
The Undead In MCU

a normal dude, gets flunked into the world of the Marvel Cinematic universe with many many changes. with him being an undead, the fuck is he gonna do? this is my first fanfiction, so please help me as i go along the way.

SpiritFest13 · Filme
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16 Chs



"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noises or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts



"wait!" She wants me to wait, to make me go through procedures about the Blood transfusion, or the thing I am about to do now. but it is too late.

i put my right hand in the cut area, slowly pushing it through the skin, going inside of Coulson's body through force. pushing through his organs to reach the one organ I am aiming for.

Yes, I Am Gonna Pump The Heart Manually.

Undead is a self-inflicting ability which allows someone to negate death. That's the basic concept of it. but how to negate Death, that is another different concept. it depends on the form of death, if it is death by aging, the aging will stop completely. if it is death by a Disease, then the Disease is destroyed the moment it forms. but if it is death by an injury, the ability enhances the regenerative factor of the body to infinite degrees. Any type of injury is regenerated without any exceptions. This regeneration can also be used to create specific parts for the body. Ex- blood.

a User, by his own ways, utilizes this regeneration factor anyway they want. accelerating blood by creating new blood cells and regenerating them to achieve high-pressure stream of blood. Not only that, but the Undead also Grants the user complete control over the movement and speed of the regeneration factor, meaning that the user could control the regeneration factor to do whatever they want.

but the question comes next. can a User having Undead Abilities negate someone's death. the answer would be NO! could his ability heal someone. also NO!But Could his ability heal itself inside of someone else, temporarily granting them similar regeneration? hell YES!

That's my plan.

 I accelerate my blood and shoot it at a steady pace through the tube from my bloodstream to Coulson's blood stream while I have my hands on Coulson's Heart. my idea? It is to pump Coulson's heart so that his heart wouldn't stop beating while I send my blood into his blood, trying to do the impossible. it would not have worked if i did not know biology, but thankfully, i do.. at least somewhat.. The doctors who experimented on me really gave me wacky ideas of Biology.

so, let's start with my blood then.

With my blood entering his blood stream, it goes straight to the heart which is being pumped manually, which would allow it to spread through all the body to reach muscles and the tissue. When reaching, the membranes of my blood cells and the recipient's cells merge, allowing the exchange of regenerative molecules, temporarily transferring my regenerative factors. These regenerative factors start initiating a signaling cascade that activates various cellular pathways which include the MAPK/ERK pathway, PI3K/AKT pathway, and others involved in cell growth, differentiation, and survival.

The side effect of my transferring my blood to Coulson is that it would evaporate after 30 seconds, meaning I have to keep a steady and stable source of blood pouring into His bloodstream, making sure that whatever I do stays, at least temporarily until my regenerative cells heal him completely. If my blood evaporates before doing its job, Tissues might only partially regenerate, leading to weaker structural integrity and potential complications in healing fractures. Coulson may become more susceptible to infections and inflammation, potentially complicating the healing process.

This is especially serious, with Coulson dead and me forcefully pumping his heart. If his healing stops, then he would get an infection due to the current circumstances, closing off the opportunity that I may be able to take to bring him alive.

The tablet from Skye's hand makes noise, even Skye starts asking questions, but i cannot answer. I need to be focused, to 'Conceptualize' my blood healing itself. What I am doing is mimicking my regeneration into Coulson's by temporarily replacing Coulson's blood into mine. meaning that the entire Blood which is flowing in Coulson is not His, Not the GH.125, But Mine.

With my blood reaching the heart, the heart starts pumping my blood through the major blood vessels: the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. As the blood travels through the arteries, it carries oxygen and nutrients to various tissues and organs throughout the body. and... this successfully starts the healing process.

I sigh in relief, still in concentration to dictate what my blood needs to do. but now that the healing process has started, all i have to do is to supply continuous amounts of blood while pumping the heart. but that's when someone shakes me, making me break my concentration.

"what are you doing?" Skye is desperate for an answer, she does not have a clue on what is happening, even Simmons cannot understand why i am doing this in her infinite wisdom.

"I am saving him. now let me Concentrate.!'' The loss of Concentration caused the healing that had been going on to stop, but thankfully, with my theory being a success, I am immediately able to get back in the game and dictate my blood to continue the healing process. Thankfully, it starts where it left off, healing the damaged tissues one by one quite fast.

With the regeneration going on, my mixed blood affects the Keratinocytes (skin cells), fibroblasts (connective tissue cells), and endothelial cells (lining of blood vessels), which stimulate rapid cell division and closure of the wound. This reminds me.

"Skye, remove all the Shrapnel from Coulson's body now." Skye looks at me confused and horrified, making me think she is asking the question " why the hell would i do that?". which is correct, so i explain what i am doing.

" i am using my blood to regenerate his wounds, remove the shrapnel or else it would be stuck in Coulson's body ever.!'' Before she could even say anything, a loud Screech came from the tablet, as loud as a Banshee. Skye turns the tablet to me, showing Jemma Simmons.

"what are you doing?" oh god, why do i have to deal with this shit now. I know I have to explain, because if I cannot, then Skye would not Remove the Shrapnel. Why am I doing this again?

" I am using my blood to heal his wounds, okay? now please remove the goddamn Shrapnel or else his Skin would regenerate over the Shrapnel." look at Skye, wanting her to do what i tell her too as fast as possible... but noooo... Simmons has more to say..

" That is not possible Biologically. you cannot just transfer blood to regenerate wou-'' before she could complete her sentence, she is interrupted-


Coulson Inhales, opens his eyes, and jerks his body. shocking everyone but me. I did expect this to happen, but this is not a good time right now.

"COULSON" everyone screams, Skye and the people from the tablet, that is, poor Pilot. Skye puts her hand in Coulson's face, tearing leaking again, but not the anguish tears, but happy tears.

"ugh, Skye-" OF course Coulson and Skye wanna be Snappy at this moment.

" GET THE GODDAMN SHRAPNEL FROM HIS BODY" there is a limIt to my Patience, i will ask once, i will say twice, but if they still do not listen to reason, i will shout at them.

"y-yeah, right.!" Skye immediately grabs hold of a shrapnel and yanks it. making Coulson grunt, causing her to toss the Shrapnel and hold Coulson's face again.

"It's okay, you are okay... you are alive-'' again with the snappy moment, she forgot it seems.. i bring my head back and-


headbutt Coulson into dreamland. as well as break his nose.

"wha-" well Skye, if you do not do what is necessary right now, you are gonna get the same treatment.

" i do not want him awake right now, he is moving too much, i might accidentally squeeze his heart a little harder.'' I closed my eyes to concentrate.. but nooo.. no one wants me to save Coulson it seems.

"How are you doing this.?" of course Simmons is not gonna be quiet when it is needed. 

"You want me to talk to you or Save Coulson right now? I cannot do both." That was a rhetorical question, I know, they know. so, I close my eyes to continue the regeneration process.

Due to my blood affecting Coulson's Fibroblasts, it Increases collagen synthesis leading to quicker formation of new connective tissue. It provides structural support, essential for wound strength and integrity. The regenerative factors activate osteoblasts, the cells responsible for new bone formation, Osteoblasts deposit new bone matrix, aiding in the quick mending of fractures. regenerating and mending Coulson's broken rib due to the explosion.

The blood targets the Fibroblasts, epithelial cells (skin, organ linings), hepatocytes (liver cells), myocytes (muscle cells), and more, which get stimulated, resulting in accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues and organs. The regenerative factors enhance the recipient's immune response by affecting White blood cells (leukocytes) which Enhance immune response helping fight off infections and reduce inflammation and aid in a more effective healing process.

The blood also starts affecting Endothelial cells (cells lining blood vessels), which help in the formation of new blood vessels.

The effect is immediately observable, the wound suffered by The Grenade explosion like the abdomen injury, the broken ribs and loss of blood are all regenerated. But that's not all, due to the regeneration process, the bones, muscles and tissues which are getting weakened due to old age are healing and repaired, making Coulson go back to his prime years in both looks and body.

I decided to complete the operation, slowly taking my arm from inside of the body and Accelerating the blood to heal the cut I made. I yanked away the tube too, letting it heal back. also healing his broken nose, leaving him in good Condition.

but the biggest thing i did right now, is heal Coulson's necrosis, which is the death of a tissue body which occurred when Loki Stabbed him in the chest which caused Coulson's tissue surrounding his heart and left lung to become necrotic following his death, with GH.325 merely allowing him to live without suffering the side effects of necrosis.

Basically, I healed Coulson from his imminent death in the future, so unless he dies in some mission in the future, he pretty much has decades worth of years to live in him.

I went a little back, taking deep breaths. This operation exhausted me, not physically. but Mentally. I look up to see Skye looking at me, with desperation in her eyes, waiting for my eyes.

"He is not going to die anymore. i 'healed' him to perfect health and more." I gave her a thumbs up and a smile, too exhausted to do anything. Skye Collapses in joy and relief and hugs Coulson's Unconscious body. Simmons tells her to check the pulse, and Skye does, relaying the good news and what I said to the group as confirmation.

Coulson is Alive and Well.

I just watch from the side-lines as Skye tends to Coulson, and 5 minutes later, we reach the BUS when the Pilot gets Authorisation and Coulson wakes up, standing on his leg.

The cargo hold opens, making Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leopold Fitz, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Lance Hunter and Antoine Triplett rush in, too see me holding Coulson in one arm, while Skye Holding his other arm, lifting him.

Simmons checks his pulse, and as she knows, HE is alive and well.

They take him from my hands, and drag him to the operating station given to Simmons and Fitz in the bus, intending on doing tests there. I walk behind them calmly, not at all scared, but looking at my hand which is bathed with Coulson's blood. I noticed something.. I am shaking..

I continue walking while thinking. it makes sense actually, 2 months ago, i was a normal dude who would have never imagined what i would be doing now, especially not the killing and an impossible operation.

I reach the operation station, and make my way to the sink to clean the blood in my hands, hearing Simmons blabber about Coulson being alive, him fully healed and what not.

 I look over, and I see a shirt, which makes me remember, I am basically shirtless, so I pick the shirt and wear it over my head, noticing the silence in the room.

I look at the group, and they look at me.. staring deep into my soul.. or at least I think.

"uh...Hi" its awkward, so i initiate a conversation, but-

I get....hugged by....Skye?

I get her off me and see her tears, her look of gratitude pointing towards me. I turn, embarrassed, and look into All of Coulson's crew, even Bobbi and Mack, looking at me Gratefully.

Skye steps back and-

"thank you for saving Coulson.." what? you thought she was gonna kiss me? dream of virgin brothers..

"Thank you Rai. i do not know how-" Coulson speaks up, and i just cut him off.

"Never mind that Coulson, just... how are you feeling.?" yeah, i didn't do it for thanks, i did for the concern for my favorite Character. Plus, I am curious about how my operation affected him.

" I feel good.. really good. like, i feel much younger right now" huh. so what i thought, did happen. with my blood regenerating everything in his body, including his weakened bones and muscles and tissues, basically make him de-age a couple of years.

" because you.....are '' Fitz, finally speaks in front of me for the first time, stuttering and confirming what Coulson is feeling is real.

"what do you mean fitz?" Melinda May, the fighter, speaks, questioning what fitz means.. surely it cannot be-

" Yeah, it is true. whatever... he.. did cause Coulson's Bones, Muscles and Tissues to regenerate to their prime self before deteriorating due to his aging." She looks at me as if I am some Specimen to be studied, like I can help Man-kind advance into the future and stop many deaths- which in retrospect, is true.

"what did you do?" Antoine Triplett, the future deceased member of the group, asks me, wanting to know what the magical shit I did. and even Simmons Comment

"tell the entire story." Jeez, I could not even tell you guys anything, y'know?..... but... they do kinda deserve to know. I sigh and start explaining.

" when i was Doing CPR, i knew that Coulson's heart was gonna give up eventually, so i thought of different ways to make his heart beat-" but before i could complete, someone interrupts

" So you cut up Coulson to reach his heart then?" There is a small amount of accusation coming from Mack, but I shrug it off. I honestly do not care what they think about the situation.

" There was no other option available to me so I had to. but the problem was, if i did that, then Coulson would just bleed out and die, if not already dead-" again, without fully explaining, i am cut off.

"So you did a blood transfusion using your blood. just how sure are you?" Bobbi Morse, the one who interrupted me, puts her hand on her chest, and looks at me as if I was a mad scientist.

" That was a decision I made on the spot, I didn't even want to do it before-" but for the third time, I was interrupted. by May this time.

"what changed?" What the hell kind of question is that? you wanted me to leave him to die or what? and to answer that question, you guys were whining about Coulson's death, that's why. Maybe I should not say it out loud.

"because you guys were whining without letting me think of any other alternatives" yeah. I said it. and the looks I get from May, yeah. I do not think it was worth it.

"Even if that was possible, Coulson would still have been dead. but without your blood having regenerative properties, it wouldn't have worked. just how potent is your ability and if i could just extract some samples from you then-" oh thank god someone interrupted this crazy woman, hell no, i ain't giving you my blood.

"Wait, regenerative? you have powers?" Lance Hunter, the dumbest in the room, asks me a dumb question. I mean, at this point, pretty much everyone in the room knows I have powers.

"Well ,yeah" but what to do, the poor guy isn't the smartest in the room.

"well... great.. you are enhanced...Great!" he raises his hand in agitation and walks away a little bit to the corner. 

"Is there a bargain sale for enhancement or what?' are sarcastic questions obviously, but I decided to mess with Hunter.

"yeah actually.'' Everyone in the room looks at me, asking me mentally if it's true or not, but only Hunter asks what everyone thinks.

"really? where." Well, isn't he excited? I should tell some gayest joke or something, but 2020-ish humor won't work on these people.

"you.. really are dumb huh?" This pisses off Hunter and he Storms off, making everyone turn to me with a stink eye.

"so, how does your ability wo-" thank you Coulson, for interrupting Simmons in her Crazy tirade.

" i am hungry, let's eat and discuss this later." and well, i agree.. I am hungry even though I do not need anything to eat to stay alive, but it's been ages since I ate a proper meal.

*1 Hour Later*

Thai Food, and i do not have a problem with it, even though i have never eaten Thai food before. It's good.

But, Coulson's word of discussing matters later didn't last long before everyone started asking questions. 

"how do your powers work?"

"my power is... molecular regeneration. even with one molecule in my body, i can regenerate through any wounds."

" What is the limit of your regeneration?"

"when i do not have Molecule left in my body"

type questions.

questions eventually get personal.

"where do you live?"


"Where is this home.?"

"near my neighbors."

or questions that are too dumb.

" so lets say, something got cut of from your body, let's say- dic-"

"yes, i can regenerate my cut off dic-"

and Simmons asking my blood over and over again, being like-

"your blood can save millions if not billions-"

" No Simmons, you are not getting my blood. My Blood WILL evaporate 30 seconds after it is removed from my body."

"Why 30 seconds?"

"the fuck would i know?"

and questions that intellectually make me think before answering. (looking at you Fitz) 

"how... does your rege....-"

"regeneration works?"

"yeah. how-"

"My regeneration works by me thinking about it. It's a thought process. I had to think when I mixed my blood and Coulson's in his body to regenerate his body."

you get the idea.

The time eventually comes when the most important conversation comes around.

"So Rai, what is your answer for my offer?" Coulson, and then the team looked at me, wanting to know my answer for the choice that was given to me. they look at me, trying to peer pressure me or something. I do not know.

"well... I declined your offer to Coulson. I am sorry." The team deflates, disappointed, but the looks of Bobbi and Mack, there is a calculating gaze, while May is as Robotic as ever.

"c'mon man, you could really help the world. hell, we could really use your help. getting healed and de-aged when injured, who wouldn't want that?" Skye Looks at me, begging me to accept, but I have made my Choice, but...

"Well, helping isn't my thing. Plus, I am free-spirited and won't follow rules and all. the thing doesn't appeal to me anyways." Sorry Skye, I am stuck with my decision. you guys are great and all, but.. I still need to do one more thing.

"anything that can make you reconsider?" Oh Coulson, you wanna buy my services is it? That's a good plan and all.. but I already have an idea on what to do.

" well... we can maybe create a mutual relationship" i know Coulson understand what i am saying, and he does,

"Okay, what do you offer?" Simple Coulson. a favor for a favor.

" I will help you deal with Daniel Whitehall while you... give me some intel." a simple one-on-one transaction of services. information for help, a good deal to me.

" what type of intel?" thank god Coulson is not gonna hand me the intel, if he did it just like that, the act might be for waste. Plus, it's good to know that Coulson owes me his life doesn't mean he is gonna fall on my legs and do anything I tell him to.

" information about Mexican Cartel members all around the world, I have a personal beef with them." oh yeah, i haven't forgotten about the cartel alright. my main goal in this life is to fuck them up. After that, I'll just wing it.

" you wanna kill them?" c'mon Mack, cut me some slack, i am not a vengeful idiot, the reason i want the intel is different.

" No. I wanna completely destroy their business." i wanna wipe the Cartel from the face of the planet, killing people who are irrelevant to me are not gonna make that happen. This surprises everyone, but Skye is the first person to comment on this.

" So we are getting your help to take down Whitehall, while also being indirectly responsible for the removal of one of the biggest gangs in the world? this is a win-win situation here." Huh? I did not think like that, I was thinking through my beef with them. not realizing that i am targeting one of the biggest Gangs in the world.

"yeah, it is... it's too Suspicious, isn't it?" Of course Ms Robotic May feels suspicious. but I would even think it's suspicious. Coulson looks at me without showing anything in his face. I am kinda nervous but if he decides to not help me, I can just leave and wipe them out the long way. but there will be more deaths.

"Are you not telling us something?" Of course I am not telling you something. hell, i am not telling you many things, like this world was frictional in my world, that my ability is different than what i told you guys. etc etc. but I shrug, denying anything. which is kinda true in this context.

Coulson stares at me for a couple of seconds but then Smiles, signifying his acceptance to this deal. He gets up while I also get up from where I was sitting, next to Skye and walk to him while he does the same.

we both hand shake, to signify the acceptance of the deal.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D" Well, I am not a member but okay.

"Well, thanks." I look at the others to see their reactions.

Skye is excited for me to join the cause, Simmons is also excited, but for completely different reasons. Triplet and Fitz smile at me, welcoming me to the Cause, Hunter gives me a thumbs up while grinning, and then Bobbi and Mack... smile when they see me looking at them.

right, these two are part of the 'real' S.H.I.E.L.D or whatever bullshit they sprout. I might deal with it when that becomes a problem.... and i realize, i am in the MCU, i am bound to cause some changes to the Timeline... Well whatever, I will just go with it.

it is part of My life from now on anyways.





Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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