
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Stupid Fur Balls

Gail POV

" Now I run"..I say to him. Arian looked at me like he was about to give me a slap that would wake me up in the next life.

"I will run and scout the area to see how many wolves there are and where they are hiding , in the mean time, you keep glaring at the ten in front of us like you don't know their plan..I'm really good at running, in a lot of good days, I imagine I could be the flash. Whoosh!! whoosh!!"..I immediately yet again explained while adding some side effects.

"Gail!!.." his voice thundered in my head causing me to flinch a bit.

"Alpha please trust me, allow me a lowly wolf to do something for this pack. I can sniff them out really fast!, I use chemicals to cover my scent all the time to stalk warriors when they do the border patrol. I can basically smell all the ingredients that make up the chemical by now , I just need to get away from you and the guys cause y'all don't smell anywhere near pleasant...at least one of you smells like buttercream coconut ..the rest, well..you get the point". I literally just outed myself in one sentence but I doubt he would notice . Right ?

" I don't trust you Gail..I don't  know you. I don't  have a reason to let the lives of my pack members be at your mercy, but if you are lying to me, I will make sure to burn your family and house to ashes!, You hear me!.." He said in a low threatening voice .

"Now is a bad time to offer me a good proposal my lord, but I am on your side.Now please let me run!."Damn, I've  never kissed up to someone so many times in a day!.

"Gail Blanco will scout the prey, he has offered to run and send us a link as to how many more rouges are hiding and where. As you can all see, these rouges are skimming something more bloody , they are delaying time. I currently don't know what they are planning , but the flash here..I mean, our Omega has decided he would offer himself and serve beside us, beside me, to take our enemy down. If he succeeds his family will be greatly blessed .If not..., well then we can pretend it never happened." He announced in a serious unquestionable tone.

"What!?...." I let out a low whimper and all the other wolves make a quick glance towards me and immediately put their eyes back on the targets . I'm sure these stupid fur balls are enjoying all this. One day one of them will die and I will dance over their grave.....inconsiderate chihuahuas!, if we come out of this alive then I am going to deal with this Alpha for continuously  putting my life on the plank and weighing its worth with a toothpick's end.

"Ha!...I'm yet again pulling your strings...."

Is this this guy ever going to get serious ?!...yet again ..rolling my eyes, I face pawed .It's weird how only I find his jokes really uncomfortable , his subordinates  don't even seem to be bothered. I feel bad for them.They literally have to be around him all the time like flies around shi.....

" I know we are in the middle of a battle , but take a breather guys.We will win this battle. On a serious note . No one is to speak about the omega being here until I've talked to my father." He finished with a big howl, sending shivers pretty much to any wolf that was within a mile from where we were...(battle cry I guess)  Damn! He will be a powerful leader one day. He already speaks like an old wise man, a psychologically challenged wise old man. I hope his mate is deserving of him. However stupid and annoying he may be . I know he has darker days than most.

Cutting my thoughts once again Arian got in a fighting stance , lowering his upper half low as if he is ready to pounce his enemy ...his canines getting longer and he weirdly started to look scary. I definitely  should avoid getting on his wrong side. Wherever that will be.

" I don't agree with you scouting the enemy, but I am backed in a corner . I hope you return safely back to us.I will not go back to the pack house with your corpse!...Keep me in your mind and don't loose the connection. Don't loose me. I will try to feel your every move ...if you get any further or stuck then howl..if not then quickly come back to my side. Am I clear..?!"

Yes , Alpha. I simply said while nodding my fur head.

"Open formation!...." Arian commanded. He gave me a concerned look?...No..pfft...clearly the guy cares about his duties as next in line Alpha. I'm sure he just doesn't want to have a wolf die under his watch before he is ordained as Alpha in a weeks time ! Caring look my ass. Once again . Rolled my eyes. I hope they don't get stuck...I've rolled them enough for the day.

" Go!", ....Before Arian could change his mind and say all this was a joke . I ran.