
Thorn Academy, Book One: When His Moon Recedes

Riddle was... well lonely to put it mildly. But after an interesting man hunts them down things like loneliness seem far far away. However when opening a new door a closed one always follows. What happens when things and people from the past come back to haunt them. All Riddle wanted was a quiet and peaceful life yet the gods seem hellbent against it. Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I write part time so don't expect updates too often! I apologize for any future errors, I don't write this book directly on the app so sometimes things change when I make the transfer! Also this book is a polyamous book! Don't like it, Don't read.

Hallows_Spence · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Chapter VII: Our New Home

Riddle sighs as she looks at the people in front of her. "How are we supposed to work as a team? We've got a pink idiot, a girl who looks like she's twelve, a party fanatic, and someone who's too pure." They think and shake their head. "Alright. First things first. Bedrooms, mine's the one with the phone per headmasters orders. Maribelle's is the one next to mine. Other than that you all are free to pick your rooms."

The group nods. "Maribelle, Ginger's already in your room getting your things unpacked okay?" Ginger nods. "You all can go get settled in. After that we'll have a discussion about who everyone really is, species and title as well as our full names. While everyone's getting settled in I'm gonna work on a chore chart because I'll be damned if this wonderful house turns into a pig sty."

Cerelia, Eowyn, and Vincentius quickly jump up and run off to get the third pick of the rooms. Maribelle smiles and gently grabs Riddle's hand. "You're doing a great job so far."

Riddle smiles gently. "Thanks Belli. Though I think this is gonna be a lot harder than I initially thought." They gently squeeze her hand.

Maribelle chuckles. "You've got me and Ginger here with you. You can do this, if you ever need help feel free to ask."

Riddle nods. "Thank you, your highness." They playfully tease.

Maribelle scoffs. "Yeah yeah whatever." She laughs softly as she stands. "I'm gonna go help Ginger. See you soon?"

Riddle smiles. "Mhm. I'll call everyone back out in a few hours."

Maribelle nods. "Bye your grace!" She teases and sticks out her tongue.

Riddle laughs and throws their pen at her. "Don't call me that!"

Maribelle giggles as she exits the room and down the hall that was behind Riddle. Riddle smiles softly as they look around the room. "He really went over the top with this house.." They think as they stare at the old victorian style rooms in front of them. "And the walls!?" The walls are dark cherry red which Riddle hates.

Riddle shakes their head as they get up from the long dining table in their dining room. "We need a better meeting spot." They think and go down the same hall Maribelle did. They enter the first room on the left.

Xena smiles as she sees Riddle. "Hi!! I've got everything ready!" The rooms matched the style of the house and were already fully furnished with large wardrobes, vanities, and a four poster bed. As well as a desk, three chairs, a table, and a few smaller footstools. Riddle's bed had black and peach colored sheets and blankets with black sheer curtains tied to the poles. Their room was peach colored with black and light admiral grey accents.

The chairs and footstools were made of black velvet, the table and desk from red cherry wood as well as the wardrobe and vanity. Riddle scoffs. "Insanely over the top?" They sigh.

Xena giggles softly. "I think it's comfy!" Xena had already unpacked some of their belongings and had put them up. Luck's tree branch was in the front right corner next to the window, his cage was right underneath which he was currently in. Xena's sitting post was next to the bed which they'd probably end up sharing. Her sitting post was just a dead tree.

Riddle chuckles as they look around. "You've been busy huh? Is there even anything left for me to do?"

Xena laughs softly. "I didn't touch your clothes or jewelry or makeup. So you can put all that away! Meanwhile I'm gonna nap!" She flops down onto the bed and instantly falls asleep.

Riddle shakes their head. They grab some of their things out of their duffle bag and begin to put them away. Soon enough everything in their room was finally put away and to be honest, they loved it. "This looks great!" They smile then flop down onto the bed next to Xena.

Xena immediately snuggles up next to them in her sleep. Riddle smiles gently and messes with her hair. "Clingy little bird." They reach into their pocket and pull out their phone. They look at the time which reads one twenty three. "I'll give them until one thirty." Riddle thinks.

Their eyes wander around the room until they land on a very old black rotary phone. "Guessing that's the phone." They laugh softly and shake their head. "So over the top."

A small knock comes from the door. Maribelle's head peeks in once she hears Riddle groan. She chuckles softly. "Everyone is ready, are you?"

Riddle nods. They carefully untangle themselves from Xena and get up. "Yeah, let's get this over with."

Maribelle smiles and backs out of the room. Her footsteps can be heard retreating down the hallway. Riddle adjusts the bandage around their eyes then leaves the room as well.

Everyone can be seen sitting at the table, waiting for Riddle to join them. "You all got done a lot faster than I had expected. Good job."

Cerelia's face beams with pride. Vincentius looks at her then laughs. "Stop looking so prideful, knowing you, you just threw things everywhere and called it done!"

Cerelia huffs. "Hush it!! I wanna get on with this meeting!"

Riddle chuckles as they sit down at the head of the table. "I'll work on our meeting quarters after this but for now let's begin. I want everyone to go around and introduce themselves by their full name, sobriquet, species, sub species if necessary, age, and pronouns. Does that make sense?"

The group nods. Riddle smiles gently. "Good, I won't force you all to be truthful but I do encourage you to tell the truth. After this talk we'll have a talk about everyone's magical gifts. Which I truly do need you to be truthful about as aspects of my magic sometimes do not mix well with others. And I would like to see actual feats of magic as well."

Maribelle gently raises her hand. "Um.. Rids hon, you know-"

Riddle nods. "I know. It's alright."

Vincentius cocks his head. "Uh what are you two talking about?"

Riddle chuckles lightly at his overly curious expression. "Don't worry about it."

Vincentius pouts but nods. "Fine." He drags out the word to be annoying and to express his displeasure.

Maribelle chuckles slightly. She looks at Riddle with a confused expression. "Why didn't they just tell him?" She thinks.

Riddle coughs quietly. "Ahem. I do believe we should get on with this introduction?"

Vincentius jumps up excitedly. "Me! Me first!" He jumps onto the back of his chair, somehow not falling. "My name's Vincentius Rowan Carrow!" He says with a proud expression on his face.

Riddle rolls their eyes. "This idiot." They think. Vincentius' chair wobbles slightly as he continues to boast about himself. Riddle sighs as they sneak their hand under the table. Ice forms underneath the table, holding Vincentius' chair firmly in place. Thankfully no one seems to notice besides Maribelle who gets a slight chill.

Vincentius arms are outstretched to the side, supposedly to help him keep his balance. His palms faced the ceiling, making it seem like he was putting on a performance. "My sobriquet is Candy. I'm thirty-five years old. Unfortunately I'm a human!" He pauses for a moment. "Uh what else was there?"

Riddle rolls their eyes playfully. "Pronouns and title."

Vincentius grins wildly. "Right! My pronouns are he/him. As for my title, I'm known as the headmaster's left hand!"

Riddle claps slowly. "So overly dramatic. Now sit back down."

Vincentius laughs and jumps back into his chair. The ice had disappeared right before his feet touched the ground.

Eowyn gently raises her hand. "May I go next?"

Riddle nods. "If you do desire, yes you may."

Eowyn gently rises from her seat. "My name is Eowyn Rose Lockheart. I am a fairy and I am fifteen years of age."

Everyone's eyes widen as she says that. "Holy Peklo!!! You're so young!!" Cerelia shouts as she launches from her chair.

Eowyn nods. "I know. May I continue?"

Riddle nods. "Yes, apologies."

Eowyn cracks a small smile for a split second then her face falls again. "My sobriquet is Toc. You may use any pronouns when in reference to me. Finally, I am known as the girl with the golden heart."

Riddle cocks their head. "Where have I heard that before?" They think as they look at Eowyn. "Have I met you before?"

Eowyn shakes their head. "Not that I'm aware of."

Riddle sighs softly then nods. "Alright." They turn to look at Cerelia. "Care to go next? I'm rather curious about you."

Cerelia laughs. She waits for Eowyn to be re seated then begins. "Alright alright. The names Cerelia-Charlotte May Ross."

Riddle's eyes don't leave her throughout her whole introduction.

"I'm twenty-one years old." She pauses for a minute to think. "I use she/it pronouns. My species is a Time Jaunt." Her smile grows. "My sobriquet is Vernal! And for my title.." She pauses to take a deep breath. "My title is the keeper of time."

Vincentius' eyes widen as he jumps up from his chair with a huge grin on his face. "No way!! You're one of the people the old man was telling us about!!!"

Cerelia nods. "Yep. And I'm bloody proud of it!!!"

Riddle sighs. "Quiet down. You shouldn't want anyone else to hear you idiot."

Cerelia laughs. "I'm not scared! They can come get me if they wanna!" She throws a few punches in the air to prove her point. "I am curious though." She stops for a minute. "Which one of you is the other keeper? Cause the headmaster said there were two of us."

Maribelle giggles softly. "Be patient. I'm sure the other will reveal themself in time. And besides, how do you know it's not Vincentius or Eowyn? Riddle didn't say people couldn't lie."

Cerelia chuckles lightly, scratching the back of her neck. "Yeah I guess you got a point!"

Riddle chuckles under their breath. "Maribelle dear, it's your turn unless you'd like me to go ahead and go?"

Maribelle shakes her head. "No, that's okay! I can go next, I don't mind!" She smiles brightly as she claps her hands together. "Alright! My real name is Marica Clarice Everwood. Though I still wanna be called Maribelle please!!"

Riddle smiles. She's clearly proud of the person Maribelle has grown to be.

"I'm twenty years old! My species is a witch but I'm also half elf! Like Eowyn, I don't really care what pronouns you use for me!! Oh and I'm a disowned and run away princess!!" She says that last part like it's no big deal.

Vincentius chokes on his own words as he figures out something to say. "I- wha-? I- no-?" He seems very confused.

Riddle laughs. "Thank you Belli dear. You can sit down now."

Cerelia laughs. "Well guess we know who the princess is now!" Vincentius shakes his head and slaps his cheeks. "But! Why aren't you a real princess?"

Riddle growls loudly at his question. "Watch your mouth."

Maribelle chuckles weakly and sets her hand on top of Riddle's. "Rids hon it's okay. I don't mind him asking, I figured someone would sooner or later."

Riddle continues to growl as Maribelle explains. "My father.. He didn't like that I wasn't born as a pure blood elf. He despised me because my witch side was much more prominent than my elven side. Despite this I was his eldest child so I was supposed to rule. Instead however, he went out an found a pure blooded elf mistress who bore his next child, my younger brother. I continued to learn how to rule and govern my country but my father taught my brother in secret. Once he was old enough my father decided that he would inherite the throne instead."

Vincentius' mouth falls open. "What! That's not right!! That man is such a cow!"

Maribelle laughs softly. "Soon after he told me I packed my bags and ran away, determined to live I better life than the one that was chosen for me. And here we are! I have a amazing group of friends, a wonderful shade whom I love with all my heart, my best friend of twenty human years, and a amazing place to call home!"

Vincentius' eyes tear up. "N- no fair! You're gonna make me cry!!" He whines and launches himself over the table to hug Maribelle.

Riddle growls louder and bites his arm as it goes around Maribelle. Vincentius screams and pulls away quickly causing Riddle's sharp teeth to drag down his arm. "Ah!!! They bite!! Maribelle they bite me!!"

Maribelle laughs as she pets Riddle's head. "Calm down. I promise they aren't venomous!"

Riddle smiles as they lean into Maribelle's hand. "Who says I'm not."

Vincentius screams louder and keeps freaking out. "Oh my gods! I'm gonna die!!" He screams as he runs around their dining room.

Cerelia rolls her eyes as she laughs. "Calm down you big baby!" She looks at Riddle. "Hah! They're like a big puppy dog!"

Maribelle laughs as Riddle growls again. "Oh wait I almost forgot! My sobriquet is Epazote!"

Riddle looks over at her. "Isn't that the name of a plant?"

Maribelle laughs. "Yep. Think of me as the opposite of Vernal over there." She teases playfully.

Cerelia grins wildly. "A healing herb and a poisonous herb. We make a great pair!"

Maribelle laughs. "Yeah we would!"

Riddle chuckles. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Their eyes sparkle in the sun for a moment as they think. They gently pull on Maribelle's sleeve. "Could we have a word in private?"

Maribelle nods. "Oh! Of course honey!" She smiles cheerfully and rises from her chair. "We're gonna head to Riddle's room for a moment okay? We'll be back soon then Riddle can do their introduction!"

Cerelia nods. "Yeah sure. Knock yourselves out! Just don't take too long!"

Riddle nods as they stand. "Of course." A small smile spreads across their face as themself and Maribelle exit the room.

Vincentius snickers quietly. "I bet you fifty gold coins that they're secretly dating." He smirks.

Cerelia grins. "Oh bet! I hope not though. I'd like Riddle all to myself!" She says with a proud expression on her face.

Vincentius bursts out laughing. "Really? You have got to be kidding me! You haven't even known them for that long!" He continues to laugh until Cerelia shoves her hand over his mouth.

"Oh shut up! And why should that matter!? It was love at first sight okay!" She continues to pout as she argues her point.

Vincentius playfully bites her palm, forcing her to retract her hand. "Say what you want but Riddle ain't the kind of person you are. I highly doubt they're gonna like you in that regard."

Cerelia crosses her arms over her chest and scoffs. "Yeah!? Well what do you know!"

Vincentius sticks his tongue out at her. "I know a lot more then you that's for sure!" He states in a firm yet playful tone. His mind wanders back to something his shade Kuzo had told him awhile ago. "I wonder if he's right about that?" He thinks. "Nah. There is no way Riddle of all people would own something like that!"

Someone's got a crush~

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