
The Tale of the first Pokemon Master

Tyler is reborn into the world of Pokemon due to an angel rewarding him . follow him in his journey as he faces heartbreak and victory all while living the dream he’s had ever since he played his Pokemon game when he was 5 .

TCT_5050 · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Statistical Anomaly

( Eevees future evolution has been decided by fate a long with their gender. Those wanting to be spoiled read the authors notes at the bottom for those who do not just continue the story naturally to find out)

Finally the moment of truth I think. Watching an egg shaking rabidly with cracks forming. I've spent the past 10 days patiently waiting for this moment. As the same recognizable loud crack rings out and familiar light I can't help but smile . I step closer and kneel down waiting for the light to dim. As the light dissipates what is left standing before me is not the little brown fox I anticipated but a light grey one. Some shocked gasps from my parents accompanied by a loud squee from my sister seem to alert the new born Eevee as it opens its eyes and locks its focus on me. Unlike Tsun the Eevee doesn't hesitate and immediately jumps into my body. I quickly catch them as I start to feed the affectionate Pokemon who continues to look at me me intently while nursing on the bottle. (Picture)

After finishing the bottle unlike expectations the baby Eevee has no intention to sleep. The playful Pokemon jumps from my arms before running up to my family and start yipping happily while wagging its tail. My mother and sister are not shy in there gushing and petting of the adorable little bundle of energy. Sunshine not wanting to lose his spot as my mothers favorite quickly shows up by her side and mews and paws at her lag trying to get her attention. This causes Eevee to take notice of there possible evolved form. Then to Sunshine's dismay Eevee pounces on his tail that was swaying slowly and gives it a playful bite. Sunshine immediately turns and hisses at the Eevee. Who becomes scared and quickly runs back to me and jumps into my arms with tears in their eyes. Me and my father then start to laugh as we watch my mother and sister now scold a sulking Espeon. In all the commotion I now notice that Eevee has fallen asleep in my arms and I tap them with a pokeball my father hands me.

After catching Eevee I learn that they are also a girl. This information also seems to surprise my parents who inform me that Eevee are typically born male at close to 90% being born a boy. Between that and being shiny I start to wonder how rare Eevee must be and how unlikely it is. ( it really is astounding I did the math. The In universe odds are about 1 in 75,000). I quickly release her back out of her ball so she can sleep curled up next to Tsun as they are both sleeping. My family ask if I know what I want to name Eeveee but I tell them I want to wait until I know what she wants her final evolution to be so I can hangover her a fitting name. My mother tells me that it won't take too long as most Eevee have a predisposition to one of the forms. That she would probably decided within the next few months. All I can do at this point is wait.

6 weeks have passed since then and all I can say is I'm happy with the growth of my 2 Pokemon who have been training diligently with me. There current stats look like this

Tsun: lvl 3 (low iron)

Potential:light green

Ability: huge power (unique)

Stats: above average Hp F (35)/ Atk S (75)x2/ Def F (30)/ SpA F (30)/ SpD F (40)/ Spd C+ (75)

Total: (360) D

Eevee :lvl 2

Potential: light green

Ability : speed boost

Stats: below average Hp F (50)/ Atk F (50)/ Def F (50)/ SpA F (45)/ SpD D(60)/ Spd D+ (65)

Total: (320) D-

(Just a reminder potential only affects how quickly a pokemon can increase their stats and level and allows a pokemon to have a higher level and stat cap. Not the starting point)

Looking at there stats i can't help but be happy. Both were able to fully breakthrough in light green. I think it was a combination of the above average milk they were fed coupled with the fact that they were already almost there. I can also see that my speed oriented training has been working so far since the base speed of both is a little above average for both. I know all there stats will grow with more time and training as well. as they are both are only a little over 2 months old and have been training for only about 5 weeks for Tsun and 4 for Eevee. I just need to keep focusing on feeding them good food and training regularly. I'm looking forward to leaving for school tomorrow. I can't wait to compare my Pokemon vs some others, as well as see how much quicker they progress with the higher quality food and training equipment. I'm also hoping that through battling a bunch of different pokemon that Eevee can decide her evolution. That's way I can give her a proper name, only time will tell but she has told me she wants her new form to be fast. Maybe it's due to her ability but she has always been focused on moving and loves running around.

Unfortunately my sister is not as thrilled and has been glued to me and my Pokemon the last few days. We are currently in my bed as she is sniffling next me dreading going to sleep since I'll be leaving in the morning. I hate seeing her sad so I've been doing my best to try and comfort her by telling her how once I get my Pokédex I'll be able to call dads and we can still talk every day. She just looks at me with puffy eyes and says " you better, or I'll never forgive you." Eevee and Tsun also seem to be helping as they try to console her with there yips and snorts. She doesn't know what there saying but I can understand vaguely. " we'll make sure." I don't know when it happened but I know how. I'm pretty sure that all the pampering from my mother and sister seems to have shifted the dynamic. ' I definitely need to get a male pokemon soon' they must've sensed my thought or read my expression because both my Pokemon seemed to shoot me a glare saying "what's wrong with us." I just nervously chuckle before rolling over and saying goodnight.


"Hey you guys I know you love playing with them but they are my Pokemon and we need to train" I yelled at my mother sister and Pokemon. My Pokemon got up and came to me to start training, but when I looked over my shoulder at my mother and sister I shivered. They were both pouting and seemed to have a glare that screamed " why did you have to interrupt". Getting nervous I looked at my Pokemon and sighed " fine 20 more minutes but that's it." My father who was watching the whole situation with a smirk and chuckling called me over. "Son I just want to say you made a wise decision just now. Let me tell you what my father told me and the most important thing a man can learn. When it comes to women you have to pick your battle son. You need to ask yourself is it really important enough to disrupt the peace. That's the trick to women and being happy." "Dad not to be rude but you sound whipped." He just laughed and replied " I prefer to call it smart, and who are you to talk you gave in to didn't you. Or do you want to go show me how it's done and take your Pokemon to train." I just looked over back at the girls who seemed to pick up on my gave and just stared menacingly exuding an aura if "do it I dare you." I turned back to my dad and said " you know what dad I take it back. You are smart" ( a life lesson that hold true no matter what world your in.)

for those who want to be spoiled when I was deciding the Eevelution I listed them in alphabetic order and used a random number generator the result being Jolteon.

TCT_5050creators' thoughts