
Thorn Academy, Book One: When His Moon Recedes

Riddle was... well lonely to put it mildly. But after an interesting man hunts them down things like loneliness seem far far away. However when opening a new door a closed one always follows. What happens when things and people from the past come back to haunt them. All Riddle wanted was a quiet and peaceful life yet the gods seem hellbent against it. Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I write part time so don't expect updates too often! I apologize for any future errors, I don't write this book directly on the app so sometimes things change when I make the transfer! Also this book is a polyamous book! Don't like it, Don't read.

Hallows_Spence · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Chapter V: The Royal Herbalist

The young herbalist sighs as she patches up the young boy's wounds. "Zeke.. you have to stop this, you're constantly getting into trouble! I'll end up using all my supplies on you!"

Zeke smiles as he giggles quietly. "Oh Maribelle! Always so dramatic! You won't use up all your supplies, you know it!"

Maribelle chuckles as she finishes bandaging his knee. "I know but I've got to lecture you. You're always off doing something dumb. You shouldn't waste those smarts of yours playing pranks okay? Especially ones where your teacher is the target." She playfully glares at the small child as he laughs.

"Yeah yeah! Anyway thanks Maribelle!!" Zeke yells and waves as he runs out the open front door. As he leaves a warm breeze drifts inside the small shop, it appears to be in the late hours of dawn. Maribelle chuckles, "That boy, he's such a mess." She gently shakes her head as she closes the door. "I should go get more supplies, it seems I'm running low on peppermint.." She thinks as she begins to count stock.

The platinum blonde girl smiles as she slips on her work cloak, which was made from pure cotton, as she hastily grabs her small wicker picnic basket from a stand near the door. As she steps out the door the warm breeze blows. Maribelle smiles as she shuts and locks the door behind herself then heads off into the vast woods in front of her.

Her lace sleeves move softly in the wind as she runs through the deserted woods. She laughs quietly as she trips over a tree root, she spun around a bit then regained her balance. Her brown boots are now dirty with mud though it's barely noticeable. Maribelle continues to run until she makes it into a clearing about a mile or two away from her shop.

This clearing was called Gingers Grove after a woman named Ginger who was the towns first healer and herbalist. She was known for performing miraculous miracles and saving people who were on the brink of death. Her skin was as green as the grass that grew below her feet whenever she walked and her eyes were as blue as the rivers she bathed in.

Maribelle smiles as she sits in the grass. She runs her fingers through the small blades as she searches for some medicinal herbs. She starts to pick a few various herbs as her eyes land on a large ginger plant not too far in the distance. She finishes picking the various herbs there then she crawls over towards the ginger plant.

Maribelle gently runs her fingers through the crisp and tender leaves of the plant. "This specimen looks very well taken care of? Has someone else been coming here besides myself?" She wonders as she gently starts to pick the plant.

Her head whips around as she hears the faint sound of soft steps of someone behind her. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

A woman's figure, around five foot eight in height, appears from the treeline which was now in front of Maribelle. "Greetings.. so you're the towns new herbalist, I've heard good things." Her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke. As she steps into the light Maribelle can tell that she's a Fytó Willow, a species of Willow that takes care of forests and occasionally small villages. Their goal is to help and teach others as well as to keep the forests and nature preserved.

The woman's skin looked to be made of light green moss, her hair appeared to be many woven vines of queen of the night flowers and her eyes were as light blue as the crystal clear river nearby. Flowers and grass grew behind her as she walked towards Maribelle.

Maribelle stands and quickly bows, not wanting to make this presence upset with her. "Yes ma'am. My name is Maribelle. I am a elven witch from the nation of Limaria." She keeps her head down, unknowing whether or not it's smart to make eye contact.

The woman smiles and nods. "You may raise child. Do not fret, I don't wish to harm you after all you've aided my village for quite some time."

Maribelle nods as she raises her body and soon her head. "Yes ma'am. Thank you." She bows her head respectfully then raises it once more to look the Willow woman in the eye. "I apologize, I hadn't realized anyone else was in the grove."

The woman smiles gently. "This is where I live actually."

Maribelle's eyes widened. "I- I'm so sorry!" She sputters out quickly as she bows repeatedly. "I hadn't meant to intrude upon your home ma'am!"

The woman chuckles. "It's quite alright young one for I do not mind as I'm aware of your intentions to help and aid these villagers."

Maribelle nods. "Yes ma'am. I vowed to help these folks till the very end. They were kind enough to take me in after all."

The woman nods. "Of course, these people are very kind to outlanders. Sometimes a bit too kind."

Maribelle chuckles. "That is very true, they did almost get robbed the other day." She smiles. "May I ask a couple questions?"

The woman nods. "Ask away young one, I shall always answer truthfully."

Maribelle nods. "Are you miss Ginger? I've heard stories about you from the villagers.. they always say you only visit people in their time of need but… I don't need anything."

Ginger laughs softly. "Yes I am madame Ginger. As for you dear, you need a lot of things but you don't realize it because you haven't had much of what you need. While yes all your physical needs have always been met. But never your mental ones."

Maribelle hangs her head for a moment then looks up again. "My needs have always been met, sure I didn't grow up in a great home but I always had whatever I needed whenever I needed it. Same goes for everything I've wanted."

Ginger gently shakes her head. "That's false." She pauses to think for a moment. "There are many things you have left to learn, in many different subjects. However you mostly need to learn about your own mental needs." She gives the younger girl a gleeming smile. "Let me be your shade, your life shall be a lot easier then as I can tell you have a lot more trials left in your life."

Maribelle jumps back a little. "B- but what about your duties to this village? Wh- what about your grove!? I don't really plan on staying here forever!"

Ginger chuckles softly. "So long as I live the people of this village and this grove shall always prosper and florish. No matter how far I stray everyone here shall always be safe and protected."

Maribelle smiles gently and nods. "But.. what would you gain out of this?.."

Ginger chuckles softly. "So long as we are bonded together I shall have everything I need to uphold my end of our bargain."

Maribelle chuckles. "But what's my end? What can I give you?"

Ginger smiles as she ruffles Maribelle's hair. "As long as I'm bonded with someone I shall forever live. However the person I was previously bonded with… they were forced to break it so they could flee and start a new life."

Maribelle nods. "I see. I can and will gladly uphold our deal." She gently extends her hand. "This isn't gonna hurt right?..."

Ginger smiles as she stretches out her hand. "No, not too much anyway." She quickly grabs the others hand, not giving her time to react. As their hands collide thorn vines intertwine their hands, both arms bleeding a little as the thorns pierce their skin. As their arms bleed the blood from Ginger's arm flows into the holes in Maribelle's arm. At the same time Maribelle's blood flows into Ginger's arm, connecting the duo's lives.

Maribelle screams out as she feels part of her soul ripping apart from the rest. Ginger grimaces as she feels it as well though she doesn't scream. The two soul pieces fly out and into the opposite bodies thus finally connecting the two for the rest of their lives.

Maribelle had passed out because she couldn't handle the pain. Ginger chuckles, she was hurting a lot as well because now she was feeling double the amount of pain she was used too. As a eight hundred and seventy six year old being she could handle it though she definitely doesn't like it.

Ginger smiles as she leans down to Maribelle. She gently moves the younger's hair from her face. She then gently lifts her up. "You're gonna have a lot to learn, kid." Her smile grows as she picks up Maribelle's basket full of fresh herbs and begins to walk back to her shop.

As the days pass Ginger begins to grow more familiar with the shop and how things are organized. Ginger smiles as she grounds up a few herbs into a coarse powder which was typically combined with water later on.

Maribelle groggily walks downstairs, her body extremely sore from the intense experience. "M- morning.." She yawns as she waves to Ginger.

Ginger chuckles softly. "It's evening but yes, good morning young one. How are you feeling?"

Maribelle groans as she gently flops down on a chair near the door. "I'm alright.. just really sore. I didn't realize how much gaining a shade would take out of you."

Ginger chuckles. "Yes, the process is usually very draining on both parties. This is the first time I've been in a shade contract and I'll say it was a lot more draining than I'd expected."

Maribelle chuckles. "Then how exactly were you alive before? You said you have to have a contract with someone right?"

Ginger shakes her head as she pours the finely ground powder into a small glass jar. "No, I must have a bond with someone to flourish. I can live without one, however it grows more difficult overtime."

Maribelle nods. "I see." She says though it's clear she doesn't really understand.

Ginger smiles gently as she continues to explain. "As I am a Willow, I feed off of people's happiness and joy. But I gain more energy and life if I experience it with people rather than only feeding off them. While being someone's shade could harm me, I feel like I picked the right person. You aren't someone who feels negative emotions all that often."

Maribelle nods. "I get it! So if the people around you are really super happy you're fed right?! But if they're really sad then you grow ill?"

Ginger nods. "Exactly dear. You're a very clever one."

Maribelle chuckles. "Yep!" She smiles more as she watches Ginger work. "That's why you live here right? Cause this is a very happy place?"

Ginger nods once more, her smile growing. "Yes, but I also had a duty to uphold here. I take care of the village from the shadows, growing crops, purifying water, and aiding the lost and ill. However I no longer do that last part because you are here."

Maribelle nods. "You really care for these people hm? I can tell by your eyes."

Ginger chuckles. "Yes, I do. I grew up in these woods and I've watched the people here prosper and flourish and sometimes bad things do happen but as long as I live this village shall never fall."

Maribelle smiles. "You're so kind Ginger, you've really done a lot for the generations that live here."

Ginger slowly walks over to her, gently places her hand on Maribelle's head. "Yes dear. And I will for many more years to come." She russels the younger girl's hair as she gazes down at her. "You're so small-" She laughs.

Maribelle pouts as she joins her in her laughter. "I am pretty small huh? Despite that I am very mighty!" She jumps up much too quickly. She trips over her own two feet and collides into Ginger. Her skin was as soft as moss and it surprised Maribelle quite a bit. She laughs more as she gently leans off her. "S- sorry-!"

Ginger laughs as she places a hand on Maribelle's shoulder. "No worries young one."

Maribelle pauses for a moment as she looks Ginger up and down. Her face flushes a bright red. "Y- you have no clothes on-"

Ginger cocks her head. "It's just us? Why should that matter?"

"G- go put clothes on!!" Maribelle exclaims as she pushes Ginger upstairs. "J- just borrow some of mine until we can go shopping for you!!" She slams the door shut, leaving a confused Ginger in her room alone.

Ginger shrugs then begins to go through Maribelle's closet. She settled on an off the shoulder white top with cherries embroidered onto it, the sleeves were loose but tighted at the wrist. She found a pair of dark brown leather pants which were loose around the ankles. She searches around for a pair of shoes. It took her a while but she found a pair of white platform shoes which had strings that went up and tied around her calf.

Ginger shrugs. "I guess this is appropriate? I don't really know the style nowadays." She smiles as she begins to walk downstairs. "Is this suitable?" She questions as she looks at Maribelle.

Maribelle nods. "Yes, you look very lovely!" She smiles as she continues to whip up a quick remedy for her headache customer who had just walked through the door.

A small boy sits in a chair near the counter, his legs swinging lazily. "Hi random lady!!" He says happily. He has a dirty scratch on his cheek from falling into his schoolhouse door. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes.

Ginger chuckles softly. "Hello there, what's your name?"

The boy grins. "I'm Zeke! Maribelle's best customer!!"

Maribelle shakes her head. "He gets into a lot of trouble around here. He loves to pull pranks and the like on his elders, siblings, and schoolmates. Pretty much anyone can be his target."

Zeke's grin grows. "Anyone except you Mari! If I get you too you'd never help me again!"

Maribelle chuckles. "Darn right." She smiles as she walks over. "This is gonna sting a little." She gently starts to wipe the dirt out of his scratch with a wet cloth.

Zeke winces and whines. "Mari!!! It hurts!"

Maribelle shakes her head. "Well maybe don't run into doors! I still have to get the splinters out so don't go anywhere." She turns her back to grab a pair of tweezers.

Zeke sticks his tongue out at her while her back is turned. He yelps a little afterwards, the gesture only aggravating his wound more.

Maribelle laughs as she turns towards him. "Keep your tongue in your mouth next time." She gently grabs his chin and begins to pull the splinters out from his cheek.

Ginger chuckles as she listens to him holler. "So do you take care of this one a lot?"

Maribelle nods, not looking towards her as she's still pulling splinters. "Unfortunately." She says playfully. "He's a sweet boy so long as he doesn't choose you to be a target."

Ginger nods. "I understand that. He reminds me a lot of my prince actually."

Maribelle's head shoots towards her upon mention of a prince. "R- right- you're talking about the Willow prince?"

Ginger nods as she begins to place some salve onto a bandage for the boy. "Yes, she's very kind but also extremely mischievous. She always used to skip out on her lessons and such."

Maribelle chuckles as she turns back to Zeke, continuing to pull splinters. "Yeah. She was, wasn't she?"

Ginger looks at Maribelle curiously. "Do you know her?"

Maribelle nods. "I used to. I don't anymore though.. we sort of.. fell out of touch."

Zeke's eyes widened. "Wow!!! Our Maribelle knows a prince!!! Wait.. If this prince is a girl, why isn't she called a princess?"

Maribelle laughs softly as he asks. "Because she always hated being called one. She always said it made her sound spoiled and mean."

Zeke nods. "That makes sense!!"

Ginger chuckles as she walks over and hands the salved bandage to Maribelle. Maribelle smiles as she gently presses it to his wound. "The tape please Ginger?"

Ginger nods. She walks behind the counter then brings back some paper tape used for sticking stubborn bandages to skin. She rips off two medium sized pieces then hands them to Maribelle.

Maribelle gently puts them onto the bandage, one going horizontally and the other vertically. "There bud, it should heal just fine in a few days okay?"

Zeke nods. He quickly hops off the chair then runs to the door. "Thanks Mari!! Thanks stranger!!" He yells then runs out the door.

Ginger laughs softly. "He's a spritely one." Maribelle nods. "Yeah he is but he's sweet when he wants to be." She stands back up to close the door behind him as he always leaves it open. As she grabs the door as she's an odd looking man heading their way. He obviously wasn't from around there and looked like he had been covered in bright pink paint.

She cocks her head but leaves the door open. She walks behind the counter to wait. Ginger smiles and goes to stand behind her protectively. Ginger pretty much towers over Maribelle due to Maribelle being only five foot one.

The pink man walks inside, a blue and gold letter in his hand. Maribelle greets him happily. "Hello sir! How may I help you today?"

Vincentius chuckles at her happy attitude. "Heya Blondie, I'm Vincentius."

Maribelle cringes a little at the nickname but chooses to ignore it. "It's nice to meet you sir I'm-" He cuts her off like he loves to do. "I know who you are. You're that pri-"

Maribelle slams her hand on the counter to interrupt him. "Excuse me but what exactly did you come here for?"

Ginger could sense her anger but doesn't step in for now.

Vincentius laughs. "Yeah yeah. Anyway pack your things, you've got a long few years ahead of you." He tosses the letter to her.

Maribelle cocks her head until she sees the large T on the gold wax seal. "Oh.. Thorn.." She sighs as she opens the letter. In truth she was absolutely ecstatic to go but she's also not because she knows the expectations people will have for her. "I'll go. Ginger, could you go pack our clothes and things? I apologize but we'll have to share clothes for right now."

Ginger cocks her head as she places her hands on Maribelle's shoulders. "Are you sure I should leave you with this stranger?"

Maribelle chuckles. "We're also pretty much strangers but yeah. It's alright, he's friendly enough." Ginger nods. She gently lets her go then begins her walk upstairs, glaring daggers at Vincentius the entire way.

Maribelle smiles and waves gently as Ginger disappears up the stairs. Vincentius chuckles. "She's very protective and you two obviously have not been together long."

Maribelle sighs but nods. "Yeah.. We just met a few days ago and performed the bond in the same interaction. It was more of a mutually beneficial choice. She needed something and according to her I have a lot to learn." She smiles.

Vincentius chuckles. "Yeah. You do seem, no offense, but extremely sheltered."

Maribelle laughs softly. "I was.. not by choice though."

Vincentius nods. "I'm sure no one would wanna grow up the way you did. Rest assured the school will take your concerns into account. No staff or students shall know your real name. The only ones who know are myself and the headmaster."

Maribelle nods. "Thank you, I appreciate it. I don't want my family to have an impact on my life anymore."

Vincentius smiles. "Amen to that! Now let's get going! It takes a couple days to travel to the school."

Maribelle cocks her head. "Are you going to be travelling with us?"

Vincentius shakes his head. "Not exactly. I'll more or less be following from the shadows, just to make sure nothing happens."

Ginger clears her throat as she walks downstairs with a couple suitcases. "That won't be necessary, even with her previous status. I've guarded people before and rest assured, she will be well cared for in my care."

Maribelle nods. "Ginger can protect me, it's not necessary."

Vincentius sighs. "Whether you think it's necessary or not, I have orders and I don't plan to disobey them."

Ginger sighs. "Fine." It's obvious she wasn't going to win. "Let's get going young one, it takes a few days to travel there from here."

Maribelle nods. "Okay! But what's gonna happen to the village?.."

Ginger chuckles as she sets down the suitcases. She wraps her arms around Maribelle in an embrace. "Just remember what I told you. Fate will bring them a new herbalist."

Maribelle nods, leaning into Ginger's soft skin. "I have to tell them I'm leaving first and then we'll go okay?"

Ginger smiles then lets her go. "Of course dear."

Vincentius chuckles. "I'll help Ginger pack up here while you go run 'bout blondie."

Maribelle rolls her eyes then rushes out of the shop. "I'll be back soon!! Promise!!"

Ginger nods and gives her a small wave. She turns to the wall of medicinal herbs behind the counter. She places her hand onto the counter then vines begin to form, the vines form picnic basket like shapes with moss cushions inside to form sections. "Place the glasses inside these sections, and please be gentle with them."

Vincentius nods. He starts to grab and put away the glasses of various ground powders. Ginger continues to grow more baskets for the bundles of fresh herbs, their tools, and various seeds for various plants. "This should be everything we need, we don't want to take everything away just in case the new herbalist isn't exactly smart."

Vincentius laughs. "Aren't herbalists supposed to be smart though?"

Ginger chuckles. "Yes but some aren't smart enough to bring their own supplies when moving." She grabs a piece of paper from a drawer behind the counter as well as a pen then she begins to write a letter for the new herbalist, explaining how things work there and we're to find various necessities.

Vincentius smiles as he continues to pack up some supplies, making sure to leave some commonly found items out due to Ginger's request. "This shop is really nice."

Ginger nods. "Thanks, I made it myself a few millenniums ago."

Vincentius' eyes widened. "Jeez. Why is it all the weird people I've met lately are extremely old!?"

Ginger laughs softly. "Well it's because I'm a Willow, Willows ago differently then other species. For instance, by the time our babies are born they're already forty years old. One week for you all is one year for us."

Vincentius is taken aback. "Wow! Y'all are so epic!"

Ginger chuckles. "Not everyone thinks of us that way, take your school for an example. It was built to keep us in check."

Vincentius sighs. "Yeah.. I know I hope it'll change one day! I hate the way things are right now but to be fair it is both parties fault, we started to not treat you as equals and you all needed, and still need, to fight that.."

Ginger nods. "It's nice to meet someone who understands."

Maribelle comes back into the store teary eyed. "Al- alright! I'm ready!"

Ginger smiles faintly. She walks from behind the counter and hugs Maribelle tight. "Come on young one, our people in change sometimes you know."

Maribelle chuckles. "Yeah I know.. but I'm gonna miss them. Believe it or not I think I'm gonna miss Zeke the most.."

Ginger smiles and nods. "Yes, I can tell. Now let us set off, we have everything packed."

Maribelle nods. She gently lets go of Ginger. "Let's go then. I don't wanna stay too long and change my mind." She wishes her hand in the air then the suitcases begin to float. "Could you get the baskets Ginger?"

Ginger nods and goes to grab the baskets. "Let us set off on our new adventure."