
Suprise… Suprise

More memories flood into her brain. This time they are from before she was born. This time they're her mother's memories.

A light flashes throughout the sky. God is mad. He has been betrayed by one of his own. One that he once held dear.

"Step forward my daughter and accept your punishment."

A girl of about 17 appears from deep within the crowd of people.. Her hair is a blonde color. Almost brown. Her eyes are a light amber color. She's tall. About 5 foot 9. She looks like she has been crying. She approaches the throne of God. She is shaking with fear.

"Janet. You have been accused of high treason. Of consorting with Lucifer and having a child of the fallen now known Devil. For this you will be banished to earth. Your punishment is to walk among the earth like a human. I will have mercy on your son but as for you, I will show you none."

" You will become a human after this child of yours is born and your child will walk among the earth with the powers of good, not evil inside of him. He will still be an angel, A true angel in his own right with rights to a home in heaven when he turns 18."

"Janet, From this day on you will no longer see the glories of heaven. Food will have no taste. You will never find happiness. I banish you Janet, daughter of the most high God, from this paradise. Be gone my disgraceful daughter and never return. For you are no longer welcome here in my kingdom. The kingdom of God."

His voice echoes throughout the hall. Everyone is silent. Footsteps echo through the great hall.

The girl walks dejectedly through the crowd of people surrounding the throne. They part as she walks by and scowl at her.

Some are weeping. The whole army of angels watch as she disappears down toward earth on her now bloodied wings, towards her punishment.

From that day forth she was no longer mentioned in the humble abode of God. No one weeps for her either.

She is no longer one of them. She simply ceased to exist in their minds. Even time forgot her.

Ash gasps for air as the world shifts back into place. Un-shed tears fill her eyes for the one who was banished from the Eternal Eden called heaven.

How horrible. To be banished from heaven like that. All for love. That women must have been heartbroken.

Jace! She thinks, Oh my word! Jace looks like her. Ash looks over at Jace. They both do. Could this mean that they are both angels?

"Jace?" She asks shakily, almost afraid of the answer, "How old was your mother when she had you?"

Jace looks surprised at the question but answers honestly, "18 years old. Why?"

Just as I feared, She thinks. "No reason. What was her name?"

Again he answers honestly, "Janet... Why?"

"Blonde almost brown hair, Bright amber eyes. Thin? Am I correct?"

Jace nods. Unable to speak. He looks over at Daniel.

"Let me guess, next you're going to ask if we are twins?" Daniel snarks back at her.

"Actually, Yes. Are you two twins?"

Jace nods slowly. It was a yes. The look on his face is fearful. Afraid even. His emotions are a jumbled mess.

Ash stands up and runs her fingertip along Jace's spine slowly and then faster. Stopping each time at the middle of his spine. Suddenly, with a whoosh of air, his wings appear. Magnificently white and perfect in every way. He is pure of heart, they seem to say. A great deity in the making.

He looks in the mirror and gasps. An angel!!! Who would've thought?

Ash walks over to Daniel and whispers in his ear as she runs her nail up his spine. She stops in the middle of his spine only thrice and his wings pop out too. They are gray like the morning after a storm. A sight of pure envy among her tribe.

His sin is light. All within good reason they seem to say. His sin is justifiable. Both boys are pure of heart.

So the dream was right. The boys look confused. Scared even. Their whole lives just changed in less than minutes because of some random girl that they just met. Because of her.

She sits down to think. How should I approach this topic with them?

Finally a thought hits. She stands up and starts to explain.

"I expect you have questions. I too have them. Your mother was once a great angel. All of heaven adored her. No one expected her to do what she did. She was perfect in every way. She was God's favorite. She was his Betrothed."

"As years passed his favor grew. He loved her immensely. She was envied by all women and wanted by many males of God's kingdom."

"No one knew that she was capable of making a mistake in the eyes of God. To him she was perfect. The day that they found out was the worst day of all of Angel history."

"A trial was held and your mother was held in contempt for consorting with the lord of the underworld. They found her guilty and her punishment was to become earthbound."

"She was pregnant at the time with a baby boy. Or so they had thought it was only one. God mercifully bestowed his blessing upon the child so that when he was born he would be pure of heart and slow to anger. He then cast Janet onto Earth where, as soon as she had the child she would become human."

"God mourned for many years. Always fearing what would happen to her. For he loved her like he loved no other. No one knew she was pregnant with two children. No one has seen her since."

" I believe that you two are the key to ending the war between good and evil. So I ask you now on bended knee. "She kneels. "Will you help us end this war?"

The boys stand there in shock. Ash waits expectantly for an answer. Minutes pass before either of them speak.