

"How... How long have you known about this Ash? Why did you just now tell us? Please explain this to me. I don't understand."

Jace's voice cracks and he slumps onto the ground crying. Ash moves as if to hold him but he pushes her away. Daniel appears next to her glaring and puts a hand onto his shoulder. They talk quietly amongst themselves. Ash stands and starts to pace.

She can feel their anger and hatred toward her and it hurts like a knife in her heart, twisting and turning, trying to kill her slowly. She clutches her heart with her hand, gasps for breath, and attempts to speak.

"I...I... I didn't... I didn't know... The visions..."

She curls in on herself in pain as the hatred grows stronger.

"The visions are rare... last one... The last one I had... Was when Jace kissed me at the hospital... It was... What restored my memories about my past..."

The boy's pain eases up just a smidgen. She gasps for air. It hurts. Oh how it hurts. She groans.