
A Lesson In Love

She decides to go and find him. She needs to explain why she did what she did. Why did Daniel and she do what they did? She feels guilty but knows in her heart that she is innocent.

She uses her powers with ease to find his room. A simple tracking spell works great when you care for a person so deeply.

She knocks on the door once, twice. He doesn't answer but she can feel him. She knows that he is there.

"Jace! Please let me in? We need to talk." She gets no answer. "Jace?"

Her hand finds the doorknob and she is surprised to find the door open. She tosses her bags to the side and looks around the room.

Jace lays on the bed staring face up at the ceiling. She sits down on the edge of the bed. He turns the other way to avoid her. She sighs.