

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 38: Reunion

Jeffrey's POV

I was engrossed in my discussion with Dahlia. Due to the way she acted, I believed she had no interest in talking to others but I guess I was wrong. She flashed a small smile which I returned with a big one that showed my case of white teeth. We continued to talk about other things like how old she was. Honestly, she looked young for a fifteen-year-old.

Unfortunately, our dialogue came to a halt once Lucian yelled. Suddenly, a boy grabbed him, pulled him aside, and told him to continue walking. We exchanged glances with the other two and followed them. By the time we stopped, we were next to a barbershop.

"It's been so long Lucian. I called you several times but you didn't answer. You never came back to school after suspension making your friends worried and disappeared." The boy began as he breathed all at once.

His well-formed nose and chestnut brown eyes complimented his sandy hair. The hair being all sides tossed tapered hair. He wore a blue denim Jacket with a white shirt underneath and black jeans along with blue sneakers. He looked really good compared to Elvis and me. Our outfits weren't the best so shopping was needed. Lucian though looks good in anything he wears.

"Hey Enoch..." Lucian began in an anxious tone. So his name was Enoch." You see after that day I had to leave for a few years to another place. Now I moved back just a few days ago." Enoch looked hesitant at first then he bought it.

"We have a lot of catching up to do. Gale has been worried about you ever since you were gone. By the way, where are you going?" Enoch inquired.

"I'm heading out with these guys to the mall," Lucian spoke referring to the four of us.

"Were they here the whole time? Shoot! Sorry for not realizing this. It's Enoch by the way. " He quickly introduced himself and continued. "I'm this guy's best friend. We go back from middle school."

"Is that so?" I never thought that Lucian would ever have friends. We introduced ourselves to Enoch as Lucian looked on.

"I didn't know Lucian had friends," I smirked mischievously as Elvis bumped my shoulder and Lucian glared at me.

"Oh! He does actually. He comes off cold at first but he is cool trust me." Enoch stated. He stopped and looked at Elvis, Dahlia, and me.

"Looks like I'm not the only blonde friend Lucian has." Enoch chuckled. I rolled my eyes if only he knew what we thought of ourselves as.

"I'll talk to you later." Lucian yanked my arm as we commenced to leave. The way he yanked me was rough. I knew what was coming for me.

"Enoch! I've been looking for you everywhere! Why did you wander off like that?" Everyone's attention was diverted to the newcomer.

A petite brunette packed into a ponytail girl with chestnut brown eyes. She simply wore a brown jacket with a striped black and white T-shirt inside paired with regular blue jeans. She paced angrily to Enoch and whacked him on the head.

"Ouch! Why?" Enoch cried.

"Stop scurrying off like a child. Who are these guys?" She asked before gasping. I can see that Lucian had a fatigued look on his face.

"Lucian, is that you?" She inquired coming closer.

"Umm... Yes." Lucian tossed me to the side as the girl marched to him while pointing a finger at him.

"How dare you leave just like that without telling anyone? Where were you all this while?" She asked furiously.

"You haven't changed at all. Where I went is none of your business." Lucian coldly said. Enoch was taken aback.

"What do you mean by it is none of her business? You didn't tell any of us two years ago." Enoch joined in the heated conversation.

Oh boy! This was getting good. Well, Lucian sounded like a jerk for saying that. I mean he has two good friends that care for him.

"Gale has been upset since you didn't respond to her texts or calls. We even tried visiting you but we didn't get your address." Enoch said. This scene reminds me of what happened between Elvis and I.

"Hey, let's calm down now. Lucian, we have to go." Elvis interrupted the three.

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Umm... We are Lucian's friends. We met like a year ago. That over there is Jeffrey, Anastasia, and Dahlia." Thank you Elvis for stopping them.

"It's Shelia." She turned to us.

"That explains it. I thought you were Gale when you showed up first." Anastasia finally contributed to the conversation.

"No," Shelia responded with a straight face. "He hasn't mentioned us to you?" We shook our heads.

Wait! Where is this going? Aren't we supposed to be shopping?

"Well..." Sheila clicked her tongue scowling at the dude.

" He kind of has a thing for her." We all had our eyes open. Well three of us.

"Wait, you mean he likes Ga..." I kept shut trying to not sound surprised. Elvis looked the same. If only glares could kill, Lucian twitched his eyes at the petite brunette.

"Yeah, she is already here." Our head swerved to where she pointed. I noticed that Lucian's eyes dilated immediately when he saw her.

Gale wore a short blue denim button dress with black leggings. She had glowing almond skin with black curly hair and ebony round eyes. She adjusted her black-rimmed glasses before focusing her attention on us.

Just then, she walked towards us at a steady pace then approaching Lucian, she hugged him.

"You're back. I'm so glad." Lucian looked stricken at first before hugging her back.

"I'm sorry," Lucian said in the softest tone.

"So you are Gale, nice to..." I withdrew my hand seeing the sharp gaze Lucian sent to me.

"Don't ruin their moment Jeffrey," Enoch whispered to me.

They remained like that for a few seconds before they pulled apart.

"You've grown taller." She started taking a better look at him.

"Yeah, I'd say the same to you, unlike your friend." Sheila frowned but shrugged it off.

"Don't speak like that to Shelia. Besides, I'm nowhere near your reach." Gale said averting her eyes. Is she shy?

Lucian was about 5' 9 while Gale was 5'7 from what I could see.

"It's cute seeing you guys snuggle like that. Just like when you saved her countless times from falling." Enoch said causing Gale to cover her face in embarrassment.

"You still remember that," Lucian tried not to face us as his ears turned slightly pink. This side of Lucian I have never seen before.