
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

A little Back Story


According to the last chapter, my wolf and I snuck out of the house to stalk the other wolves as they reinforce security around the pack grounds. No they were not peeing around the borders Just their Scents lingering around and a few markings here and there were enough. Naughty Being.

Before we get to the confrontation, let me be clear as to why I am here. I did not intend to reveal my secret so soon but oh well, here we go!...

Ever since I found out I was an omega at three years old, my life has been a nightmare. My mother used to like me, that was until she gave birth two years later and she just ignored me.When her son...oh wait... when my brother Ray was later revealed to be an Alpha she literally just abandoned me and focused on her now new gold possession. My brother is taller , by a foot or so. He is stronger and obviously more masculine than I am.My mother is an omega born from two Alphas , so when I also was an omega , I was straight out labelled a sissy. Instead of being let to train with other wolves,I was let to sit around with a few girls who were also Omegas to learn odd jobs around the house and pack grounds.I was even forced to get into Home Economics class at school just to improve my domestic skills. My father Fred, has never dared to look or talk to me. He is unfortunately the only one in the family I can trust to help me if what comes to ....what. They don't physically abuse me, but they intend to break my core. They intend to make me feel like crap to a point where I become a cripple and slave to my own mind. My brother Ray is the worst. He has even threatened me to find my mate quickly before I let out my pheromones or he wouldn't know what to do with me if for example a " mistake happened and he tumbled on my bed"..like I would fuckin let him!!!.

Him and my mother have made sure that I do all the house chores.Cooking, cleaning, laundry, lawn mowing ... roof needs a fix and I'll be their go to slave . Eventually everything became easy, it wasn't tiring , and who am I to complain to anyway. The reason I trust my father to sort of be a good wolf is that one time I was sick and mum had forced me to maw the lawn either way. When she left , I tried to do it but passed out. I woke up with food and water next to my bed, and the lawn was mowed. Only Dad was home that day . I didn't say anything, he didn't either. But we understood each other. He can't fight his mate because of me, and I can't let him do that because of me. But when I get in deep trouble, I will come find him and he might be there.

My wolf Terra looks small, not tiny...I think maybe something like twice the size of an average dog. He however surprised me by having a strong mind. Sometimes he sounds like a military guy, I find it weird how his body and mind don't really collaborate. I especially appreciate this part about him though, my brain feels weak sometimes, like I'm about to give in but whenever Terra speaks I feel calm and start to be proud of myself again.

I'm a fuckin hard worker and one day, after I leave the pack I will become a successful businessman and athlete. I hope I'm allowed to run with the pack at school. ...

I forgot to mention , our school is actually a private wolf school, so no humans there. I normally have to run two full hours to get to the human side just so I can see where I want to be after I leave. In the human world, sport people get paid a lot and businessmen earn a lot. I can do so many things and I'll survive. I just need to find my mate and reject them. I can't continue to be a slave just in a different point of view and location. No!..Terra and I will do us. We follow no one. Especially these piss of shits! , sometimes I'm even forced to watch my neighbours kids for free just because apparently it will be useful in the future, hashtag eye roll . Fuck them!

After a long self pep talk, I decided to be unbeatable. There are advantages to being small, you can hide easily and you can also run and depend on the wind to carry you and let you run faster than most of these heavy bodies can . I tried to build my wolf muscle but that didn't go anywhere, it is in our genes that we remain Omegas....., Weak. So I decided since my wolf can't take the exercises why don't I try my human self?..it was a long shot but if anything I would still heal just like any wolf. My only problem with being human was getting tired quickly and using only two legs to run.

How do yall even manage!?..

Anyway back to the story. I trained my human form every chance I got to build endurance and to allow my lungs to get used to the running, hill climbing, mountain climbing and even did a few rounds in water just to control my breathing. I was now kind of ready.

Then I taught myself to summon half of my wolf forms to help my human form in a fight against a rabbit, then a deer, then a fox then eventually after meeting and killing a cheetah, I could properly summon Terra to offer me his teeth or his claws to kill my enemy.

My human body was surprisingly good at at adapting. Soon we started to cover our scents and follow the warrior wolves when they went to patrol the borders. I'm happy to say I have thus far killed four rouges in my human form with the help of Terra . Mostly when the fight seemed impossible to deal, we would immediately change into our wolf form and run as fast as we can. Leaving the unsuspecting warriors to deal with the escaped rouges . I currently don't have a werewolf form. I was supposed to find it with my mate on my sixteenth birthday but I didn't get either.I'm not that ashamed though, I'm currently a nobody so I'm not that affected. I feel bad for our Alpha's son though, he was expected to find his mate on his birthday too but just like me he didn't. No one has hopes for me, but everyone hopes that he finds his mate at our next birthday. Our eighteenth birthday. Yes we share the same birthday, only separated by a day. I think. He is born March 22 and I am born March 23rd , same year. You guess which >wink wink<.

***present situation ***

I did not expect to see Arian today, I did not expect to meet my death so soon, I certainly did not expect to utter the bullshizz I just did..."my man! Yoh!?...".....Terra why didn't you stop me?

"SORRY....MY MAN!!" , just then Terra breaks into another hysterical laughter . Actually, he wasn't the only one laughing. Arian stood before me and he himself also cracked into a laughter, but it wasn't a " that was funny " laugh. It was more of a " do you think this is a joke !? " laughter. I watched him fake laugh to a point where he used his knees as support to avoid ...rolling backwards?. But ...then he stopped.I felt a cold eerie wind pass by me . Is this what they mean when they say I saw my life flash before my eyes ?

"Stand the fuck up Omega!", he yelled and unfortunately that brought more attention to us causing me to bow my head even more. He normally doesn't dish out supremacy, but I guess he is really mad and I'm honestly not ready to face his wrath.

" Oi guys! Guess who turned up for thanksgiving, my cousin Derek !", He said as he let out a small chuckle, pretending to play along with me. The only immediate thought I had was , Who the fuck is even this Derek person!?...

I am still in my wolf form and I can be anyone of the Omegas . Maybe I should run! ? ...but wait, there is one tiny yet big problem, even though my mum has white fur, mine was the only one that glistened under the moonlight. Pure Snow White fur that is going to be the death of me ....now I need to find a good excuse before Arian...

"It's nice to see you again , Gail! ".

Oh! He knows my name.

" I understand you like taking walks at night, but what you are doing could get you and your family in trouble! , you could die here and no one will know cause in this current moment you were supposed to be home . Weaklings like you cannot protect themselves mutt!!!", he hisses in an angry condescending tone.


Stop Terra, we can't kill Corey , he is our only friend in the pack . If we want to leave later, we will need a happy beta on our side. Not a dead one . I immediately warn Terra in a scolding tone. The only best option out of this is to suck up to his Alpha ass and plead for forgiveness....

" I'm sorry Arian, I just really love running and I thought today was a good day to go strolling but I didn't think you will all come out at the same time as me... " I ...

Before I could finish, Arian's wolf was staring down at me , huffing so loud that even Terra did not comment on how close he was to us . I immediately kept my head down , if possible I could have buried it in those autumn leaves.

" Since you love running so much.., why don't you join us today?" ....

I immediately raised my head in confusion. What does he mean ? .. that Is not even allowed...before I could ask, Corey interrupted.

"Arian, today the rogues we are chasing are dangerous, this is why we came out with the warrior pack....., we can't risk his life . Maybe just let him go and give him punishment later...he can't.."

" Enough Corey!!", Arian sends him a chilling glare. " The Omega wants to run , let's see how good he is at it. Today my fellow wolves, Our friend here , Gail Blanco ... has agreed to become the rouge bait !... he , will lead us to our victory, death is a very common thing among our kind." He said as he fixed his gaze on me .

Wow!.. his eyes are beautiful... No! Focus Gail, the guy wants to offer us as a sacrifice to the fuckin Rouges!!...

" Arian!"... Corey once again intervened. His eyes showing that he is pleading our soon to be leader to drop his suggestion of I becoming bait .... I can't let another man beg for my life, it's cute but .... I think I will have to be the one to do it.

"I, I am sorry" .I say in a whisper. " I won't ever do this again, really I promise."

I can't let them put me up as a sacrifice and I can't let them see my improved side . It will cause problems for me. I can't deal with the elders interrogations. I have to dodge this somehow, just when I was about to continue with my plead, Arian started laughing again ... I yet again rolled my eyes , this time in my head though.. can't add fuel to the fire , this guy is high on something...

" You should have seen your wolf !", He says in between laughs ... " P... pwese Arian ...., man you really think I would sacrifice a pack member!? ... geez Gail !. Get going now or next I might really throw you to the rouges . The rest of you get ready to fight!, I can sense those disgusting beasts nearby. " He concluded.

Did anyone say sweet words like honey ? ...I guess this is why he is the most loved guy in the pack . Very kind of him to make me beg for my life and embarrass myself in front of his friends and other pack members just for a good laugh...


Exactly my point Terra, the guy is a psychopath! .

Everyone got ready to leave and I was just about to set trail when one of the rouges jumped over us from nowhere. Immediately all wolves took cover as Corey latched onto its neck and ripped its throat out!..Arian stood to protect me, more rouges came out of the woods and well...., I guess the war came to us and now I just have to fight !. I can't slow them down.

Let's get ready Terra ...Time to train !.