
The Tale of the first Pokemon Master

Tyler is reborn into the world of Pokemon due to an angel rewarding him . follow him in his journey as he faces heartbreak and victory all while living the dream he’s had ever since he played his Pokemon game when he was 5 .

TCT_5050 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Planning for the future

It's the next morning and I look to my side to see my sister curled up next to me in bed with her arms wrapped around a little white ball of fur with a tail. I take a closer look at my first Pokemon

Tsun: lvl1 (stageless)

Ability: huge power (unique)

Potential: Dark yellow/ light green

Stats: Atk S ????

Total : ????

Apparently my eyes must take into effect the bond of my Pokemon, becuase where the species is normally listed it just has her name. I wonder if it can do anything else when looking at my Pokemon that I haven't seen yet. While watching the two cuddle each other I can only smile at the adorable image in front of me. I can also sense how happy Tsun is the bond created really is amazing. It lets me roughly know what she is feeling or thinking and let's her understand human speech much better. Apparently it will get stronger and clearer as she levels up and reaches higher stages. My father telling me that most elite and champion trainers can actually have full on conversation with there pokemon. My thoughts then start to drift to the future and what's the best way to reach my goal. I knew I would need a minimum of 12 Pokemon but I lacked the funds to train that many Pokemon so my priority should be raising money. I know with my eyes I could turn a hefty profit through amthe catching, testing and selling of Pokemon or even hatching eggs to then test and sell . I had no risk in terms of losing money as I would know the potential beforehand so the cost of the test would never outweigh the sale. I would have to wait till I graduated as only registered trainers could make sales. Wait what if I talk to dad and tell him what I'm thinking maybe he could re register as active so that he could be my middle man.

Doing my best as to not wake up the too sleeping girls. I maneuvered my way out of bed trying to catch my father quickly before he left for work. "Dad um, can we talk really quick, I know you have work soon but I had an idea and I just wanted to know if it is possible." After feeling him my idea and why I want to do it. He placed his had on my shoulder and told me " it's not a bad idea son, but I would need to talk to your mother about it and make sure she would be in board. This is serious I would need to quit my job and re activate my trainer status through the association. Not to mention how your mother would have to help significantly. For active trainers that aren't actively traveling collecting badges have missions assigned based on there trainer rank." I just nodded my head and told him I didn't realize how complicated it would be. He chuckled and said we would talk as a family after dinner tonight.

Later that same day after dinner. My father and I shared a look, my mother realizing that something is up asked "Hmmm what secret are you two keeping, I wonder ?" My father stiffened at her tone she was clearly not amused with knowing my father and I were hiding something. "Honey it's not what you think, Lucas approached me this morning before work and told me an idea of his that I think could help him out in his journey." My father answered pleadingly. My mother nodded at his words urging him to continue. My father proceeded to explain my idea along with a few key inputs of his own, such as having more cute baby Pokemon around the house. Also that with Sunshine my fathers risk would be far lower due to the ability to teleport. On the same note he added if he was also able to increase Sunshine's level that they could see me far more often and easily. The last point being the one that finally won my mother over. Eve was on board at the mention of countless baby Pokemon. Afterwards it was decided that my father would wait a year so that he could raise the initial budget. It was also decided my mother would work part time at the bakery again to help, while my sister would be enrolled in public school. Eve originally wasn't to happy about the situation but when my mother explained being able to make some friends to play with now that I would be gone she tentatively agreed.

With that decided, the only other big even left before I started school would be Eevee hatching and naming. The issue being what would I want Eevee to evolve into. I know it was a far way but I would want to name Eevee something that would suit there final form. With Umbreon being favored with it covering Tsun's and my future Crobats weeknesses to phychic. My mother seeing my face asked what had me zoning out . "Just thinking about Eevee and the future and what to evolve them into." My mother laughed at my statement. "Sweetheart though trainers can force their Eevee to evolve into any form most prefer to leave it up to their partner." That makes sense I thought I mean even if they are my Pokemon each is still an individual and probably would want a say in its own evolution. I guess everything just comes down to luck, besides I like almost every Eeveelution minus the ribbon wearing breast cancer awareness fairy dog. I contemplate using one of my prayers to Seraphina to see if she could help prevent such an occurrence. No matter how much I want too I also know it's a waste and besides what are the odd. (Author here and to be precise the odds are exactly 1 in 8 since I will be spinning a wheel let me know what you are hoping for I know what I want but am to afraid to write it in the off chance it hits don't want to be accused of rigging it. I'll also spin a wheel moving forward on if a pokemon will be shiny I'll make the odds 1 in 10 so that hopefully at least 1 of his future Pokemon will be."