
The Seven Calamities

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Nikola_Niko · Fantasie
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205 Chs

He laughed; Only a massacre (Part-2)

Shock or surprise. Amazement or awe. Cowardice or fear. They themselves didn't know what they were currently feeling. Seeing Tina's... head flying in the air. Without them even realising, the monster had came in front of Tina. After that, they heard Tina's words and saw her not being able to laugh with them, ever again.

Nobody knew how to describe what they were feeling. The only thing that they felt fear towards and could hear was that monster, which was laughing, with his hand paused, where Tina's head should be.

The monster stopped laughing and tilted his head a bit. He blinked his eyes. He was looking at the group with confusion in his eyes. He opened his mouth and spoke.

(Notice: The monster is NOT talking in human language. The party Can't understand him.)

"Why stop laughing?" He asked in his voice that dazed the group not because the language he spoke in was foreign. But because they didn't expect him to be capable of talking and because his voice was... unique. His voice was like the calmest melody, yet it contained some kind of wickedness inside it.

It was like a rough jade which needed a polish but the jade was even more good-looking while unpolished.

Though as surprised and amazed as the group was, there hearts still only knew anger, for what he had done was unforgivable.

"YOU! YOU DARE BARK! EVEN AFTET WHAT YOU JUST DID." Tina's Death seemed to have affected Nill the most. His anger currently knew no bounds. His friend who he had fought with on death's door countless time, how could this big and kind fella bear such a great loss.

"You, loud." He spoke with his finger pointed towards Nill.

Joans who was the closest to Nill felt deep horror emerging from his heart. His eyes which were fixed on the monster, turned towards his friend.

Even though he could never match the monster's speed, it played out in slow-motion for him. It was like fate wanted this scene to be engraved in his soul.

He appeared, like he was always there. His white hair were unruffled. He seemed like someone divine, having descended on the world. He raised his hand ever so slowly. At that moment Joans had realised what he was intending to do but his body couldn't match the speed his brain was working in. He couldn't even move a single finger by the time the monster's finger stopped some distance from Nill's neck.

Tears flowed from his eyes, looking at his friend's face flying in the air.

Looking at the tears flowing from Joans eyes he pointed towards them and asked, "That, what?"

"You-you. HOW DARE YOU KILL MY FRIENDS." Selar's enraged voice was a surprise. He may have been the quietest among the group but he loved everyone in the group. Seeing his friends... he couldn't hold himself back. Without caring about anything, he charged towards him, taking his daggers out of there sheath.

The monster simply stood their curiously looking what this ant that was coming towards him would do.

Though his loud shout was getting on the monsters nerve, when Selar was in front of the monster, something went...flying.

There are two times a person can become calm, one, when the heart is tranquil and other, when faced with despair beyond any faced before.

Joans already having gone through the death of three of his friends, did what he thought was the most appropriate thing to do.

He ran, not forgetting to take Shila, who was staring with her mouth open the whole time after Tina's death.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Shila asked looking at the monster behind them.

"We will run for now and... one day come back... to kill that dog." Joans hatred filled voice, was very displeasing to hear for the monster.

"Why run...answer?" He was asking why were they running away instead of answering him. Yet getting silence as a reply, he frowned in annoyance.

Though this wasn't the nicest thing that the party could do for him.

He started chasing after them or it would be more appropriate to say that... he teleported in front of them.

"Answer!?" He asked the party, his voice contained a bit of anger.

"Shit!" Joans seeing him standing in front of them, all of a sudden, felt like he had seen the embodiment of his fears.

Quickly recovering from his shock he changed his direction and started running again.

Helkep was also running behind the group but the monster was only chasing... teleporting to Joans and Shila.

"Why the... can't you see that guy over there." Shila stopped herself from cursing, knowing the sad fate her friend had encountered after cursing the monster.

Helkep felt very weird himself knowing that the monster was ignoring him but didn't feel happy either that Shila was trying to throw the monster's attention towards him.

The monster ignored Shila's words and kept chasing... it would be more appropriate to call it toying, seeing the situation now.

Joans tried of thinking of what he should do to get the monster's attention away from them.

Eventually he came up with the only idea which he thought was feasible.

He slowed down his pace a bit, making Shila worry.

"What are you doing? That freak will catch up." It was unclear which she meant as a freak, the monster or maybe Helkep.

"Have faith in me. I know what I am doing." Joans didn't have the time to explain the reason to Shila and tried to find flaws that might exist in his plan.

Joans and Shila kept running towards the portal leading towards the previous floor. Due to their slow pace, Helkep was right behind them and the monster was playing his toying game.

After the distance between the previous floor became short. A cold look flashed in Joans eyes.

He waited for the moment when the monster flashed in front of them. As they bypassed the monster, just like before the monster stood there in the exact position where he had teleported at.

The monster by this time was also getting annoyed, the people he was asking a question from, were ignoring him and running, enjoying themselves though he wasn't going to let them enjoy running all alone and decided to run with them. In response the two started running slowly, but he wasn't one to give up either.

This time when the monster flashed in front of them, Joans and Shila bypassed him like before. Along with Helkep.

After gaining some distance from the monster, Joans looked back.

Helkep had a bad feeling looking in Joans eyes.

Joans suddenly turned back. Helkep without any hesitation turned back as well. But since he wasn't expecting himself to take a sudden turn like this, lagged, some what. Along with the difference in their stars it was impossible that Helkep could dodge him.

This time was enough for Joans to reach the same distance as Helkep. While running, Joans jumped and while taking a spin in the air, landed a heavy and powerful kick on Helkep.

Sending him flying... towards the monster's back. The monster who was completely oblivious of what had happened on his back, didn't even dodge.

Causing Helkep to crash in him. Feeling the impact on his back.

The monster's shock was beyond comparison. He didn't think that the people he was playing with would try to do him harm.

«Ding! 50 damage taken.» Cold sweat poured, looking at the damage he had taken but he quickly calmed himself even though he was flying and thought of the reason why Joans would do this.

Helkep's truly needed to be praised, his calmness truly had been engraved in his soul.

'...I guess... he just wanted to throw the monster's attention towards me, by force.' Helkep couldn't come up with anything else that seemed feasible.

Joans seeing that his plan had worked out perfectly, turned around and started running towards the portal, this time with his max speed. Grabbing Shila along the way.

The monster got up from the ground, his anger knew no bounds. The first thing that he saw was the being that crashed inside of him.

The only thing he could think off currently was to rip this being to shred. When it was about to run towards the being who crashed inside of him, he saw the beings which he was playing with running away.

As if a click had been switched inside him he felt something was wrong. His mind which was the same age as a 4 years old human, felt enlightened for he had understood what had truly happened.

Joans who was expecting he would leave this place alive suddenly felt horrifying pressure pressing on him. Along with laughter...a laughter which seemed to contain...mockery.

This time nothing appeared on the front but on the back.

Though one mustn't underestimate calmness even though Joans calmness couldn't match Helkep's it was still something not achievable under normal circumstances.

Joans had already learned a lot about the monster.

He had thought what he would do if the monster saw through his plan. And just as he had expected, the monster teleported on his back.

This time he was prepared to strike back. He was using his innate skill. The moment the monster arrived on his back, he turned around and struck back.

The monster was caught completely off-guard. He didn't expect this being who was deceiving him the whole time to react like he had predicted his every moment.

Shock depends on what thing shocked one, sometimes it could be good and sometimes it could be bad.

This time it was bad. Joans blade struck the monster, sending him flying.

The monster slid along the ground spitting out blood along the rough ride.

His eyes grew, disbelief written all over his face. His eyes seemed to question, himself and the one running a head of him.

That single blow placed him on death's door, his mind went blank for a second, he was thinking whether he should chase after them or not.

But as if thinking that was the greatest sin he could have ever committed he got up, baring his fangs, they grew at a visible rate. Escaping through the mouth and showing themselves to others in all their glory. Same for the claws in his feet, there length caused them to dig inside the ground.

His eyes which were like dried blood, lit up, like blood flowing in veins. It gave him a menacing look.

Joans who was wondering what the monster would do next, was answered by the immense pressure on him.

This pressure was even more horrifying than before, if the previous could be compered to a bucket of blood than now it was a river of blood.

Something flashed above Joans, followed by a terrifying force sending him flying.

Shila who was running ahead of Jonas was shocked to see Joans being sent flying ahead of her.

Seeing him spitting buckets of blood she immediately used her spells to heal Joans.

"Wh- that thing is truly a...how are we going to beat that thing. How are we going to... are we going to let our friends deaths go unavenged?" Shila couldn't help but burst out her feelings, looking at the pitiful condition her friend was in.

"Shila...no matter what, don't look back. I will come back, after beating that thing. You must leave." A look of resolution flashed in Joans eyes.

"You cannot beat that monster. He will...kill you in an instance. If you are going to die fighting, then so will I." Shila wasn't a kid who couldn't understand what was going to happen.

"Shila...you must live. No matter what, you must live. I will make sure of that, even if my life is what's the price." Joans seeing that Shila wasn't going to listen to him, he told her the truth.

There was a something in Joans eyes, Shila seeing that look knew she couldn't refute him.

Nodding her head she started running towards the portal.

Joans got up and saw the monster looking at him. Joans couldn't help but shudder looking in his eyes.

"Grrr!" Giving out a roar the monster vanished from Joans eyes.

Appearing on Joans side and sending a punch towards him.

Joans barely dodged the attack by predicting the monsters movement.

The monster was only getting more infuriated, as time passed.

Eventually what was bound to happen, happened. Joans stamina ran dry.

Sweat was dripping from every inch of his body.

Facing such a terrifying monster, Joans juice had ran dry in one minute.

The monsters laughter echoed in the large hall. Joans felt as if the bell of his demise had been rung.

Admits the laughter, Joans felt himself being lifted and thrown forward.

Seeing the scenery pass by, he grinned.

Shila who had not looked back even once, was still quite some distance away from the portal.

Her heart was beating madly, the more the monster's laughter rang out, the more she worried for her friend.

Suddenly she felt as if something had grabbed her arm. From the corner of her eyes she saw a grinning smile. Something she could recognise easily.

Joy burst from her heart. Joans spun in the air to create momentum and threw Shila towards the portal.

Shila who for a instance had expected Joans to have defeated the monster, realised how big of a dream she had dreamed.

The monster seeing the creature he had thrown, to use the momentum he had created, against him, was very angry.

He wanted to go and beat that creature up but seeing that the other creature was about to escape, he decided to go deal with that creature first.

This one moment of hesitation of the monster might have ruined things for him.

As Shila was flying...thrown at high speed. She instantly arrived in front of the portal. At the same time, the monster as well.

A notification popped in front of Shila. The monster's claws were extended forward, aiming for the neck.

Joans whose eyes were fixed on Shila, was focusing his best to see if she would make it.

Though he couldn't see or focus clearly, as he was still flying. The last thing he was able to catch was blood being spilled, for the monster's claws had made contact with Shila, before she had teleported, to the previous floor.

Jonas wondered if she had made it or not. So did the monster.

In frustration the monster roared aloud. And set his eyes on the creature who was responsible for everything, Jonas. Joans was currently laying on the ground.

With anger bubbling out from his pores. The monster vanished from Joans sight.

Joans looked up at the dark ceiling of the hall. Suddenly he felt as if the ceiling was getting closer. 'Is the ceiling falling?' Joans wondered, his mind was very calm. '...Am I getting closer?'

The reason Jonas didn't resist was because he could not resist. His stamina was already drained, from the fight before.

The monster set its eyes on the other remaining creature.

The monster felt as something was wrong with this creature. The whole time the creature had stared and nothing more.

Nonetheless, he would still kill this creature as well.

Helkep who only had 25 health out of 350, was in a desperate situation.

The monster vanished and appeared next to Helkep, who was staring on the location where the monster stood at before.

As the monster's claws came for his neck, Helkep as if had predicted the monster's moves, dodged the claws and went for a counter-attack.

The monster was shocked at what had happened. It looked on with disbelief as a fist came towards him.

Before he opened his eyes wide in terror and vanished.

'It strength and agility are... terrifying. But it seems as if his constitution snd health pays the price for it.' Helkep was focusing on the fight between Joans and the monster. He knew that the monster would come for him after dealing with Joans.

The monster and Helkep stared at each other. Both seemingly analysing each other.

"You... how, do that?" The monster asked in shock.

Though Helkep had no way to reply, since he didn't even know what was said.

"Are all creatures like you mute?" The monster couldn't help but ask.

The monster could only nod its head in understanding since Helkep still didn't reply.

After some hesitation the monster charged towards Helkep again. The same thing happened, as last time. Helkep dodged and went for a counterattack.

'It's slower. Hundred percent he was slower this time as well.' Helkep had been watching the fight between Joans and the monster very closely. He had noticed that the monster got slower every time Joans successfully predicted his attacks.

'As the girl said his strength and agility should be at 10000 but his constitution and health must suffers in response. As a level seven his heath should be at somewhere around 600 but I believe it is lower than that... It's being awfully carefully after Helkep crashed in him. Probably his heath is extremely low, same as Helkep's. One punch with take both Helkep and him down. But I will likely loss because of low stamina.' Helkep was able to analyse the monster with precision beyond comparable. His calmness was indeed terrifying.

Slowly, time passed, the monster kept trying to take Helkep down, yet was unsuccessful every time. So was Helkep in being able to launch a counterattack.

'WHY IS HE GETTING SLOWER?' Helkep was getting annoyed, for he was unable to understand why the monster was getting slower.

One would think why he wasn't happy that the monster was getting slower. But one must know to fear the unknown. What if the monster was using a skill, which after being used would lower the stats for every unsuccessful attempt, and give a boost after a certain time.

Eventually the monster seemed to have reached his limit. He roared loudly and met Helkep's eyes. The desire for Helkep's life was evident in his eyes.

Though the monster couldn't help but find it awkward that the creature he was seeking the life off, was already looking like a dead corpse.

Looking in the monster's eyes Helkep knew the final clash had arrived.

The two stood straight in front of each other, the monster's eyes contained burning fury and Helkep's lips were raised in a bit of excitement.

There was something about Helkep that wasn't right. He felt off.

The monster vanished but no tricks were played this time. Head-on and only head-on.

Helkep threw out a punch. There was nothing but excitement in his eyes he didn't even care if death was what would be the price if he was to fail.

His brain entered hyper mood. Even though there was a wide...more wide...very wide...Sigh! Well Helkep was able to see clearly the monster every move. It played out in slow motion.

Both of them were trying to hit the other first. Helkep's punch was already thrown before the monster arrived. But the monster's speed was too unbelievable.

Both of the punches closed in towards their intended targets. Helkep's punch was in the lead.

The reason being that every passing second the monster's speed got lower. Cold sweat starting dripping from Helkep's forehead. He hoped that his intuition was wrong.

But if the world went as one wanted than every one would be the king and there would be no one with Shame, fear or even a heart to speak off.

Just as Helkep's punch was about to land on the monster, the monster's punch started growing in speed. In nearly an instance it reached Helkep's gut.

Helkep's punch grazed the monster's face, barely. The punch didn't even make contact for a millisecond, before Helkep was sent flying in the air at horrifying speed.

His mind which was in hyper mood started calming down. In the middle of his flight, Helkep started feeling intense pain. Where the pain came from was unknown. But, it brought pain that surpassed the physical bodies capacity of creation.

Even worse was the fact that Helkep couldn't lose his consciousness, he had to feel the pain echoing in every inch of his body.

He felt as if something was being torn inside of him something which didn't belong to his body but something more deeper something which belonged in the realm which he couldn't touch.

He felt that thing slowly being torn from home inside of him. The pain made him cry...cry tears of blood.

His mouth was wide open he wanted to scream, but his brain was in such a mess that he couldn't even scream.

Slowly that thing left him. He felt its presence, invading something else.

He finally reached his limit or maybe he gained control of his sense again. He fell unconscious or maybe he... he died.

Well... how was the fight. Have any thoughts about the fight scene, do share.

Made it this far? Comment .>.<.

Check out my friends novel it’s very good. "HALFBREED"

See ya.

Nikola_Nikocreators' thoughts