
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs

Chapter 50

Disciple Gui of Teach Wei Tianchong had been teaching until a letter came to inform them of the meal.

The cafeteria of the college is called Qianweixuan. As the name implies, there are all kinds of exquisite food in Qixia, basically everything you can think of can come out for you.

However, when I went in, I found that things were not as beautiful as I thought.

Fifteen hundred students went to the canteen to eat, but there was only one window for sale!


The line of 1500 people lined up directly from the inside to the outside of the hall, forming a super long dragon.

Wei Tian rushed to Tang to rob them late. He was shocked at the sight.

Wei Tianchong shouted, "Why are there so many people? When will it be?"

"Cut the crap and line up." Tang Jie has already led Wei Tianchong to the back of the queue.

Wei Tianchong has never experienced this before. He shouted, "No, I'll see if I can go to the front."

"Little master." Tang Jie said painfully, "Learn to apply!"

Wei Tianchong was shocked. He looked at the left and right sides. He didn't find anything. He asked in a low voice, "Are you hiding?"

"Need to ask?" Tang Qiang snorted.

It didn't take long for the development of events to confirm the prediction of Tang Dynasty.

A young master from some unknown family thought that the line was so long that he wanted to get food without waiting in line. Then two students in the white gown suddenly appeared in the lobby like ghosts. He grabbed the young master aside with a smile, but said a few words in a low voice. The young master was already pale. He took out the scorecard obediently, then the light flashed, and the brand returned to his hands.

The two students disappeared, and the young master returned to the queue and began to queue in silence.

Wei Tianchong was sweating: "There are pits everywhere, everywhere! This is not the Immortal Cultivation Academy, it is simply a trap academy."

A lot of points will be deducted for not queuing up properly. Fortunately, only one point. The problem is that the queue itself is too long.

Wei Tianchong waited for a long time before he finally got food. Seeing this, Wei Tianchong immediately shouted, "What the hell is this?"

A bowl of brown rice, two pieces of bacon, a few cauliflower and a bowl of clear soup.

Even what Shimeng saw was cool.

"Isn't it said that all the food in the college is spiritual food?" Wei Tian angrily asked, "Isn't this Qianwei Xuan with everything? What is this? Pigs don't eat!"

Tang Jai pointed to the plaque on the canteen, which said: "Ten portions of spiritual food are enough for you. One hundred portions of delicious food are enough for you. There is no limit to coarse grain."

Tang Jie pointed to his rice bowl and said, "See? Like Li Yu's spirit wine, it is a limited supply. If you come late, you can only eat coarse grains. Let's try to come earlier next time."

Wei Tianchong was about to cry: "Is there no other way?"

"Yes, there is a charging window over there." Tang Jie pointed to the corner.

Wei Tianchong saw that there was still a small window open over there. He walked over to see it and immediately got a shock: "A bowl of milled rice requires a spiritual coin?"

"A bowl of pork costs three Lingqian." Shimeng also shook his head.

"One piece of spiritual food needs ten pieces of spiritual money." Tang Dynasty felt helpless.

It's too dark!

"I don't know how those students survived." Shimeng looked and sighed.

Hearing this, Tang Jae was moved.


Why don't you see those senior brothers buying food here?

Looking around, the canteen is almost full of freshmen.

How do the senior brothers eat?

However, even if this question is asked, it's useless. The only senior brothers Tang Jai can contact are those scouts, who are all staring at your points. Seeking knowledge from them is like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth. I can only think about it slowly in the future.

Whether he accepts it or not, Wei Tianchong finally gnawed his teeth and bought a refined rice and a fish with clear soup to eat. As for Tang Jai, they had to eat coarse grains.

While eating, everyone scolded the Xiyue College. From time to time, they saw that some people were unlucky and had their points deducted. They felt happy again.

Sometimes happiness must be based on the pain of others.

In just a short time, seven or eight people had already been deducted points, and they had to queue up one by one with a sad face.

Wei Tianchong wants to see what happens to the popular but noisy meeting. Unfortunately, no such idiot has seen it.

However, when he looked at it, he felt wrong. Wei Tianchong asked, "Why are all the unlucky young masters

"What's so strange about that? Young master, it's the best way to deal with grievances. Unlike our servants, they are used to being angry." Tang Jie answered.

Wei Tianchong suddenly realized: "No wonder that student used to pick on me... Wait, what do you mean by that? Do you think you are very angry with me?"

Tang Jae looked up to the sky and said, "Look, young master, what you said is most of what I said, not including you."

"So you mean I'm fine?"

"That's right. Young master, you have always regarded our servants as friends, and you are most generous." Tang Jie answered without blushing.

"If only you knew." Wei Tianchong is very satisfied.

Then he saw that Tang Jao's chopsticks had reached out to him, and he put a big piece of meat into his mouth from a fish that had just been exchanged for three Lingqian coins.

Wei Tian was furious. He was about to teach Tang Jai a lesson. He remembered that he had just said that he thought of servants as friends, but he couldn't help it.

Shimeng watched Tang Zhai eat fish and wanted to eat a chopstick. However, Wei Tianchong had learned a lesson and had already put a whole fish in his bowl.

Shimeng thought that he could not steal fish from the master's bowl after all, so he could only give up bitterly. Looking at the bowl of soup and coarse grain, he wanted to cry without tears.

Even the servant did not eat so badly when he was at Wei's house!

After dinner, the three servants took a walk in the college when they were free.

The environment of Xiyue College is really beautiful. You can walk around freely. There are picturesque places everywhere.

Once in a while, when one or two female practitioners passed by, Wei Tianchong and Shi Meng would look straight at them and almost didn't whistle.

At the age of 16, the body has gradually matured and began to understand the good match of a lady.

Unfortunately, Xiyue College is full of yang and weak of yin. There are more men than women. There is only one female cultivator in ten students. Therefore, these female cultivators have higher eyes than the top and easily ignore the male students.

As he walked, Wei Tianchong suddenly said, "I understand."

"What do you understand, young master?" Tang Jiewen asked.

"In this Xiyue College, we have to fight for everything!" Wei Tian said bitterly, "The spirit wine is contested, the points are contested, and even the meals are contested. Maybe that means paying homage instead of fighting!"

"That's it." He echoed his dream.

"It's not enough just to understand this. Learn to apply, young master!" Tang Robbery Reminder.

"I know what you mean, as I expected..." Wei Tianchong shook his head and said in the voice of our military adviser's clever plan, "Then tomorrow's class will probably be contested. Maybe there are only a few seats. If you come late, you can only stand and listen to the class."

Tang Jae slapped his palm with his fist and said, "Young master, you finally understand!"

Wei Tian rushes to the sky and laughs three times, full of pride.

After half a while, his face suddenly changed: "Shit, doesn't that mean I can't sleep late in the future?"

"Just wait to get up before dawn." Don't worry. I'll call you

On the way back, Tang Zhai found a tree board to take away.

Wei Tianchong asked him curiously what he could do. Tang Robber replied that he should make a plaque to add a name to his residence.

The Xiyue College is fighting for its return, but it likes to be elegant in appearance. Students like to be artful. Students often put some words on the plaque in front of their residence, such as "Wolong Pavilion", "Qingxin Hall", "Mingzhi Residence", and so on.

Tang Jie thought of living here for ten years, so he had to add a name to his residence.

Hearing this, Wei Tianchong was very interested, and together with Shi Meng, they found a door plank to take back.

After Tang Qiang returned, he gave his residence a name of "Tao Ranju". He wanted to be free and easy. Apart from this Tao Ranju, his life of being free from dust did not conform to his mood, but it was also somewhat free and easy.

Shimeng looks much simpler. He thinks that since he is a philistine, he might as well call it Fengya Pavilion.

After arriving here, Wei Tianchong racked his brains to come up with no good name, and finally decided to use the old name.

A stroke of the pen.

The three characters "Jingxin Garden" appeared on the plaque.


In a room in Xuezilin, the number here is Yulin No. 45.

But privately, it has another nickname, "Eagle Nest".

In the Eagle's Nest, Gu Changqing is sitting in front of the case, holding a stack of materials and reading constantly.

These are all the data of students enrolled in this period, and it took a lot of effort and cost to get them.

Gu Changqing wrote comments from time to time while watching, or asked to pay attention to someone or focus on someone.

During the research, a man in gold rushed into the room door: "Good news..."

"Get out!" Gu Changqing shouted without looking up.

The man in gold was stunned. Gu Changqing had already shouted again, "Go out, learn to knock at the door and come in again!"

The man's face took a puff. After holding his breath, he turned to leave the room, closed the door and knocked again: "Zhao Xinguo has something to report to Vice Eagle Leader!"

"Come in."

Then Zhao Xinguo opened the door and said, "Just now, when the new student entered the school, he found a student named Tang Jie standing out and calling loudly."

"And then what?"

Then Zhao Xinguo was stunned: "Then... then he called out what I, Tang Jie, must be one of the top ten disciples..."

Gu Changqing finally raised his head and looked at Zhao Xinguo. His eyes showed the color of moving: "This is your good news?"

Zhao Xinguo took a deep breath and said, "All the new students are afraid to speak loudly when they enter the school. Only this one is special and named Tang Jie. I think it's very suspicious."

Gu Changqing took a deep look at him and pointed to the chair beside him: "Sit down."

Zhao Xinguo sat down, but Gu Changqing ignored him and dealt with the matter at hand.

Zhao Xinguo and others were impatient and shouted, "Your Honor," but Gu Changqing's sharp eyes forced him back and he had to continue to sit there.

After a long time, the knock at the door started again: "Gao Fei from the Eagle Hall has something to report to Lord Gu Ying."

"Come in."

Another man entered, not wearing a gold coat, but a coarse cloth gown. After entering the door, he bowed to Gu Changqing and said, "I found a new student named Tang Jie, who is quite similar to the target we are pursuing."

"Younger martial brother, you are late. I have already told the Vice Eagle Lord first. Remember to hurry up!" Zhao Xinguo said lazily, his voice full of pride.

Gao Fei just smiled and said, "Senior Brother Zhao's reaction is naturally very fast, not as good as Junior Brother Zhao's."

"What did you find?" Gu Changqing ignored Zhao Xinguo and just asked.

"It is verified that this man is called Tang Zhai. The hijacked Zhai has the same sound but different characters. He comes from the Wei family of Canglong Mansion. He is the servant of Wei Tianchong, the young master of the Wei family. His height can no longer match the original data due to too long time. However, from the aspect of his appearance, he is somewhat in harmony with the Tang Jie. But as the adults said, there are too many people who conform to the characteristics of the young Tang Jie, which can not be used as evidence. So I asked someone to inquire about the young master of the Wei family It is said that the Tang robber entered the Wei family three years ago. The specific origin has not been revealed yet, so further investigation is needed. "

"Three years ago... Canglong Mansion... Wei Family..." Gu Changqing smiled: "That can be listed as a target for a good investigation."

Then he took a look at Zhao Xinguo: "The news should not only be fast, but also as detailed as possible."

Zhao Xinguo blushed and could not speak.

Gao Fei already said, "But it's strange to say that if Tang Jao is really the person we are looking for, he should take the initiative to avoid when he sees us coming. Why would he take the initiative to jump out?"

Zhao Xinguo finally got a chance and disdained: "It's no use asking. Maybe he guessed that someone was secretly watching the reaction of students. He knew that withdrawal was not good, so he deliberately played a trick to cast doubt. Let us think that if he took the initiative to stand up, it could not be a robbery in the Tang Dynasty. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place."


To Zhao Xinguo's surprise, Gu Changqing slapped the case in the palm and knocked out a hole in his palm. Gu Changqing has growled at Zhao Xinguo, "What nonsense? According to you, the golden flame and the strong wind are the most dangerous. He has the ability to fly up there! Is the danger that you can hide in dangerous?"

Zhao Xinguo was shamed by Gu Changqing and said, "... The most dangerous place I said is... a loophole in thinking."

"It's called thoughtlessness if there are loopholes in thinking. Only the incompetent can rely on their opponents' mistakes!" Gu Changqing was still not polite: "He knew that he would be suspected if he retreated, so he purposely stood up and shouted? Then we did not doubt him? What's the logic of this? Are we not suspicious of him now? If he is such a person, he is the biggest idiot in the world. Do you think such an idiot can escape our close investigation for three years? Get out of here!"

Zhao Xinguo was ashamed and angry, so he had to leave first.

Gao Fei frowned as he watched Zhao Xinguo leave, "Lord Eagle, Elder Martial Brother Zhao is also the son of Immortal Zhao anyway. Is it too much for you to scold him like that?"

"If he is not the son of Immortal Zhao, can I tolerate this waste?" Gu Changqing said coldly, "I've had enough of him. He's just the son of a real man. I'm not afraid of him!"

Gao Fei listens to the snicker, but he doesn't dare to take over.

Gu Changqing then said to Gao Fei, "This Tang robbery, numbered 96, is temporarily listed in Class B. Go to check the details first, and do everything according to the rules and regulations."