father" Gertrude mumbled a couple of words that Doris didn't respond to but simply said " let's leave her to rest it's been a long and bad day she need a good night's rest " Doris said and left little Kimberley to sleep .

" Kimberley , Kimberley, Kimberley " a voice kept on calling out her name over and over interrupting her sleep . " Kimberley ,Kimberley ,Kimberley " it called out her name once more she woke up abruptly thinking that it was all a dream and the voices were just in her head she looked around the room and no one was in except her " Kimberley " the voice came back this time she was sure she wasn't dreaming " Kimberley, Kimberley " it called out stronger this time " come " it spoke again she immediately got out of bed and got a lantern that was at her bed post and walked out of her room normally there was guards and maids in the hallway but this time it was dark and empty as if no was ever there she walked through the empty hallway following the voices that seemed to only get louder and more louder the more she got close to the WESTERN royal WING " a little closer" little spoke again she could feel as if someone or something was staring at her and walking right near her the voices stop as soon as she reached the locked room on the western royal wing but for some reason the door was cracked open . she opened it and crept inside to only find dirty antiques covered by sheets " Kimberley " the voice called out again it was behind her this time she turned only to see a mirror that was covered but not that well , she pulled off the tap and infront of her was a a thing that wore a mask and spoke again " pretty ,pretty ,pretty Kimberley daddy's most prized possession my mate" it spoke

" who are you , what are you and what do you want from me " Kimberley spoke

" I want you and if you want to find out just let me out" it spoke