

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 37: Back home

Lucian's eyes dilated at the sight of his former hometown. "I know this place," he mumbled enough for Madison and the rest to catch on. Lucian looked over at the harbor to see a few boats and some drunk men laughing.

"This place hasn't changed a bit," He frowned as he looked past them to the city.

"Daffodil suggested that we should go back to where you guys stayed before also because it was the closest place to the island. " Madison nodded in agreement. After reaching the harbor, they packed all of their things and left the ship.

Stuart didn't want to part ways with the sailor but Madison urged him to follow them which he did reluctantly. Lucian still remembered his house address so he led the way.

"So this is your home?" Madison asked taking a good look at his home. It was a large duplex with an immense backyard. One would have thought that it was haunted.

"It's so big." Jin and Stuart for the first time agree on something. It was surprising to the rest of them how they got along pretty well. "It also looks old." The other house on the left was not currently occupied while the one on the right appeared to have new occupants. Lucian noted that.

He had a frown on his face as he easily opened the door. He thought it was locked but at least they got in. The entire place was dusty and filled with webs. If it were a normal home the house would have started to fall apart, thankfully his family used the ones from his beast line to reinforce the furniture. They have a strange type of wood in their line which they use for construction work.

"Alright everyone, since it is technically his home. We are going to follow his rules but I'm still responsible for the rest of you for now." Madison started, dropping the luggage she was carrying. Jeffrey rolled his eyes after that declaration.

"All I have to say is don't touch anything that seems different to you. Trust me when I say that. Two, no one goes to my room or the other room next to mine, I'll lead you to the guest rooms. Three, None of you are allowed to cook except the girls and I. " Lucian let out quickly not facing the rest as he navigated to his room.

"What if you guys aren't home?" Jin asked innocently.

"Then go order something outside. You guys will destroy the kitchen." Lucian took his things to his room while we all stood unsure of what to do. He was right about the kitchen commotion, Jin and Stuart will argue and cause a ruckus, Elvis and Jeffrey will be trying to figure out what to do, Mark may hurt himself with the knives while Logan may not even come into the kitchen.

Soon Lucian came back, Everyone cleaned up the house with Lucian giving the simplest task to the boys which was to take out the trash or any rubbish found in the house. Of course, Ash, Mark, and Elvis were later assigned to such work because of the rest except Logan kept bickering about who should go first.

"Speaking of Logan, where is that dude? He hasn't done anything all day." Jeffrey stopped as he took a whiff. He peeped into the kitchen to see Logan and Lucian cooking TOGETHER! Lucian was like a pro with the knife while Logan handled the rest with Lucian's help. They didn't say much but talked about cooking once in a while. This was astonishing to the rest of them. As much as Jeffrey hates to admit it, the food was tasty.

"I didn't know you could cook," Elvis spoke taking another bite as Logan sighed with relief.

"At least, I am useful in one thing." The rest nodded.

"I didn't also know that green jerk can cook too." Jeffrey announced while Lucian sent a cold glare at him." I thought none of the houses were allowed into the kitchen."

"That was until I found out he can cook unlike you amateur. " Jeffrey scowled at his remark dismissing him.

"The girls can take the room on the other side, you boys stay here. " Lucian opened the door and pointed at the king-sized bed and two bunk beds. Soon, they retreated to their assigned rooms later on.

After setting up the room for their things, There was still more than enough space. Makes the rest wonder how rich Lucian's family was, Logan takes the bed up while Jeffrey takes the one down. Mark and Elvis took the other one. Jin and Stuart shared the king-sized bed.

It was dark now. Lucian lay on his bed looking around his room. All the he made in this room. It made him wonder how long they would survive by themselves in this place till John found them. He proceeded to ponder until he fell asleep.

The next few days after breakfast, Madison told the rest that they had to purchase necessities such as clothes, food, and others.

"I mean, the clothes we have are probably getting smaller. The food left will barely last us two days. So I'll be sending you guys to buy these things. Luckily for us, John gives us 18s and Dahila allowances." Madison explained.

"I want The rest of you to go except these two now and them" Madison continued looking at the dysfunctional trio, Jin and Stuart. Mark, Ash, and Logan didn't complain but Jin began begging.

"Please, I promise I'll be good." Jin climbed onto Jeffrey's shirt.

"Jin you heard her. You can't come. How about we get something for you when we are back?" Jin beamed with joy and Stuart also began pleading to get something.

"Not. We need the money for other things. We barely have enough." Elvis said with Lucian and Anastasia nodding in agreement.

"Lucian can also show you guys around. Dahila and him are in charge. Try not to get lost." Madison said giving us three a hug but Elvis shifted away. The five left later with Lucian leading the way.

Anastasia started a conversation with Elvis as they enjoyed each other presence. Jeffrey was walking next to Dahila while Lucian was in front. Jeffrey stole a glance at her trying to determine how to start a conversation. She came off to him as someone that he could never understand.

"Umm... Dahila was it? Not to pry but why did you want to leave?" Jeffrey awkwardly asked.

"You appear to look uncomfortable. Your shoulders are tense and your breathing is hitched. Is anything wrong? " Dahila pointed out causing Jeffrey to look astonished.

"Well, it's just that I've never had a one-to-one conversation with a girl before so... I guess I'm awkward when it comes to that." Jeffrey chuckled nervously meeting Dahila's eyes.

"Hm. This is my first time conversing one-on-one with a fellow boy. John has been with me most of my life and never for once let me befriend others."

" Why though?"

"He said others will contaminate me. I don't know." Dahila met his eyes and spoke calmly." I wanted to leave because I wanted to explore others. I want to travel around the world and meet people."

"You know... Our dreams are similar in a way " Dahila lifted an eyebrow as he continued" I always wanted to fly planes and sightsee other places. It has been a dream of mine for a while now. I've not mentioned it to anyone else yet." Jeffrey continued and stopped waiting for her reaction.

"Let's achieve it together then," Dahila said gently and flashed him a small smile as he reciprocated back with a bigger one.

"So how old are you?"

"I'm fifteen. Just a year younger."

"How did you know my age?"

"John is always talking about you."

"Eh? Is that so?"

Lucian paid no attention to what they were saying as he was talking to Madl about the latest updates on his powers. People would wonder why a boy as young as him would dye his hair since no school allowed it. Unfortunately for them, school was out. It was an August break meaning autumn was near. They needed to get warmer clothes.

Lucian gritted his teeth when he remembered when he saw Albert clashing with his sister. All the things he had said replayed in his mind. Unawares, A boy noticed him. He was taken aback and decided to call out to him.

"Hey, Luci-" The boy called.

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" Lucian yelled causing the people around there to look at him in fright and shock. The rest of his alliances were also taken aback by his outburst. Of course, no one expected that from the usually calm boy.

"Oh!" Lucian gawked at his long-time friend, Enoch.

Unexpectedly, Enoch ignored the earlier remark and walked towards them pulling Lucian along with him.

"Ignore `em. Just walk."