

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 39: Shopping

After introducing ourselves to Lucian's friends, Gale lingered her eyes on us a little longer. I also took a good look at her. She truly is a pretty one. I guess not even Lucian could not help but fall for her.

Lucian's ears were tinted pink and his eyes widened. Anastasia and Elvis had their mouth wide open. Seems like I'm not the only one who is stunned by his reaction. She pulled him closer not letting him go. After a few seconds, they separated.

The thought of Lucian having a crush came as a shock to me. He didn't look like the type that cared about girls and was always thinking about his goals. Looks like he has a soft side after all.

Gale seemed to be the shy introverted type. She gently tucked her hair behind her ears and headed next to her friends.

"So how did you guys meet?" Enoch asked facing us. Should we tell them about how we met each other? Anastasia came off uncertain like she wanted to say the same thing.

"They are friends... I made it outside here. They just moved here too." Lucian explained. I bet he struggled to say the word 'friends'.

"Well sorry, We would have stayed to know each other more but we have an errand to run. You see we are going to the mall so..." Elvis seemingly avoided any more questioning as he wanted this to be done as soon as possible.

"Shopping? Can we tag along?" Sheila asked with a gleam in her eyes.

"Yeah, it would be nice to get to know each other like that," Enoch added.

"You sure you want to come? I mean if you don't want to, It may take all day..." I said.

"No no, it is not a problem... We were just strolling around the park till Enoch went somewhere else." Gale said shyly as she waved her hands. She seemed shaken a bit, was I too forward?

I swore I could feel Lucian's burning gaze at the back of my head. Somewhat irritated, he came in between us pulling Gale closer to himself. Protective much? Avoiding any more trouble, we agreed and made our way to the mall.

Enoch was one of the most lively people I've met aside from Jin and myself. He always brought an atmosphere of laughter in our midst as we were going by each store in the mall. His most way of making fun was pissing Lucian and Shelia off.

Lucian didn't have to do anything other than send warning glares once in a while. The petite girl would do more than warning. Lucian of course listened to Enoch as he continued talking responding with short phrases and anything related about us. Anything else, he spoke at least three or four sentences.

We soon decided to split into groups to make things faster. Going to the clothing section, I and Elvis tried on some outfits Enoch recommended and ended up purchasing.

We also got some for the other boys. Enoch asked why we had so many but told him it was for family members. Lucian tried out many outfits but he blended more into green t-shirts and hoodies. He also bought other colors.

Enoch looked ridiculous. For someone who helped with the dressing, he can't dress.

"My bros help me with my outfits."Enoch rubbed the back of his neck while trying to decide between a button shirt and a sweater. Fortunately for him, Lucian helped.

"Where are the girls?" I asked impatiently.

"Shut up, they'll be here soon," Lucian replied irritatedly.

"What did you say?" I asked angrily feeling someone pulling me back.

"Are you guys always like this?" Enoch asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, mostly. This is nothing though." Elvis huffed in response trying his best to pull me back.

"No need for any heated quarrel now kids." The three of us raised an eyebrow at him. He was right about one thing. It felt like we were little kids while Elvis and Enoch were the adults.

...Scratch that, Elvis is the adult.

I checked on Lucian whose attention was somewhere else. What could he be looking at?

It was the store for female clothing and other things. Gale wore a short wine-colored shoulder dress. She was not wearing her glasses.

Sheila and the others were complimenting how good she looked in her dress. Lucian probably hoped she would purchase that one.

"Dahlia you look stunning in that outfit." Anastasia squealed in delight. A light blue button-up with a white verse cardigan on top with a white skirt. Along with it, she paired it with a cute pair of high socks and black flats.

I'd agree with Anastasia on this one. Then, I noticed that Elvis and Enoch had stopped talking.

"Lucian, I bet you're liking what you see." Enoch sneered as Lucian playfully punched his friend. He still emerged callous but his pink ears gave him away.

"Lucian isn't the only lover boy I guess." I heard more snickers.

"What?" Both blondes gawked at me with a dumb expression.

"Hey, boys. We are back." Sheila announced waving while carrying the bags. They carried a lot of things as Lucian and Elvis helped.

"Thanks for letting us join you guys." Enoch and the girls say goodbye after shopping.

While walking back home, Lucian showed us some parts of the community he was familiar with. It was not half bad. By the time we got home, it was six in the evening. I for one was exhausted as I plopped on the couch near to me.

My state of relaxation was short-lived when I felt a huge weight on my body. My eyes sprang open seeing the troublemakers running away.

My head turned to see an angry-looking tomboy cracking her knuckles while approaching them. I was too tired to deal with this.

After dinner, we distributed and arranged the things we bought. Lucian for the first time sat with us. We enjoyed our hearty conversation as we told the rest how our day went with Dahila mostly nodding.

"Then we went shopping with them," Anastasia concluded.

"Lucian has friends?" Jin exclaimed.

"That's what I thought," I mumble looking elsewhere but him. He still hasn't told them what he is, plus they are oblivious to our situation.

We aren't any better since Green Jerk won't explain anything.

"You have been closer now and appeared cheerful." Madison started gladly. We perked up as Lucian only stared at her without any expression.

"Umm... It's already late. We should head to bed." Madison trying to wake Stuart up from bed. We headed to our respective rooms. I was a bit thirsty so I decided to go in after the rest.

By the time I was heading to my room, from a corner, I could see a satisfied smile on Lucian's face.

He looked normal aside from that wicked smile of his crazy laugh. To be honest, I'm not used to seeing this side of him.

At least, he is opening up to us slowly.

Yawning, I opened the room door only to be met with a room of two boys having a pillow war, Elvis trying to usher them, Mark having trouble sleeping, and Logan asleep.

I sighed ignoring the commotion before plopping on the bed. Today...has been a long day.