
Thorn Academy, Book One: When His Moon Recedes

Riddle was... well lonely to put it mildly. But after an interesting man hunts them down things like loneliness seem far far away. However when opening a new door a closed one always follows. What happens when things and people from the past come back to haunt them. All Riddle wanted was a quiet and peaceful life yet the gods seem hellbent against it. Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I write part time so don't expect updates too often! I apologize for any future errors, I don't write this book directly on the app so sometimes things change when I make the transfer! Also this book is a polyamous book! Don't like it, Don't read.

Hallows_Spence · LGBT+
Zu wenig Bewertungen
11 Chs

Chapter VI: Tabula Rasa

"This is the last place I wanted to be.. yet I traveled here willingly." Riddle mumbles as they stare up at the large black stoned gates of Thorn Academy. "I can't believe I'm doing this. It feels like I'm about to walk into a lions den.."

Xena caws quietly on her shoulder, having been in Nachtkrapp form for the entire journey.

"Well. I can't put it off forever." Riddle says as they tighten the hold of their duffle bag as they walk inside the grounds. They continue to walk until they make it to the large redwood doors.

Riddle sighs as they look up then look at Xena. "Is this really a good idea?.." Xena nods. Riddle nods as well and gently adjusts their uniform which for them consisted of a grey suit jacket, grey dress pants, and a white button up shirt. The uniform has a tie as well but Riddle despised it so they refused to wear it.

Riddle gently presses their hand onto the door which immediately swings open to reveal this large and lavish great hall. They roll their eyes. Xena caws quietly and nudges Riddle's cheek. She caws again then points her wing to where Vincentius, Ginger, Maribelle, and Cerelia are. They're standing at the back of the first year crowd.

Riddle nods. "Alright alright.. I'm going.." They seem reluctant but walk over to the group. "Hey."

Vincentius turns around. "Hey toots!! Toots this is Maribelle and Ginger, they're our new friends!"

Maribelle turns and waves gently. "Hello!" She smiles sweetly like one would when they're greeting a new friend.

Riddle tenses a bit. "H- hey.. it's been awhile huh?"

Maribelle cocks her head. "Pardon?"

Riddle chuckles and shakes their head. "You're memory still sucks ass doesn't it Mari-?" The sentence stops abruptly like they were about to say something they shouldn't.

Maribelle's eyes widened. "Rids!?" She exclaims and hugs Riddle tightly.

Riddle laughs and gently pats the younger's head. "Yeah yeah. It's me. I'm still alive see?"

Vincentius cocks his head. "Wait- you know-?"

Riddle cuts him off. "Yes. I know her, I'm her best friend after all." They hug her with one arm then look up at Ginger who wasn't looking at them. "Guess we'll talk later…" They think.

Maribelle squeezes them tight then quickly let's them go upon realizing what they're wearing underneath their shirt. "S- sorry! I didn't realize-"

Riddle chuckles. "It's alright Marii. I don't usually wear it but with being in a large crowd and all I don't wanna take any chances."

Maribelle nods. "That makes sense! You're also alot nicer when you have your binder on."

Riddle shakes their head. "Only because I'm more comfortable." They mumble quietly.

Maribelle giggles softly. "You're gonna have a lot of explaining to do later Mr!!! You left me alone!" She pouts.

Riddle sighs. "I know.. I know.. I promise to explain everything later, Mari." They lean down and gently kiss her cheek in a friendly manner.

Maribelle chuckles heartily. "Just call me Belli from now on, okay? I just wanna be safe!"

Riddle laughs softly and nods. "Okay Belli." They tease as they ruffle her hair.

Vincentius chuckles. "Well you two are aweful close!" He teases.

Riddle rolls their eyes. "We're childhood best friends. We know everything about each other, we're practically sisters."

Maribelle nods happily. "Ginger!" She exclaims as she grabs Ginger's arm. "This is Riddle!" She pauses. "You still prefer your last name right-?"

Riddle chuckles but nods. "Yep. My first name's way too identifiable."

Maribelle nods. "Anyway Ginger this is Riddle! My best friend of uh-?..."

Riddle shakes their head. "Just put it in human years-"

Maribelle nods. "Of twenty human years! Even though they left me to-"

Riddle covers her mouth. "Okay! That's enough about my personal life."

Maribelle smirks deviously and licks Riddle's hand, causing them to instantly pull away. "Gross! Belli!" They smile at how easily Maribelle's new nickname rolls off their tongue.

Maribelle laughs. "Haha! Gotcha!!"

Riddle rolls their eyes then noticed the crowd starting to move. "I guess it's time for the greeting thing."

Vincentius nods. "Yep! Come on!!" He grabs as Riddle's, Maribelle's, and Cerelia's hands, pulling them inside the already crowded banquet hall. Riddle rolls their eyes. "It's way too crowded."

Vincentius laughs. "Yeah yeah come on!!" He pulls them all up to the front, Ginger lagging behind a little. Ginger sighs. "Vincentius. You're too excited. It's only school, I didn't think humans liked school."

Vincentius shakes his head. "But we aren't gonna be in the regular classes!! We'll be in the hunter classes!!!"

Ginger's eyes widened. "So you're telling me. I have to be in classes. With people who want to kill me. The entire year."

Vincentius nods. "Yep!"

Riddle pulls away from Vincentius. They walk back over to Ginger and grab her hand. "I know. I don't like this either." They whisper quietly.

Ginger rolls her eyes. "Yeah well, you can easily pass for human. I can't."

Riddle nods. "Well I mean.. I could-"

Ginger cuts them off. "No. It practically killed you the last time you did that. I'll be fine, I can put up with it."

Riddle nods. "If it ever gets too much for you, you could always go to the shade realm."

Ginger shakes her head. "I'm not leaving her alone here. She has way too much to learn about commoners, and herself."

Riddle laughs. "Yeah I know what you mean. I'm still learning too." They squeeze her hand as they join back with the others.

All the first year students turn their head to the stage in front of them as three white haired girls walk to the microphone. The tallest one takes the initiative and begins to speak. "Greetings to all and welcome to thorn academy. As you know our school is divided into two sectors with many different years. For our students who have been invited to attend regular classes please make a pathway in the middle. For those of you who have been invited to attend our more… strict.. program please walk to the doors." The tallest one pauses to let the students move.

Vincentius chuckles as he drags his friends towards the doors. Once they make it the tallest begins to speak again. "One at a time we shall call your names and separate you into your groups, these groups are going to be like your family. You'll have to count on them in times of need, comfort, and most of all joy. Please remember that in this school our students' health, whether that be mental or physical, shall always come before your studies. If you ever need anything at all please contact the students office which is run by Arwen Galadriel."

The second tallest gently shoves the one speaking. "Yes yes. Let us begin the ceremony but before that let us introduce our precious headmaster Orion Snare."

The three girls bow as they move away from the microphone and towards the back of the stage. The tallest stands by the stairs on the left, the second tallest by the stairs on the right, and the smallest besides the microphone but a few steps behind it.

A tall man wearing a black suit and tie walks onto the stage. There was no normal head upon his head; instead the students were greeted with a large dragon skull with large curvy brown horns adorning the top. His jaw opened; cold smoke leaving it as he spoke. "Greetings students, I assume you've already gotten the breakdown from my red eyed ladies?"

Riddle rolls their eyes from the back of the room. "Stupid greedy prick." They mumble quietly.

Orion's eyes smile as he sees his new students for the first time. "It's lovely to see all of your smiling faces. How about we get started?"

The normal student body erupts into squeals and cheers of excitement.

Orion chuckles. "Alright. Let me explain how each group is going to be laid out. Each sector shall have between five and ten members depending on what the sector will be working on." His eyes shimmer as he continues to speak. It appears as though he's been looking forward to this all year. "Once all the team members have been decided, that is when I shall assign the group leader."

Quiet whispers begin to flow through the crowd to shush them, the headmaster continues to speak. "Let us get this show on the road then shall we? Each sector will be assigned a title for now and later specialty in secret later once the excitement has died down. Make note that despite your speciality you will have to work with and help other sectors on occasion."

"Now I know you all are excited to see the new sectors however. Sectors only shall be chosen while in the presence of other sectors." He turns to the girl standing to the left of the stairs. "Harzelen, please show our new students around and get them settled into their dorms, Harzelin may accompany you as well." The girls on both the sides nod and walk down their respective staircases. They escort the regular student body through the double doors to the left.

The headmaster turns towards a female centaur who was off the side and sat on a fancy looking rug. "Madame Galadriel, could you please go gather the older years?"

The centuar woman nods. "Of course. It's my pleasure. I'm sure they're all anxious to see the fresh meat." She giggles as she trots off behind the stage. After a few moments she re enters with a hundred or so students, all varying species, heights, ages, and attitudes. Most appear excited and happy to be there whereas others just want to get this over with.

The older years students split in half, the already assigned sectors sticking together as they should. The fresh meat as they're called are still towards the main doors, the path in the middle is also still clear.

The headmaster nods gently. "Thank you madame Galadriel. Now are you older years excited to see your younger years sectors!?" He exclaims excitedly, his arms rising into the air. Most older sectors cheer excitedly, their arms waving excitedly like they're at some sort of festival, though some just groan.

The headmaster smiles as he begins listing off the names of various new students and assigning them to various sectors.

"Next. We have my loyal messenger who's served our school for years on end. All of you here have interacted with him at least once so please join me in welcoming Vincentius Carrow!" The hall erupts into applause and excited cheers, a lot of the students have had a close relationship with him over the years.

Vincentius beams with nothing but joy as he bounces up and down excitedly, waiting to know who his family will be.

"Next for this sector. Is Eowyn Lockheart!!!" Orion announces excitedly. The crowd cheers but it quickly dies down as they notice no one's coming. "Ah…. She must need a volt. Madame Galadriel?"

Galadriel nods. She stands once more and trots over a small girl leaning on a pole in the corner. "Eowyn. Wake up dear, it's your turn." A small volt of electricity leaves her finger as she touches the middle of Eowyn's chest. Eowyn's eyes open and she looks around. "Ah.. sorry. I'm still waiting for my parts to get here so I'm on energy saving mode."

Galadriel smiles gently. "No worries dear. But please, go up and join your family."

Eowyn nods. She slowly walks from her corner to the middle of the path. Her powder blue hair sways gently as she walks. Her neon red eyes darting around the room. She walks onto the stage and bows gently. "Greetings. I am Eowyn Lockheart. It's a pleasure."

Orion smiles. "Students, Eowyn here is more different than any of you. So please. I beg you to treat her with kindness and care."

Eowyn smiles. "Thank you headmaster."

Orion nods. "Please, go stand next to Vincentius. Think of him as your older brother."

Eowyn nods. She swiftly moves and stands next to Vincentius. He looks down at her and smiles. "Nice ta meet ya!!"

Eowyn smiles slightly and nods. "Yes. Greetings." She turns her attention back to the crowd.

Orion smiles. "Alright!! Next up! Maribelle Everwood!!"

Maribelle smiles as she looks to Ginger. "Are you ready?"

Ginger nods. "As I'll ever be.." She takes Maribelle's hand and they begin to walk down to the stage. Whispers spread amoungst the crowds as they walk forward.

Orion clears his throat clearly. "Enough of the whispers. This academy is judgement free. I will not have anyone spreading rumors or anything of the like. Ginger is an honored guest. She willingly came here under a shade contract therefore you must treat her with respect."

Ginger smiles faintly as she squeezes Maribelle's hand. Maribelle smiles brightly as they walk onto the stage. "Hello everyone!! Thank you for having us!!"

Some students yell out their greetings. Then Orion begins to speak again, "These two are very honored figures. They are both extremely talented individuals and they deserve respect." He narrows his eyes as he glances at some rather troublesome students. They scoff and roll their eyes.

Maribelle chuckles. "Thank you headmaster." She bows gently. She and Ginger go to take their places next to Vincentius and Eowyn. Maribelle tightens her grip on Ginger's hand.

Orion's eyes gleam. "We've got quite a nice group forming don't we students? We've got a master of stealth, someone who can solve any problem, and two master herbalists!! And that's just so far!!" The students yell out excitedly like they can't wait to see who is next.

Orion gazes out to the crowd, almost like he's deciding which name he should say next. "Alright. The next person we have is a very headstrong young woman who loves to party and whom I'm sure will bring a lively amount of joy to our lovely campus!"

Cerelia squeals excitedly and begins to jump up and down.

"The next meber of this sector is Cerelia-Charlotte Ross!!" Orion announces excitedly as Cerelia begins to run towards the stage. She waves to all her fellow students as she passes by. She excitedly jumps into the stage. "Hello!!! Thank you thank you!" She bows in all directions as she waves excitedly.

Orion laughs softly. "Cerelia-Charlotte Ross is a very interesting woman, she uses sleight of hand to trick those around her into believing certain things."

Cerelia chuckles. "Yeah yeah. I did that a lot." She smiles and bounces over to Vincentius, jumping into his back. "Alright!! Let's see who our next teammate is!!"

Orion laughs heartily. "Remember. They're your family now, not just teammates." He turns back to face the crowd. "Now the final member of their sector as well as my pride and joy."

Riddle rolls their eyes at this. "Pride and joy my ass." They think. Xena caws loudly on her shoulder.

Orion nods. "Someone who I consider to be my very own." He places his hand on his chest. Whispers begin to circulate amoungst the students again. Riddle was the only one left standing there. They sigh and begin to walk up. "See. They know who they are without even being called."

Riddle rolls their eyes. "Cut the crap. You're full of shit."

Loud gaps can be heard some the crowd as the girl next to the headmaster bursts out laughing. "They really put you in your place old man!!"

Orion rolls his eyes. "Yes yes. I've missed that attitude of yours Riddle."

Riddle growls quietly. "Yeah right. Just get this over with." They step onto the stage only to be pounced on by the girl. "Riddle!!!" She exclaims loudly, nuzzling her cheek.

Riddle sighs. "Hello Harzbin. I've missed you too. Now can you let me up please?"

The girl named Harzbin jumps up off her with a large grin on her face. She acts like an excited puppy. "I've missed you and your cute face!!!" She pinches Riddle's cheeks happily. Xena caws as a warning to her to let go though she doesn't.

Orion chuckles. "This sector is now complete. Welcome to Thorn Academy sector kryfés dynámeis." The audience claps happily and cheers, honestly they were probably just excited to be leaving. Orion turns to the newest sector. "Harzbin, you may escort us to my office. I wish to tell them their specialty now." He says as the students leave the crowded banquet hall.

Harzbin nods. "Come on RiRi!! I wanna meet all your new friends!!!"

Vincentius bursts out laughing. "RiRi!!!" He laughs more as he almost falls down the stairs.

Harzbin giggles. "Mhm!! This is my RiRi!!"

Maribelle chuckles. "I don't think Rids likes that nickname very much."

Harzbin nods. "They never have! That's why I keep using it! So what's your name!"

Maribelle smiles. "I'm Maribelle. This is my shade Ginger!"

Ginger nods. "Greetings wolfy."

Harzbin bares her fangs as she grins. "Nice to know I get recognized."

Cerelia smiles. "So you're a werewolf?! That's awesome!!!"

Harzbin shakes her head. "Nope!! I'm a blood hound actually!! I'm basically a vampire wolf."

Cerelia nods. "That's cool! Also I can't help but notice but are you and those other girls sisters? You look exactly the same besides your heights!"

Harzbin nods. "Yeah. We're triplets, Orion adopted us when we were small. We're all different species though."

Maribelle cocks her head then nods. "That's right! That's where I've seen you before!!! You used to be all over Riddle when we were young!!"

Harzbin giggles. "Yep! I was always RiRi's shadow. I'm surprised you know we though. I don't think I remember you?"

Riddle gently pulls her arm. "Harzbin, that's enough interrogating."

Harzbin nods. "Okay!!"

Maribelle nods. "I've met you before. I'm sure of it. It's just been awhile. Besides, I went by a different name back then."

Harzbin nods. "That's probably why!"

Cerelia laughs as she looks at Harzbin's arm intertwined with Riddle's. "Are you two dating?" She questions excitedly.

Harzbin laughs. "Oh no way!! We're just very close. Besides last time I checked this one was taken."

Xena caws loudly then shifts into her more human form. "Enough Harzbin. We will not talk about it."

Harzbin nods. "Okie dokie!!!"

Vincentius laughs as they continue to walk down the long corridor. "Geez. When are you we gonna get there."

Ginger chuckles. "You're so impatient."

Vincentius groans. "I just wanna know what our specialty is gonna be!!!"

Harzbin laughs. "There there. "We're gonna be there soon. Be warned. You could always be stuck with something like me and my sisters."

Cerelia cocks her head. "Really? What do you guys do?"

Harzbin laughs. "We take care of Orion's dirty work basically. It's not a glorious job."

Riddle scoffs. "He still has you doing that stupid shit? Gods I hate him!!"

Harzbin laughs. "I do too but what can I say. He helped me ya know? I gotta do what I can to pay him back!"

Riddle shakes his head. "Whatever. He's just a dumb old man."

Vincentius laughs. "Yeah, tell me about it!"

They reach the end of this long corridor to find a seat of dark double doors. "We're here!!!" Harzbin exclaims as she bursts through the door to see Orion sitting at his desk patiently waiting.

Orion's eyes gleam as the doors open. "Hello!! You're here so soon!!"

Riddle rolls their eyes as Harzbin drags them to a chair.

Xena scoffs. "Stop dragging them! They hate that!!"

Harzbin sticks out her tongue. "Shut it birdy."

Orion sighs. "Enough you two!" He shakes his head and beckens the sector to sit down. They all take a seat, Harzbin's so happens to be in Riddle's lap. Xena scoffs and sits on the arm of Riddle's chair.

Orion chuckles softly. "You two are fighting like you always have. Like two girls fighting over the same man."

Harzbin and Xena look offended. "We aren't fighting like that!!!"

Vincentius laughs. "You kinda are, I mean just look at the way you are sitting on Riddle!"

Riddle rolls their eyes. "Can we just get back to it so we can go get unpacked?"

Orion nods. "Yes yes. Your sector is known as the hidden forces unit. You're here to help but only when you're called for. However you're also supposed to help anyway or how you can. You're also head of negotiations with the other schools, you'll be planning events and such when not on important missions."

Riddle sighs. "Of course it's something like that. Whenever you're involved I never get to have anything fun.."

Orion glares down at them. "Remember your place. There are two keepers on your team, a princess, a ex heir, a girl who's heart is worth well over two million pence, and a herbalist for the prince of the willows."

Harzbin giggles as they all look at each other stunned. "Yeah. We know everything!" She giggles after she drags out the word everything.

Maribelle sighs. "I see.. well aleast there's no secrets?"

Vincentius grins. "Yeah! No secrets!"

Riddle growls as she shoves Harzbin off their lap. "I've had enough of you already. You shouldn't be exposing others secrets!! Especially ones as dangerous as those!!!"

Cerelia sighs. "Wait.. you said two keepers?!"

Orion giggles as he nods. "Mhm. I'll leave it to you to figure it out. I don't want any trouble, besides it's best if only your sector knows these things."

Cerelia looks around to her sector, eyes darting between each one. "Most stuff is obvious… Eowyn is obviously the one with the weird heart, Ginger is the only Willow here, and Maribelle looks like a princess." She thinks then sighs. "Alright. I guess this old man has a point."

Riddle's eyes widened. "Cerelia!!! You can't be serious!!! Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this!?" Everyone else in the room nods. Riddle growls quietly. "Gods. You're all insufferable."

Cerelia laughs. "Lighten up Riddle. There's no harm in letting out secrets when it's just us right?"

Riddle shakes their head. "I suppose. But still. Secrets like the keepers can't be thrown around willy nilly."

Maribelle gently raises her hand. "Excuse me but.. what are keepers?.."

Orion chuckles. "Alright students, I think it's time for a story how about you?"

Riddle rolls their eyes, having heard this a million times. "Whatever." They plop back into their chair and wait for him to start. Everyone else is sitting on the edge of their seats, curious as to what a keeper is.

"A long time ago before the gods had abandoned our world." Long lines of smoke begin to fill the air. "Before our world was filled with war and famine for some, we lived in times of the most peaceful peace. People we're aloud to visit the gods and their temples. Whenever they were to visit they'd always be greeted first by the gods demi-gods, most of which were Willows."

The smoke begins to change shapes as he continues to tell the story. It takes the form of the people, the gods, and their demi-gods. "Soon enough people stopped granting their offerings simply because there wasn't anything to spare. Sooner after that, people stopped coming completely. The gods were devastated thus the eldest held a meeting. Once all the gods were seated the eldest showed them all what was going on below them, why the people weren't visiting, and way the offerings no longer came. Devastation had begun to spread amoungst their land."

The shadows begin to show visions of dead crops and people fighting amoungst each other. "So the eldest proposed an idea. That they'd all come together and combine parts of their magic to help their subjects. Her fellow gods agreed and they began to create what they hoped would save humanity. They created five beings, one held each special magic. These magics we're known, and still are known, as the relics however the people who hold these magics are called keepers. These things were created in order to protect the people."

Cerelia rolls her eyes. "Things? Really? They're people."

Orion waves at her dismissively. "If people were to know that these magics we're held by people they would stop at nothing to kill them and attempt to take the magic for themselves. However that's impossible because of the simple fact that it's extremely hard to get to into the wrong hands. As the only way that these relics are passed down is through love. Only the person whom the keeper loves the most will get the magic after the holder dies."

Harzbin giggles. "Hurry up!! Get to the part where you explain them!!"

Orion shakes his head. "I won't explain them now as I feel the keepers in this room should explain when they are ready."

Vincentius groans. "Oh come on!!! We wanna knowwww!!!"

Maribelle giggles. "It's alright Vincentius, there there." She gently pats his head.

Riddle rolls their eyes. "Are you done?"

Orion chuckles softly as he nods. "Yes yes. You were always so impatient." He slides a small card with a number on it across the table. "That's where you'll be staying. When you're needed you'll hear the phone in your leader's room ring. It's an old rotary phone so please don't use it unless it's an emergency. I don't want you all having any outside phone calls, that's why you have your personal cells."

Riddle snatches up the card. "Alright. Let's go. Don't y'all wanna get settled in?"

Vincentius and Cerelia jump up from their chairs, immediately yelling. "Hell yeah!!!"

Maribelle giggles softly as she stands too. "Alright then. I guess we can get going!"

Orion laughs softly. "Wait wait. I haven't even told you who your leader is yet. It's Riddle! So the phone is gonna be in their room!!" He shouts after them as the sector runs out of the room. He shakes his head gently. "Those children.."

Harzbin smiles. "Well. You picked 'em."

Orion laughs. "That I did do." He looks up to the door as a being surrounded in shadows walks in. "Thanks for this. Here's your pay." She says as she tosses a large sack of gold coins onto his desk.

Orion nods. "But of course. You know where my loyalty lies. If it's to help you I shall gladly do anything."

The figure nods. "Thank you. It's nice to see you again Orion, and you too Harzbin."

Harzbin giggles. "Mhms!! It's nice to see ya too!"

Orion's eyes gleam. "Of course your highness. Anything for you and your queen." He bows his head as the figure turns.

Harzbin bows flamboyantly as the figure leaves. She bounces up once she's gone. "Do you really think she's gonna succeed? I mean. Seems like a lost cause to me."

Orion chuckles. "Me as well. However her highness knows best. She knows her queen better then anyone."