
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Helpless Omega


This is it.

I have been dreaming to one day have access to actually fight rouges without having to hide in the shadows... Well with my wolf's attention seeking fur, I probably wasn't  that much in the shadows. But you get my point, I now have an actual chance to tear a rouge in half and everyone will take it as self defence and not me breaking pack rules.

"SORRY TO BUST YOUR BUBBLE BUT....DON'T FORGET NO ONE KNOWS ,AND MOST IMPORTANTLY....I HATE THIS TRUTH BUT, YOU ARE AN OMEGA. WE ARE AN OMEGA".....Terra interrupted ...yet again. The guy won't let me catch a break!

"Terra!, This is a good opportunity for us to be recognised by the pack and maybe even allowed to train with them and a possibility of being allowed to join different sports and never be trapped in the kitchen with the rest of the Omegas!...it could be my first and last chance to prove that I am not a stereotype of a legend!, We could be a whole new existence Terra!"...I retorted.

"Omega, stay behind me!"... Arian says in a stern voice disturbing my little mind debate with my wolf, for a minute there I almost forgot we were in the middle of a battle. I am not a  warrior or trained battle wolf but I can tell that these rouges have a big agenda. They are literally scattering themselves all over the woods like flies and non of them have a show as to who the leader is...my guess is that the son of a bitch is probably not here..yet. They are probably trying to exhaust our pack making them run around in circles and once they give out , there probably is a second group waiting to attack...and non of my stupid pack members seem to notice.  I feel there is more of them, but with all the chaos no one is paying attention to anything except for how many they kill. Stupid fools!...Terra!?..

"Sky and Corey are leading the rest of the pack in the attack and you will make an escape once I order you to...these rouges have something more sinister planned and I can't  tell exactly what it is ...." Arian says again before I could reply to Terra... as he speaks, he stands even more taller and towers over me as if he didn't  want the other rouges to notice my presence . Is he being serious?! ....I can take these guys.

"HE DOESN'T KNOW, TO HIM YOU ARE JUST A HELPLESS OMEGA",.. judging by his tone ,I can literally imagine my wolf roll his eyes .

" There is more of them!", I blurt out to Arian. I don't know how he will take this but if he dies right here then I die too. There has to be a way I can help without showing my skills. Among all of us, he is the strongest, if those motherfuckers take him down then my doom is sure to follow. In a distance, I can already see Corey heaving and panting a lot more than should be necessary and I can tell that this is causing a strain on them. The Alpha has to call them back! Retreating is currently the best strategy . I think .

"What!?...." Arian growls and turns his head slightly to catch just a bit of my eye.

"Like you said Arian ...A-Alpha...I say in stutter  while  bowing my head and trying to avoid his furious gaze. These rouges are planning  something , they are obviously playing around with our pack trying to tire us out and attack once we think the ambush is done. They had us cornered and forced us to immediately attack  which means they know we didn't have enough time to properly plan our strategy, judging by their numbers and positions . They are coming out from everywhere and I'm sure you can sense that their head is not here.

Before I can go on running my mouth,  Arian interrupts  me once again.

"Why should I listen to you Omega?!.. for all I know , you being here today might have also been a part of their plan. Would you trust you if you were me ?!..Tell me before I rip your throat from your neck!.." he growled even deeper, sending a deadly vibration  to hum through my already drained veins...I'm starting  to get irritated by this Bitc...

"Answer me Omega!..", Arian was now getting agitated and impatient , clearly stressed as to how he let his fellow pack members into such a disoriented battle and all of them look like they will soon pass out .

I immediately replied, " You are a Great leader, understanding and are not afraid of taking advice from a lowly Omega because you are wise and I think you know that I am right!...plus I can't be a traitor. My mother would have already handed you my head on a silver platter. Everyone knows she hates me...she would use any chance she gets to get rid of me."

"True, you don't have it in you to fight anyway . Alright. What do you suggest  we do since you..eh..saw the problem?". His words were uncomfortable bouncing off his tongue, well since its mind link conversation...his words just came out  sounding uncomfortable and unsure ....but he said them and the words of the king are the law so without wasting a second, I told Arian to mind link the other wolves to ask them to retreat and get back to where we are. For them to avoid any wolves and just like they are doing , our wolves should also run. He did not seem to like the idea of betas, deltas and warriors running from battle, but it was obviously the best option we had  seeing that the rouges had no proper ....or if I should say " no straight attack strategy", yet.

Corey, Sky and the other pack members returned and all stood in formation surrounding the Alpha. They looked soo tired and confused as to why they were told to retreat , but I think they all trust Arian, so they were even more relieved to know that he was still in one piece and not tired.He is our biggest weapon after all.

"Now what ?.." Arian asks me in a separate link.

"Now I run!.."