
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs


Wei Tianchong was woken up in the early morning before dawn. He was sleepy and frantically shouted, "Don't bother me!"

The voice of Tang Jai had already sounded: "Young master, we have to go to class."

"Go or not, go to bed."

"I'm afraid I'll have to stand and listen to the class if I'm late."

"Then stand still." Wei Tianchong answers impatiently.

The next moment, Tang Jai picked Wei Tianchong up from the quilt and carried him out.

"Don't rob you!" Wei Tianchong punches Tang Jai, and Tang Jai grabs him at once. He has grasped Wei Tianchong's arm. With his strength, Wei Tianchong has no chance to resist.

"I will tell my mother, tell my mother!" Wei Tianchong shouts desperately.

"Then you must tell me the lesson before you tell me. Shimeng, wash up for the young master!" Tang Jie ignored him at all.

Shimeng rushed over and said angrily, "Why am I here again? Why don't you do it?"

"Then why don't we change? You urge the young master to attend class, and I'll wash him?" Tang Qiang rushed Wei Tian up.

Shimeng looked at Wei Tianchong, who was shouting and dancing in the forehand, and swallowed: "Forget it, let me come."

After a lot of trouble, Wei Tianchong finally woke up a lot.

The three people went to the Moxiang Academy together. They saw many people coming to the preaching hall. It seems that yesterday's event has taught many students a lesson.

The Xiyue College has no habit of dividing classes. Fifteen hundred people speak together, and there are only hundreds of seats. Finally, they come early and can get seats in the front row.

The key is that there are not many servants who can be dragged by force regardless of the young master's will like Tang Jao. Most servants can only beg their young master to get up.

When it was getting light, the students finally arrived together. Most of them had no place and kept scolding, but there was a picket. No young master dared to force anyone to give way.

At this time, Tang Qiang suddenly raised a sign:

"You can sell seats and three pieces of money."

Wei Tianchong was shocked: "Do you want to sell seats?"

Tang Jiexiao replied, "We are used to being servants."

"But these three Lingqian coins are too expensive, aren't they?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have only one seat. If I can't sell it, I can use it myself."

That said, the price of three pieces of money is not cheap.

On the contrary, Tang Zhai's behavior inspired many servants who occupied seats in advance and sold their seats one after another. However, their prices were cheap. They sold their seats for a little silver. Even the waiters sold their seats. On the contrary, Tang Zhai's position was ignored, but Tang Zhai really didn't care.

He just wants to be happy.

It didn't take long for the teacher to come.

The immortal master was a middle-aged man with long beard and a dark face, as if everyone owed him money.

At this moment, the students who had some small talk immediately fell silent.

At this time, the immortal master nodded: "Close the door and count. Those who don't arrive in the time limit don't need to come in again."

And he did not speak in a loud voice, which was heard everywhere.

No one pushed and the main lobby door was slammed shut.

After a moment of counting, a picket student came forward and said, "Master Hui Xin, there are 1500 students in this period, but actually there are 1342 students, and there are still 158 students who haven't arrived."

The black faced immortal said, "Those who do not arrive will be punished as truancy, and five points will be deducted."

The following students are sweating on their foreheads. They are driving people away by changing their ways!

The black faced immortal teacher seemed to look at the minds of outstanding people and said coldly, "The immortal road is rugged, and it is hard to walk. If you want to pursue the road, you must persevere and forge ahead. Otherwise, if you can pursue the road easily, who will cherish it? You must have felt the rules of this college yesterday, but even if so, some people dare to be late! Even if you can't even get up early, what kind of immortal should you cultivate? Go home and sleep early!"

His words were harsh, which made everyone feel awe inspiring.

Tang Jiedao thought what the immortal master said was very reasonable.

Although the rules of the Moon Washing Academy are strict, they are not all unreasonable. It is extremely normal that students are not allowed to fight or be late, but young masters are used to enjoying the good fortune and being used to being brave, so they can't get used to it.

The rules of the canteen are a bit excessive, but it can also correct the young masters' problem of taking themselves first in everything. What's more, we need to know that everything is hard won, and we can also let them get rid of such bad habits as extravagance and undisciplined.

If we don't change these problems and bring the habits of the rich to the world of cultivating immortals, there will be no good results in the future.

Moreover, Tang Jie always felt that there was something behind these rules, but he could not find it for a while.

The immortal master has continued: "In the future, you should behave yourself well. I don't like empty words in the Moon Baptist Academy. Everything is based on action. Therefore, if I say this exhortation once, you will know it clearly. If you don't know it, you will eat the bitter fruit."

After saying this, the immortal teacher said again, "Let's begin to teach. My name is Xin Yue. According to the rules of the college, all teachers who give lectures are called Guru, but they can be called surnames. Violators are considered to be more polite. In the classroom, we must keep quiet, and no questions are allowed. If there is any unauthorized noise, clamour, or questioning, one point will be deducted for each breach of etiquette."

There are more than 1000 people in this class. If everyone has various problems, he doesn't need to lecture.

"Since it is the first day, I will tell you the origin of the Moon Washing Sect, the purpose of the Moon Washing Academy, and the history of some immortal families. According to the historical records of the Qixia world, it can be traced back to 15000 years, which can not be examined before, but can only be inquired from the relics. Among the immortals that have been proved, Wen Xian is the earliest, the proof of the law is the second, and the time and the world are spiritual..."

It didn't teach everyone how to cultivate, which made everyone disappointed.

Qixia World has a long history. Today, people divide it into four major periods: ancient, ancient, modern and modern. Among them, ancient was 15000 years ago, which is a long time ago. Even immortals who practice immortality cannot live at this time. Therefore, historical records cannot be examined. In ancient times, there was a small amount of history handed down. Jiuli Soldier Leader was a powerful figure in ancient times, about 10000 years ago. These immortals have either fallen, or broken the world with ease and disappeared, and I don't know whether they have lived to the present.

In recent ancient times, the real history of Qixia World began from 5000 years ago to the present.

In recent ancient times, there have been three great upheavals, each of which has brought about earth shaking changes. The Moon Baptist School rose in the third "Hongmeng Disaster", and has gradually developed and expanded to this day. It has a history of 3000 years, a history of 1800 years, and a history of 1000 years. The Moon Baptist School has existed for more than 1200 years. It can be said that the glory of the Moon Baptist School is closely related to the establishment of the Moon Baptist School.

Most of the students were not interested in Qixia's history. Tang Dynasty was very interested in it.

Since he came to Qixia World, although he also read and could read, he did not receive systematic education after all. It is extremely necessary for him to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the world if he wants to make a good living in the world.

Those who have really experienced the society will miss their school days immensely. As a lament of the Tang Dynasty, "It is happier to be a student" and "I will study hard if I have the opportunity to return to school", they will not waste any more opportunities.

Therefore, he not only listened carefully in class, but also took notes.

The students of this era seldom have the habit of taking notes. Tang Jie's performance is that Naxin looks at him more and more.

When one class was over, Xin Yue left, and everyone thought they could rest. Unexpectedly, another immortal came up.

This time, she was a female teacher, and her voice was very beautiful. But what she said made everyone feel cold.

"My name is Si Yue'er. Next, I will tell you about the geography of Qixia World."

Unexpectedly, there was still a class to be held, and it was not to teach immortals. Everyone complained at the same time. Even the deduction of points could not stop the boiling "grievances".

This has been standing for more than half an hour!

That Si Yue'er is a good person and doesn't call for any points deduction, Just smiled: "I know it's not easy for students to come here, so they come here to cultivate immortals and gain the Tao. But if they don't understand the truth, how can they gain the Tao? Our great school of Xiyue Academy not only teaches everyone the fairy law, but also the truth of life. If all the immortals come out who don't even know the truth of how to behave, and those who disobey us die, they will be taught by devils. Let's just leave the immortals alone. What's more, these knowledge of literature and science is not useless. For thousands of years since the establishment of the fairyland, immortals have been born and died, and mountains and rivers have changed. Some things are always changing, but some things are always unchanged. If you know everything about the world, you can go there in the future. For example, when I go to mountains, rivers and mountains and encounter some strange things, I don't know what I will find. If you don't even know the basic principles, I'm afraid that adventure may not be possible, but you will go to the dead end instead. As you can see, there are many dead places in Qixia World, including Jedi and Forbidden Areas. If you can easily enter without knowing how strong you are, it would be no different to work hard to cultivate immortals... "

After these words, the noise finally subsided. Si Yue'er nodded with satisfaction, "That's right."

Someone said below, "Look, there are other classes after this class?"

Hearing this, Si Yue'er smiled and said, "Of course, astronomy, history, nature, geography, physics, mathematics, painting and calligraphy, miscellaneous studies... none of them can be missed. The students from Xiyue College, even if they can't beat others, should be of a high standard in knowledge, not to mention being rude, losing the face of my Xiyue College!"

Hearing this, everyone was upset. Someone had already beat his chest and said, "I'm here to cultivate immortals, not to be a scholar. When can I start formal cultivation? I'm really worried!"

Wei Tianchong also wants to shout, but Tang Jao covers his mouth to death and refuses to let him speak.

Si Yue'er then said, "That's why we need to schedule our courses more closely. Now it's time to practice writing in the morning and pass the law in the afternoon. After all the essays are passed, naturally we don't need to practice writing any more, and we can practice all day long."

"So it is." Everyone was relieved at last.

But at the thought of standing until noon, everyone immediately got a headache.

Tang Jie raised the sign again at this time.

"For seats, five coins will be sold."

Damn bastard, he even raised the price.

Finally, a young master couldn't stand standing for a long time and decided to buy a seat.

Tang Jie took the money and stood up to Wei Tianchong. Anyway, he could take notes while standing.

Si Yue'er smiled and said, "Now that we understand, let's follow the rules."


What rules?

Si Yue'er suddenly turned cold with a smile: "Don't ask questions noisily during the break. Didn't you Xin Shi tell you? Just now, there was so much nonsense, and it took a lot of time. You, you, you... make a noise once, and one point will be deducted for each person. You, you, you... make a noise twice, and two points will be deducted. You, make a noise twice, and ask a question once, and three points will be deducted!"

She pointed at the place where she was pointing, and none of the noisy people had missed before. Those students who had been named were already scared and had been picketed for scoring.

Someone was angry and pointed at Tang Jai and asked, "Why didn't he deduct the seats when he sold them? I'm not convinced. Even if I tried to deduct one point, I would ask!"

Si Yue'er replied, "The classroom rule is that no noise is allowed. As long as you can do anything quietly without disturbing the teacher, you can listen or not. In fact, I don't care. It's OK to sleep, but no snoring! He sells his seat but doesn't speak. He doesn't violate the rules. What do I care about him?"

Now we can understand why Tang Zhai wanted to write a sign to sell seats. This guy was prepared for this. When she just sold seats, Ya raised the sign, put it down, took money, and offered seats without saying a word.

Wei Tianchong totally understands what is meant by "knowing what can't be done, then knowing what can be done!"

In fact, this is also a test for Tang Zao.

When the rules are strictly enforced to a level that can be said to be strict, they often become rigid.

He wondered how rigid it was.

Now it seems that the rules of the Moon Washing Academy are rigid.

Si Yue'er answered the question with a smile and said, "As for you, one point will be deducted for asking questions. If you are rude, three points will be deducted for questioning the master. In total, four points will be deducted."

The student immediately became flaccid.

Si Yue'er then snorted and said proudly in a voice that everyone could hear: "1500 people are too many, and there are only so many gurus in the college. How can they be busy? If it is not suitable, we should rush out early to save some effort. Who dares to break the rules, Xin Yue, who has a dark face? Or our aunt is fierce, and a group of people will be punished."

The words made everyone tremble.

Tang's robbery didn't stop. Wei Tianchong blurted out, "This woman is really insidious."

Tang Jie wanted to kick the fool to death.

As expected, Si Yue'er turned around and smiled at Wei Tian: "He said nothing, slander the guru... deduct five points!"

At once, a scout student rushed to Wei Tianchong like a devil, grabbed Wei Tianchong's points card, waved his big hand, and five points disappeared.