
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs


It was not easy for Wei Tianchong to finish his class. Hearing this, he saw that Tang Jao had dragged him out of the hospital.

Wei Tianchong was curious to ask, but he saw Tang Jao made a shush gesture to keep him quiet. He had learned a lot by now and didn't dare to ask more questions. He followed Tang Jao to the outside of the hospital with Shimeng. Just a few steps after leaving, Tang Jao yanked him and shouted, "Run!"

"Run? Run what?"

"Eat!" Tang plundered and drank low. People rushed out like lightning.

having dinner!

Watching Mengwei and Tianchong wake up, they run away.

Seeing the three masters and servants running wildly, the other students were stunned. Then they woke up and said, "Eat!"

All the students rushed to Qianwei Pavilion at the same time. They killed Qianwei Pavilion like thousands of troops. Wei Tianchong and other three people were at the front of the queue. They took the food from the window breathlessly. They were really good dishes full of spirituality, with delicious color and excellent taste.

"At last we can have a good meal!" Wei Tian is holding the food in his hands and sighing. He sits on the seat and eats.

Tang Jie smiled, but he just sat quietly and didn't eat.

"Why don't you eat?" Wei Tian rushes to ask.

Tang Jie smiled, "You'll know later."

In a short time, Qianwei Garden was full of people, and all the students lined up in a long line.

The Tang Dynasty robber raised a sign again: "For the sale of spiritual food, a full set of thirty-five spiritual coins."

"You also sell lunch?" Wei Tian is staring at his eyes.

No wonder he doesn't eat.

Tang Jai replied, "Why not sell it? We haven't formally learned the Immortal Law yet. Eating good food is just to strengthen our body. It's too much waste. I couldn't absorb all the aura brought by the spirit wine yesterday. It's too bad. It's better to sell it. My price is much higher than Qianwei Xuan's."

"... You are cruel!" Wei Tianchong is speechless.

Looking at Shimeng again, the food in his mouth fell down.

He has eaten this one, but he can't sell it anywhere.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!!!" The dream is painful.

Tang Jie answered slowly, "Then someone will compete with me for business. It's not easy to find a rich butcher these days."

Even Wei Tianchong ate his supper with clear soup yesterday. The young master of a rich family dare not show off his wealth here. Thirty five pieces of Holy Money, in modern times, is the official price of thirty-five thousand, and the black market price exceeds one hundred thousand!

No matter how rich people are, they dare not eat like this every day. Therefore, for Tang Zao, the less competition is, the better.

Shimeng said, "How could I do that?"

Tang Jie sneered, "It's as if you were sitting in class this morning."


After a while, someone finally couldn't stand the "pig food" and went to Tang Zhai to buy the spiritual food. Of course, Tang Zhai didn't forget to take the other party's original "pig food", which was very delicious.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Robbed has already earned 40 spiritual coins. His monthly silver in this college is only ten liang, and now he has earned the annual income in the morning.


The afternoon is the time for teaching.

The preaching of Dharma is not in Moxiang Academy, but in front of the lecture stone at Chaoyang Peak, another peak of Qingyun Mountain. Students must climb the mountain and jump the mountain all the way.

There is no doubt that this is another troubling thing. Wei Tianchong suffered from this. He could not walk after only half of his journey. He sat on the ground and cried, "I don't want to go, I want to go home!"

"If you don't go, you have to go. This is a law teaching class. If you miss the teaching, the college will come in vain." Tang Jie dragged him forward.

"I'm not leaving!" Wei Tianchong shouts.

"If you don't leave, I'll whip you!" Tang Jiehuo said. He has never threatened Wei Tianchong with family skills since he left the Wei Mansion. Although his wife gave him Shang Fang's sword, it was not easy for him to use it. Therefore, Tang Jie was reluctant to sacrifice this "magic weapon". But now it's about preaching the law, and he can't help but threaten.

Wei Tianchong shivered for a moment, knowing that the guy had done what he said. He shivered for a moment, so he could only stand up and move on. While walking, he shouted: "I want to tell my mother that you have made me suffer!"

Tang Jie sneered, "Tell me, tell me, I promise my wife will never pay attention to you."

"Nonsense, my mother loves me most!"

"My wife loves you, young master. If my wife is here, it is unacceptable to see you suffer. But if she is not here, how can you tell her that you suffer, young master, as long as she knows that it is good for you, she will not be distressed."

"How can this be possible?" Wei Tian is shocked.

"Nothing is impossible." Tang Jae laughed and said, "When you can't see it, you can be ruthless. Parents all over the world are like this."

Wei Tian opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. When he thought about what Tang Jao said, it was reasonable. His mother said that he should have a good training and be ready to bear hardships. Does she really ignore him?

At the thought of this, he was frightened, and he cried out: "My life is so hard!"

Tang Jao was angry. He grabbed him and said, "Life is hard? Young master, I just call life hard. You can't stop me from killing you. On the first day, you deducted five points for me. I pointed out that you have become one of the top ten disciples. If you don't give up life, I will thank God!"

At the thought of his misfortune, others were trying to improve themselves, but he still had to help such a thing into the heart of heaven. Tang Zao felt very big.

Why did I make such a wish?

Wei Tianchong felt very embarrassed when Tang robbed him. He bit his teeth and finally arrived at Chaoyang Peak.

I thought I was late, but I was afraid that I could only stand to listen to the lecture. Unexpectedly, I saw the place in front of the lecture stone was covered with futons. This time, everyone could sit down.

Tang plundered Xiawei Tianchong, and the three of them found a place to sit down together. After a while, the following students continued to come, but no one was refused outside the peak.

Wei Tianchong was very curious and asked Tang Jie, "Why don't you drive away all the people who are late this time? Do you still have seats for everyone?"

After thinking for a while, Tang Jie replied, "Yesterday and morning's events should all be to teach you some lessons, so that you can restrain your temper. Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't have one or two classes of liberal arts and science. But lecturing is a big thing, and it is also the root of the Xiyue College. If you come late, you will not be allowed to enter. If you don't have one class, it may affect your life. After all, it will not be such a trifle."

"I see!" Wei Tianchong suddenly realized, and then his face became bitter again: "I knew he didn't work so hard just now."

"Look at your promise!" The Tang Dynasty plundered without words.

Before long, an old man with white eyebrows appeared on the Scripture Stone.

The old man closed his eyes and sat down. He looked miserable. Seeing him appear, the students had lowered their voices and said, "It's a bitter man."

Tang Jie, the bitter Immortal, has also heard of it. He is a famous senior in Xiyue College. He has educated countless people, but he is respected by the world.

The most important thing is that this poor Immortal has a very good character and a lot of praise. I don't think there will be any problems with the disciples.

As expected, when the bitter Immortal arrived, he did not talk nonsense, but said directly:

"The heaven and earth have spiritual power, and the divine power is full of heaven and earth. What the cultivator cultivates is nothing more than the spirit of the heaven and earth. He uses the body to accept the spirit, uses the soul to melt the spirit, uses the scripture to practice the spirit, and uses the law to use the spirit. Therefore, the cultivator of the spirit belongs to its root. The cultivator cultivates the body, the soul, the law, and the scripture. Among them, the body acceptance is the basis, the technique is the representation, and the inside and outside..."

As the bitter Immortal told us, there have been a lot of grand paintings among students about practitioners mastering the aura of heaven and earth and wielding elegance.

The ascent of the immortal cultivators on the immortal road, in plain terms, is the improvement of the ability to use Reiki. Even if they enter the Sendai, Reiki will become immortal, which is just a kind of higher quality qi.

Qi is like a stepping stone. No matter how you climb, jump, laugh, cry or shout, you can't leave the mountain stone road as the foundation.

However, there are thousands of roads, thousands of turns, and how to get there is different.

Immortals use the aura in the same way as the array way of Xumuyang in essence. They use the aura to play their own role by arranging and combining it. The array and the technique all achieve the specified requirements by issuing operating instructions to the aura, so as to form different immortal methods.

For this reason, all spells have a basic limitation that Reiki itself can do.

If it is the effect that Reiki can never achieve, then there must be no such magic unless you can get the Palm Avenue, beyond the limit of degassing.

"Spiritual beings are tangible things. They can take instructions because of their spirituality. They can transform all things, and can be used wonderfully. However, they have their limits. They cannot penetrate the nether world, affect the future, and are difficult to use for the invisible. Therefore, it is the ultimate idea of cultivators to enter the invisible with the visible, and break the limit of qi. Its name is Tao..."

This passage means that because Reiki is tangible, it cannot act on illusory things. Therefore, such as insight into the future, observing the secrets of heaven and other celestial methods do not exist in this world.

Therefore, there is no so-called astrologer or destiny master in the vast universe of stars. Even if there is one, they are all bluffing and bluffing, and there is no magic that can be known thousands of miles away by finger pinching!

Only after mastering the Tao can we truly transform the tangible into the intangible, break through the limitation of the tangible aura, and possess more incredible abilities.

Therefore, the person who cultivates immortals is also called the person who cultivates Taoism. One of the paths of Taoism is the end of immortals. However, one of the paths of Taoism is too ethereal, so it is invisible, hard to capture, and hard to understand. Only by moving forward on the tangible path, can we grasp a chance to see the meaning of Taoism.

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. For any monk, if he wants to catch the invisible, he should catch the visible first. The spiritual cultivation begins from this.

The sixteen words "body to spirit, soul to spirit, scripture to spirit, and law to spirit" are the summary of practitioners' practice of law. The beginning of this is to accept spirit with body, and the first step of this is to open up spiritual eyes.

"The human body has a whole world and five elements, which are all inclusive. Qi flows through a hundred channels, and magic generates ten thousand methods. However, there is no limit to heaven and earth, and there is a limit to human power, so you can use your body to understand the five elements..."

This passage says that the human body is a world, with yin, yang and five elements in it, corresponding to the heaven and earth. Therefore, when the aura operates in the body, through the law of the small world, it can correspond to the thousands of skills of the big world.

However, the human body has its limits, and it is impossible to truly accommodate the world. Therefore, we must choose our own path and not go blindly.

Next, the bitter Taoist has begun to explain the method of developing the Holy Eye.

It is often said that the Holy Eye is the place where Reiki is stored, which is not a correct statement. To be exact, it is the only way to store and use Reiki.

A person who has not opened his mind is like a brush. If you want to use the spirit, you must constantly absorb it and use it again, just as a brush keeps dipping in ink to write, as in the early Tang Dynasty.

A person with a smart eye is like a pen, which can write continuously.

Therefore, the Holy Eye is not the refill that is responsible for storing water, but the small hole on the tip. Only through this hole can the Holy Spirit in the refill flow out in a controlled way, and also through this hole can the ink be sucked in again.

The distribution of the five elements of the human body has its own characteristics, and the effect is completely different due to the different positions of the spiritual eye. Therefore, from the spiritual eye, practitioners must make careful choices.

The Xiyue Sect specializes in the Hand Shaoyin Heart Channel and the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Channel. Therefore, most of the mental skills focus on these two meridians, and the Holy Eye is also opened between these two meridians.

The Palm Yin Heart Sutra originates from the heart and belongs to the heart system. Its acupoints include Jiquan, Qingling, Shaohai, Lingdao, Tongli, Yingap, Shenmen, Shaofu, etc.

The Foot Shaoyin Kidney Channel starts from the little finger, walks in the foot heart, and unblocks the whole body. At the beginning, the first step of the Tibetan Elephant Channel starts from the Qi acupoints, which is the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Channel. Its acupoints include Yongquan, Yougu, Youmen, Shenfeng, etc.

Therefore, the Holy Eye can be opened in various parts, depending on their needs.

If Yongquan is located at the bottom of the foot, it originates from the kidney and belongs to water. It is located at the foot and benefits the earth. Its qi is warm and beneficial. That is, if Yongquan is the foundation of the spiritual eye, then the most suitable mental skill for cultivating the mind skill is water. However, in terms of expression, it also has affinity for the earth attribute. At the same time, the kidney meridian has a strong ability to warm and nourish, and it is easy to improve the realm. Therefore, it is suitable to cultivate the skill mainly with water and supplemented by earth. At the same time, the realm is easy to rise, but the combat power is not strong, Students who want to live longer are more suitable.

But if you are a warmonger, you may still practice the fire attribute skill, which is the effect of twice the effort and half the effort.

In addition to the position of the spiritual eye, there are also cultivation methods of the spiritual eye. Different methods have different effects on the same spiritual eye.

For this reason, you need to determine your future path before the development of the Holy Eye.

Why do practitioners must make great dreams?

Because only when you are sure of your ambition, can you know what way to go in the future and not be confused.

From the foundation, the person who cultivates immortals must have a firm heart and know the road he will take in the future, so that he can avoid detours. Once he has taken some detours, he cannot turn back.

At this moment, the bitter Taoist said that the functions and functions of all the meridians and acupoints of the human body belong to the same nature. It was an eye opener for the students. Only then did they realize that the name of Xiyue College is worthy of the name, and the depression of being squeezed before was greatly reduced.

It was not until the bitter Taoist had finished his teaching that everyone realized that the sun was fading.

At this time, the bitter Taoist waved the dust in his hand and said in a loud voice: "Today's lesson is over. You can get a copy of the Dharma Book in front of the lecturing stone and open your eyes according to the law. I will answer questions for you tomorrow. I will answer questions for you here every day. If there is no question, you can not come here and practice. Remember, without permission, the Dharma you have learned cannot be passed on. Those who communicate secret Dharma privately will be severely punished."

Then I saw that thousands of books had appeared in front of the Scripture Stone.

This book, however, does not really exist. It only appears among the stone walls, each with its own name and annotation, indicating where the cultivation method can enlighten the mind, what functions and characteristics it has, and related taboos.

Obviously, it is up to everyone to decide their own final path.

"You can't turn back when you choose Xianlu. Please choose carefully." After saying this, the bitter Taoist priest disappeared.

The students gathered in front of the lecture stone. They were dazzled by the countless stones passing by. They did not know how to choose.

Wei Tian looks at Tang Jie and says, "What do you think I should choose?"

Before he knew it, he attached great importance to the opinions of Tang Dynasty.

Tang Jie replied, "Everyone has his own way. After all, it's better to choose his own way. If you want to ask me, I can only answer. First, think about why you cultivate immortals!"

Wei Tianchong was shocked. He seriously thought for a while, and then murmured: "In fact, I only cultivate immortals to meet my mother's wishes and family's expectations. As for myself... I really haven't thought about it."

In front of him, countless books were flying, but Wei Tianchong's eyes flashed a line of confusion.

Tang Jie smiled: "Then think again, as long as you are a person, there will always be a pursuit, and the path you choose is the closest path to your pursuit of dreams."

"What about you? What do you choose?" Shimeng couldn't help asking.

"Me?" Tang Jie smiled and pointed at a scripture in front of him: "I will choose it!"

They looked at each other at the same time, and saw that under the guidance of Tang Jiayi, the scripture had turned into a ray of gold and flew into Tang Jiayi's palm, and then disappeared without a trace. The content of the scripture automatically appeared in Tang Jiayi's mind, but there was no physical object at all. Just another identical Scripture appeared while talking about the Scripture.

"The golden formula of Shaohai Cave!" The two men saw that they had called at the same time.

Shaoyin is the most important of all the sutras, and Shaohai is the foundation of Shaoyin, which is the first Holy Eye of the Moon Washing Sect.

Its source comes from the heart and belongs to water. It meets again and contains hundreds of rivers;

It is positioned at the elbow to benefit qi, and force qi to cast quickly;

Its method is concise and pure, good at attacking, and invincible;

Benefit and gather qi!

Quick break!

Sharp armor!