
The Tribrid and Her Reflection {Book Two - Complete}

With one secret solved and Hope's memories returned, another threat unveils itself. A mysterious cloaked man is on the hunt, and Hope Mikaelson must be prepared to do what is necessary to save herself and those she loves. Hope must face herself as well as the danger that lurks around every corner at Hogwarts. **Book Two of The Taming The Tribrid series

Em_Dot_1864 · Filme
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Wide AwaKe

The remainder of the week continued like this. Every chance they got, they were on each other. Taking the time, knowing soon that time would be diminished significantly.

While on a hike, Albus had suddenly taken Hope against a tree, fucking her so hard the birds nesting above scattered. Hope had taken Newt by the fire, spelling her name as she rode his cock- laying yet another claim on him. Though, to their surprise, Newt had suddenly found a new strength he had. They realized he would act innocent, but before they realized what was going on, his hand had already ventured down their pants, immobilizing them with strokes of pleasure. Naturally, Albus countered the next day by slamming Newt to the ground while hiking. He'd pounded into his ass like there wasn't a family of squirrels watching. 

Hope had to admit, this was the best sexcation she'd ever had. Unfortunately, they'd be leaving in a couple days. Still, she had to admit it would be nice to have a shower and toilet again. As comfortable as she was with them, she didn't quite like having to relieve herself nearby.

It was Thursday night. They had just finished eating, shared a few kisses, and gone to bed. Exhausted from the day's activities. She'd walked with them through the forest, finding a pool fed by a waterfall. It had been gorgeous, especially hiding under the spray of the falls, watching rainbows scatter with the light that streamed through the thick tree foliage above.

They'd swam almost all day, swapping stories and discussing the future. Not in a depressing way, but more like what should she get Albus for his birthday coming up. Albus didn't have an exact date, as he had never been told one, but he knew it to be sometime in July or August. Newt's was February 24th, and Hopes was January 4th. 

Honestly, it was a shock to realize they hadn't talked about birthdays. They'd been so consumed with everything else it became a trivial matter, but now it seemed important. It panged Hope's heart the more she thought about it.

She never voiced her worries, not wanting to ruin the moment, but knowing that she had finished aging and they hadn't was a hard pill to swallow. Hope wouldn't grow old with them; she would stay how she was and quite liked that fact, but thinking of them continuing in age- leaving her behind one day. It had forced tears to spring in her eyes, which Hope casually blamed the water for when Newt asked if she was alright.

A soft rustling brought Hope from her sleepy thoughts. Lifting her head slowly, she looked around, checking that Newt and Albus were still asleep. Watching their chests slowly rise and fall, she settled down contently into the pillows again and offered herself up to sleep.

Rustle. Crack. Snap.

Hope sat up suddenly, glaring through the dark of the tent. She strained her ears, heart pounding as she listened intently.


Something was outside the tent. A long shadow supplied by the moon's glow cast across the outside of the tent, moving sideways like a person walking.

A low growl began to rumble in Hope's chest as her eyes became bright amber.

Newt rolled over, blinking his eyes open with a slight frown. "Hope?" He asked, then a little more loudly. "What's wrong?"

As soon as the last syllable left his mouth, the tent began to shake fiercely, and a voice screamed. "GET OUT!"

Albus sat up, bewildered, as he reached for his wand but froze. Looking down at the spot he'd left it, he turned his eyes on Hope and frowned. "My wand is gone."

"Mine too," Newt said, patting his coat pockets down.

The screech came again. "GET OUT!"

Bubbling anger turned into a hurricane of fury as Hope moved forward, unzipping the tent, and stormed out. Seven people stood outside, standing in with taunting, watchful gazes. They were all tall and lanky, varying in hair and skin color but similar in how they held themselves- legs set apart in charging stances, shoulders back, ready for a fight.

Dirt coated what little clothing they had, and Hope couldn't tell if places on their bodies were covered in mud or bruises. They all looked like rabid animals, staring her down as if they'd discovered someone invading their…territory.

Hope narrowed her eyes, focusing briefly on the weapons they held. Pipes and sticks, but one, the one in the middle. 

She had a pistol.

"You picked the wrong place to set up camp, sweetheart." The woman with the pistol said, her long blonde hair littered with pieces of broken leaves and smudged with grime.

The sensation of Newt and Albus slowly emerging from the tent to stand by her side filled Hope with a nauseating dread. She didn't particularly like the way this woman eyed them, a hungry fury behind her animalistic eyes.

Hope took a long breath to calm herself and assess the situation. As a familiar scent overtook her, Hope narrowed her eyes.

The pack of wolves.

Thinking back to the tracks she and Newt found their first day here, she came to a revelation. The tracks belonged to a Werewolf pack, not average wolves.

"This is your territory," Hope started, voice calm as she kept her eyes on the woman who seemed to be the Alpha of the group, "we can respect that and leave, but I'm going to ask that you kindly put your weapons down first."

The blonde grinned a gnarly brown smile and lifted the pistol, aiming at Hope's forehead. She remained still, keeping her eyes trained on the woman. Albus and Newt were without wands, and her wrong movement could result in their injury.

That wasn't an option.

Other members of the pack began to inch closer, but Hope remained still, letting her natural instinct guide her. She didn't want to kill them, but it was beginning to appear she may have no choice.

"You have no fear in your eyes," the blonde eyed her with a sly smirk, her focus switching to Newt beside her, then moving the gun to point at Newt instead, "Ah, there it is." She leered when Hope bristled.

Hot rage pounded behind her eyes as she heard Newt's heart rate spike, his breath hitching in fear. Hope moved slowly so that she stood directly in front of Newt, blocking him from her view as her eyes glowed yellow.

"Do it, and I promise you it will be the last thing you ever do."

The Alpha tilted her head to the side with a smirk and a dark glint in her eyes before turning the gun to Albus.

She pulled the trigger.