
The Tribrid and Her Reflection {Book Two - Complete}

With one secret solved and Hope's memories returned, another threat unveils itself. A mysterious cloaked man is on the hunt, and Hope Mikaelson must be prepared to do what is necessary to save herself and those she loves. Hope must face herself as well as the danger that lurks around every corner at Hogwarts. **Book Two of The Taming The Tribrid series

Em_Dot_1864 · Movies
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DaZed and Confused

Hope yawned as she settled in the back seat of the car. It had been a reasonably long trip, and she was excited to sleep where she could stretch herself out. Sleeping in the car had been challenging, but now they searched for a spot to set up their camping supplies.

They would be staying for a week, and Hope insisted that they not use magic at least for a bit of their time here. They'd agreed, but she had the notion it was only because she asked.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, realizing she must have started to drift while thinking because the thirty-minute drive into the forest had gone by in a blink.

"Hm." She groaned as she stretched, looking out the window to see an incredible sight.

A good distance from the car, but not too far, Newt and Albus were trying to manually set up a tent without their wands.

"No, it goes like this," Albus said, holding up two ends that collapsed in the middle.

Newt frowned. "Why are there so many pieces?"

"Need help?" Hope asked, getting out of the car with a wide grin. She couldn't help it. Watching them be so helpless with something like this was adorable.

They looked over with sheepish smiles, and Albus shook his head. "It's alright. We'll figure this out eventually. Could you find some firewood?"

"My pleasure." Hope skipped toward the thicket with renewed energy from her nap. She wasted no time finding suitable wood. Some bigger pieces mixed with some dry kindling. Late afternoon was turning quickly into evening, the sun painting hues of pink and orange across the sky.

By the time she returned, they had finally put the tent up, though it was a little lopsided.

Newt beamed proudly, sending a jolt of electricity through Hope's chest.

"I love it!" Hope looked it over. "Hm, it's perfect." She kissed his cheek, then Albus', before moving away to dig a pit for the fire. She worked methodically, stacking and laying the wood in a way that the flames would be able to breathe. 

Moving onto the kindling, she placed a bit of dry fiber grass on a thin piece of wood.

Taking a stick between her hands, she moved her hands up and down, rubbing the rod hard and fast. She had caused a spark almost instantly with the extra strength and speed. Pushing the pieces into the teepee formation of wood, she laid on her belly and blew on the tiny flames until they captured the whole stack in smoke and fire.

Hope leaned back on her heels and smiled, looking over at them, finding they were watching her intently.

"You've made a lot of fires, I see." Albus chuckled, laying out blankets for them to sit on around the fire as darkness descended quickly.

"I was around people in the pack often. It was kind of a staple to know how," she nodded before touching her shoulder, "you know the birthmark I have?"

Newt sat down, bringing his knees to his chest. "The moon one?"

"Yeah. Those who are born to the Crescent Moon Pack have them. My mom had it, too."

"You didn't return to them after you left Mystic Falls?" Albus asked, eyes not wavering from hers.

With a shrug, she smiled sadly. "Without my mom, it wasn't the same. I felt more like a lone wolf anyway. Not to mention, there's so much politics in Werewolf Packs." Hope scrunched her nose. "I don't particularly like being told what to do, and if I can't call the shots for my own life…" she shrugged. "They even had arranged marriages. Something my mom had to go through, and Jack was a good guy and all, but it's not right being able to choose that for yourself."

"A lot of alpha males fighting for your hand?" Newt asked with a little grin and a chuckle. 

Hope rolled her eyes to the sky but matched his laugh. "Oh, please. If a man has to tell me he's an Alpha, he's a Beta."

"Is that right?" Albus asked, tilting his head to the side with a knowing smirk.

A quick flutter in her stomach made her suddenly ache between her thighs. 

Newt looked between them and bit his lip. "I think it's apparent in this relationship I'm the Beta."

She and Albus glanced at him, their eyes glinting with mischief as they looked him over. "But you like it," Hope smirked.

"Very much," Newt blushed and swallowed hard, "I'm going to put some tea on." He quickly retreated to the car for the supplies they'd brought.

Being out where they only had each other's company and the surrounding nature was a wonderful feeling. She laid back on the criss-crossed blankets and gazed searchingly up at the sky. The stars that glittered from the clearing they'd chosen was one that simply couldn't be recreated.

Before she realized it, Albus was already beside her, pulling her to his side. Hope released a breath, relaxing against him as he rested his chin on her head. Warmth spread through her limbs even as the temperatures steadily began to drop. It wasn't too cold, but it wasn't warm either. Albus' fingers stroked up and down her back, gazing up at the sky with her.

"Thank you." Hope finally murmured as she heard Newt fumble with the kettle on the fire.

Albus pressed a tender kiss to her temple. "For what?"

She closed her eyes and turned to press her face against his chest, breathing in his scent. The calm it brought over her was enough to slow her heart rate.


The soft pressure of his smile against her forehead was better than a blanket, but just as she was sure she might fall asleep, Newt appeared, spooning her from behind. They settled in, holding each other as the forest sounds enveloped them.

Hope was asleep before the kettle screamed.

Eggs and bacon crackled and spat at Hope from the pan she stirred with a spatula. The porridge pot was almost done, and the tea was also brewing.

"I'll take over," Albus said with a smile, coming back from the little river not far from their campsite, hair and beard damp as he settled on the ground before the fire. "You can get cleaned up." He offered.

Smiling, Hope pressed a kiss to his lips before standing. "Hm, I love this. Just us."

"Me too." He squeezed her hand before letting her go so she could bathe in the water.

Already removing her shirt as she walked, Hope went down the grassy bank and to the river. It was pretty calm, with very few boulders to disrupt the flow, and so clear she could see all the pebbles and tadpoles at the bottom. 

However, as beautiful as it was, she couldn't focus on the beauty of the river as there was something else she couldn't avert her eyes from.

Newt was thigh-deep in the river, running the water through his hair and over his face. Little droplets slid down his body, tracing the curve of his bare ass, which was on a lovely display for her.

"Fuck me." Hope muttered, and Newt jumped, turning quickly to see Hope then let out a laugh.

Shaking his head, he sighed. "You scared me."

Her eyes trailed down to the length of him, and smiling crookedly, she left the rest of her clothing on the bank's side as she made her way toward him. The water lapped against her bare skin, sending goosebumps across every inch of her body.


"I don't think you mean that." Newt chuckled, his eyes glued to her swaying body.

Hope shrugged, grinning as she closed the gap and pressed her hands against his chest. "I had every intention of washing myself clean, but you are a wonderful distraction." Her lips ghosted against his lips, closing her eyes, drinking in the moan he released.

Her fingers trailed down the lines of his torso, stroking lightly across his jutting hips, which earned her a little twitch of his cock that now stood at attention.

"Hope…" Newt breathed.

Smiling against his lips, she trailed kisses across his jaw, finding a tender spot just below his ear, and sucked the skin between her teeth.

He leaned his head to the side, holding her hips firmly as his jaw dropped. His eyes closed while he relished the sensation of her touch.

"Do you like it when I take all control from you, Newt?" Hope murmured, her hand skimming down to where he began, gliding a feather touch along his length. 

Gasping as her thumb caressed his tip, he hissed. "Yes."

"How in the world did Albus not take the opportunity with you here naked in a river."

Newt breathed out a laugh. "I never said he didn't."

With a quick look up at him, she couldn't help but grin. "Hm, he already had some fun, did he?" She asked, reaching underneath to lightly squeeze his balls, her nails lightly scratching over them.

"How did he do it?" She asked with a grin, watching his pupils dilate with growing arousal.

"His hand…" Newt choked out and added more detail when Hope waited expectantly. "My back to him. Held me in place."

"You really are a perfect play toy, aren't you?" 

Newt didn't answer, breathing faster the more she played with him. 

She took his wrists, guiding him a few feet over to the bank, where she put him on his ass. "Are you my play toy, Newt?" Hope asked, placing her hands on his thighs as she leaned down and blew a thin stream of air against his slit.

Throwing his head back, he gasped sharply. 

"So sensitive." Hope grinned before dragging her tongue up his tip with the flat of her tongue.

"Ah!" He shuddered, gripping the grass beneath him and digging his nails into the dirt, making the bank a bit muddy. Doing the opposite of cleaning them.

Hope giggled and shook her head. "Hm, he just made you come, that's right. It must feel like torture. Either way, I'm still going to play, Newt." With that, she took him into her mouth, moaning as she relaxed her jaw to swallow him down her throat. Her eyes didn't leave his face, savoring his desperation, watching the veins in his neck bulge and his abdominal muscles clench.

It took very little time for Newt to come undone. Without much action on her part, he was already releasing his hot seed down her throat. She almost gagged but forced herself to swallow the rest.

Standing to her feet, she patted his thigh. "Nice talk." She said before leaving him, still breathlessly panting on the bank while she cleaned herself up quickly.

Soon, she returned to Albus, who had their food served up, watching her come back with a raised brow.

"Where's Newt?"

"Recovering." She answered nonchalantly, sitting beside him and picking up a plate and a fork.

At that moment, Newt returned. Clean and dressed, but obviously disheveled.

Hope shared a glance with Albus and grinned. "I think we broke him." She giggled as he sat down in a clumsy heap, eyes distant.

"I think I have to agree…" Albus bit his lip, watching Newt, seemingly drunk.

"I think today can be all about Newt." Hope giggled, biting her fork.

Newt looked up, eyes wide. "What?"

"Mmmhm," Hope smirked, eating a piece of egg, "does that scare you?"

"I don't know if I'll survive."

Albus leaned forward, pressing his lips against Newt's ear, making him visibly shiver. "Do we have your permission to do what we want when we want? If you ask us to stop, we will without question."

Newt swallowed, heart racing as he looked over at him and slowly nodded. "If it's too much, you'll stop?"

"Always." He murmured, stroking his lower lip with his thumb.

Newt glanced at Hope then and slowly nodded. "Okay."

Biting her lip, Hope grinned before drinking some coffee. "I think I'm going to go for a hike. Care to join, or are you staying here?"

Albus nodded. "I'll stay here and read for a bit."

He turned and fixed his stare on Newt, waiting for his answer. If Newt went with Hope, there was a chance she would jump his bones on the trail, but if he stayed at the campsite, there was also a chance Albus would do the same.

"I think I'll…hike," Newt swallowed, biting his lip as he fought a smile and glanced over at Albus, who raised a brow, knowingly grinning at him.

Hope grinned. "Is it because his suitcase of sex toys is still here, and you want to be able to hike before you can't walk?"

A deep red blush crawled up Newt's neck, smiling sheepishly.

"Just trying to think ahead."

Albus laughed and nodded. "Smart choice, really."

In a quick sprint, Hope scarfed the rest of her food and stood to her feet. "We won't be long." She leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to Albus' lips. Newt did the same before they started for an opening in the tree line.

"Be careful," Albus called, taking his book out on his lap.

"We'll try." Hope winked with a giggle, disappearing through the trees.

The first few minutes of the hike were silent from their voices. All that could be heard were birds chirping and critters rustling on the ground. Hope forgot how much she loved just being in nature, and at least they didn't have to worry about running into Centaurs here.

"Okay," Hope broke the silence, "favorite animal that isn't magical?"

Newt grinned over at her and thought for a moment. "I've always had a deep fascination with Salamanders. What about you?"

They ducked under a fern covered with spider webs and crossed a tiny creek where a fallen log made a perfect bridge.

"Horses, actually. My dad taught me to ride. He loved them too." She frowned as she remembered a story he'd told her once.

"What's wrong?" Newt frowned, offering his hand to help her down from the log. She took it, stepped down, and shook her head with a small smile.

"It's nothing. I just thought of something that made me sad." She bit her lip, walking alongside him, intertwining their fingers. "Mikael was- is such a monster. My dad told me that once he had killed his horse and left him to find it. Put his head on a spice." She frowned, glaring at the ground. "It's difficult knowing he's alive, and I can't do anything about it. I just…I want to make him hurt the way he hurt my dad."

That revenge would be the sweetest she'd ever taste.

Newt squeezed her hand gently. "I'm sorry, love."

Leaning against him, she continued to walk and sighed. "I don't mean to bring things down. I just wish I could do more, you know?"

"I do. I understand." He snaked an arm around her waist and kissed her temple as they followed the trail deeper into the forest.

Then, something caught Hope's eye, and she stopped, looking around at the ground.

"Are those wolf tracks?"

Newt followed her gaze and nodded. "Seems to be. Appears to be multiple sets of tracks, but they look fairly old."

That was a relief; either way, they were a good way away from the camp they'd set up. Whatever pack had been nearby must have found a new location.

It felt like a longer trek back than it was to get there, but Hope kept their way by following the scent they'd trailed. Newt kept stealing glances all the time, and each time she caught him, his heart would beat erratically. 

The best part? 

Hope knew precisely why.

He was waiting for her to make a move and pin him to a tree or to the forest floor, but why do that when she could watch him squirm with anticipation?

Albus was still sitting by the fire when they returned, looking up with a smile and a raised brow. His eyes searched Newt, taken by surprise by whatever he saw.

Hope winked at him and smirked, hoping he'd catch on.

He must have because then he offered up more tea. "How was the hike?"

Newt glanced over at Hope, who busied herself putting milk in her tea. "It went well. Found some interesting animal tracks. Wolf, but they seem long gone." He said, sipping the cup Albus handed him.

It went on like that the whole day.

Hope or Albus would say or do things suggestive toward Newt, make his heart race, and never act on it. He'd stare at them, dazed and confused each time they busied on with something else or switched topics.

Finally, by the end of dinner, Albus sighed and stood with a stretch. "I think I'll retire to bed. Are you alright with the fire?"

Hope nodded, eating more peaches from one of the cans they brought. "I will soon."

Newt watched them, and Hope knew his nerves were frayed from the day of being constantly vigilant, only for nothing to happen. When Albus disappeared into the tent, Newt's eyes focused on her. Still, Hope remained unwavering as she finished the peaches.

Disposing of the items, she walked to Newt and kissed his lips. Letting it linger a moment longer, waiting for his heart to recover.

"Hm, goodnight." She murmured before pulling away and headed toward the tent, leaving him dumbstruck.

Hope smirked as she quickly brushed her teeth and undressed to her bedclothes, then climbed under the blankets on the far right of the tent. Albus was already rolled to the left, facing away as if asleep, but Hope knew. 

Oh, she knew.

 It seemed ages later, but she could hear Newt extinguishing the fire and joining them in the tent. The sound of him running his fingers through his hair filled the now-closed tent, something he did when he was confused or agitated.

"Hm…" he huffed a little, almost sounding irritated as he settled between them on his back. 

Hope waited. 

She listened.

And then she smirked.

Newt's heart rate was just low enough; he was on the verge of sleep as she slowly turned to look at him. His eyes were closed, but another pair locked with hers, and they were wide awake.

Hope grinned as Albus gave her a wave of his hand to take the lead. A moment later, Hope pressed her lips against the underside of Newt's jaw and began to suck the sensitive flesh there while her hand groped the bulge in his pants.

Newt's eyes slowly blinked open, brows furrowed in confusion.

Hope giggled before pressing her lips against his ear. "Oh, darling. You can't go to sleep yet…" Then she was on top of him, straddling his hips. He stared with wide eyes as she pulled his pajamas off, tossing them aside before raking her nails up and down his stomach.

"Hope!" Newt gasped, trying to sit up, but her hands pressed firmly on his chest. Preventing him from moving.

"Prepare yourself, Mr. Scamander."

She clawed down his torso, leaving red marks that made his eyes roll back before taking his growing cock in both of her hands. Hope jerked him off slowly, letting him build up, but it was clear the lack of attention he'd gotten today already had him ready to come with just a few good strokes.

"Well, he can't come just yet," Hope giggled, looking over at Albus, who watched with amusement, "he's already close."

"I can help with that." Albus chuckled and sat up, watching Newt with a new glint in his eyes. Newt met his gaze, and Hope thought his heart might beat out of his chest.

Albus' suitcase unlocked with a click. Hope hadn't even realized he had it in the tent with them, but she wasn't surprised.

"This won't hurt, Newt. Do you trust me?"

Newt swallowed hard but nodded slowly, watching Albus reach into his suitcase and pull out a little device.

Hope smirked, recognizing it immediately.

"Good idea. Do you know what that is, Newt?"

He slowly shook his head, watching Albus handle it with growing anticipation. "Wh-what is it?" He stuttered softly.

"This," Albus started, holding up the object that was simply two connected rings made of velvet, it seemed, "will pinch that cock of yours and stop you from coming before we want you to. It doesn't hurt, but it will intensify the pleasure." Albus paused, smiling crookedly. "Remember, Newt, if you decide it's too much, just tell us and we'll stop. Three taps. Understood?"

Newt shuddered and nodded. "You both played with me all day…"

"Like a fiddle." Hope smiled, stroking where his hair started.

"Without even touching me…" 

Albus chuckled. "That came from her devious mind."

"Guilty as charged."

Her attention immediately shifted to what Albus' hands were doing, slipping the ring down Newt's long shaft. He then took his head and, with care, pinched him off, ensuring he wouldn't be able to orgasm until they decided to show him mercy.

"Now then," Albus smirked down at him and, in the blink of an eye, took hold of his hips and pulled him sideways onto his lap, "Hope you're to watch. This will be a fine lesson for you."

Hope grinned, sitting criss-cross, watching Newt drape across Albus' lap. Ass propped on his thigh. "Yes, sir." 

His hand caressed Newt's ass. The same ass Hope had been admiring just that morning. His fingers stroked up and down the backs of his thighs, helping him to relax. Though it seemed a lost cause, every time Newt was closer to settling, Albus stroked the underside of his balls, making him twitch and squirm.

"Don't move, Newt," Albus warned, but when he squirmed again, he was met with a sharp slap to both cheeks, leaving him gasping. He left behind red prints but calmly rubbed the areas to soothe them. "Hm, are you going to be good?"

"Yes." Newt managed, glancing over his shoulder.

Hope frowned. "Hold on, I always get at least ten. Why does he just get two…?" The look he gave her made Hope immediately wish she'd kept quiet.

"Newt usually listens to me," Albus smirked.

With that, he reached around with his fingers and touched Newt's lips. "Open." And he did without question or hesitation.

"See? He obeys."

Hope watched Newt suck, biting her lip as Albus began practically fucking Newt's mouth with his fingers.

Moaning, Newt swirled his tongue, tasting his skin before it left far too soon. His warm fingertips suddenly glided along his ass crack. Teasing the tight hole, he massaged his saliva to work his middle finger in.

Newt gasped, clenching as he plunged knuckle deep. Hope felt this was something Albus did often to ensure he stayed loose.

"Deep breaths, Newt." Albus chuckled, glancing at the rings that pinched his cock in place, making sure he wasn't rubbing against anything. 

Hope listened to Newt take slow, deep breaths, and then Albus began pumping his finger in and out at the same rhythm of his breathing. When Newt's breaths were slow, so was his finger. When they were fast, it picked up the pace.

"Newt, brace yourself," Albus murmured as Newt placed his hands on the ground. "Hm, there it is." He chuckled, starting to stroke his prostate more deliberately. 

"Ah!" Newt cried out, clutching the blankets as Albus added a second finger, stroking him hard and fast, not focused on stretching him but instead hitting that spot over and over. Hope watched, mouth-watering, as Albus finger fucked Newt's ass, moving at varying speeds and different angles. 

Newt gasped, panting now. "Please!" He squirmed his hips. "I can't," he moaned, "I can't come. It won't let me come."

"I know," Albus murmured, smiling as Newt cried out in desperation again. "This will be a very long night for you, Newt. Hope," he smirked at her hungry expression, "get me the plug from the case, please."

Grinning, she crawled to the suitcase and took out the plug they'd had her wear at dinner, offering it to him with a grin.

Albus smirked. "Feed it to him."

"Yes, sir." She giggled and moved to Newt's head. She watched him look up at her desperately as Albus continued fingering him but obliged when she pressed the tip of the plug to his mouth. She took her time swirling it around his tongue, gazing into his eyes as she shoved it further back, making him gag a little, followed by a low moan.

"Hope," Albus chuckled, "he's getting antsy. Let's let him get settled with it, hm?"

Moving around him, she grinned as Albus spread one cheek while Hope pulled aside the other. Together they worked to ease the plug into Newt's needy, quivering asshole.

Newt cried out, curling his toes and biting down on one of the blankets to stop himself from cursing.

"It feels good, doesn't it, darling?" Albus murmured, rubbing the back of his thighs encouragingly. "That's it. Take it all."

Hope watched him take it, biting her lip as it finally settled inside him nicely. When Hope thought she knew what Albus would do next, she was wrong.

He turned Newt over and let him rest on the pillows and blankets, watching his sweaty body shiver.

"I know you said no magic, but…"

"I'll make an exception." Hope smiled, looking Newt over, a new hunger in her eyes as her eyes landed on his cock. He looked ready to burst. 

She couldn't help herself and reached forward. With a careful touch, she dragged her thumb along his angry red tip.

Newt thrashed, sitting up immediately, but Albus quickly pushed on his shoulders so he was laid down again.

"Ah, not yet, sweetheart." He let out a low chuckle before taking his wand from his case. In moments, Newt's wrists were bound behind his back. "Oh, yes, one more thing…" Albus picked up the golden ball gag and fastened it around Newt's head. "Hope, keep him in place, please?"

"With pleasure." She smirked and positioned herself at his head. She placed her hands on his shoulders with her strength, pinning him.

"Newt," Albus murmured, earning a frantic look from their bound and gagged lover, which made Albus grin, "this is going to be torture."

Newt's eyes rolled back as he moaned around the golden gag. Hope's own pussy clenched in response, making her bite her lip hard, but she watched.

She watched Albus wave his wand, setting the vibration off inside Newt. Hope could hear the buzzing from where she was, and it didn't matter how much Newt thrashed his hips. There was no escaping the sudden and intense pleasure coursing through him.

Panting around the gag, he looked down at his body with wide eyes as Albus traced his vibrating wand along the underside of his balls. His hands and feet clenched as tears streamed down his cheeks, chest heaving as he cried out frantically for what they could only assume was mercy.

Hope had to add more pressure against his shoulders to keep him in place, but Albus was right.

"Okay, Newt?" Albus checked, grazing his inner thigh, waiting for him to give him a nod of approval before slowly undoing the rings. "Come, Newt," Albus murmured, holding his shaft in his hand and began aggressively stroking him full-fisted.

Less than a second later, Newt's hips rose from the ground and painted the inside of the tent white.

His release was like an eruption, going everywhere while he screamed in pleasure. Every inch of his body was red where it wasn't sticky from himself. Even Hope felt some splatter on her cheek. 

Newt tried to scream something, but Hope couldn't understand it through the gag. Curiously, Hope removed the ball just as he was starting to settle.

"FUCK!" He cried out, panting so hard it was like he'd finished running a mile.

Hope grinned, massaging his shoulders and chest while Albus worked on his lower half. Though, his whole body was just limp now.

"We're going to do this all night." Hope murmured against his ear. "Every time you've finally fallen asleep and think you're safe from another orgasm, we'll be right there to coax one out."

Newt shuddered, but it seemed he was already on the verge of sleep.

"Such foul language. I think we really did break our dear Newt." Hope giggled while Albus smirked.

Chuckling, he shook his head. "He'll regret falling asleep so quickly."

Newt regretted falling asleep all night long.