
The Seven Calamities

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Nikola_Niko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
205 Chs


The wind blowed gently causing the grass inside the building to sway left and right.

Tall walls surrounded the building with the words 'Jonal Pride'.

Jonal Pride was the greatest hospital of the city of Jonal. With none others known to match its capabilities.

It's daring name wasn't just a show either. It had the greatest doctors of the planet, along with having the cure for almost all the disease found on the planet.

In this giant building, doctors and patients were doing what they were here for.

Going along the white stainless walls of the hospital was a big room in a relatively isolated area inside the hospital. There were guards stationed outside of the room.

Inside the room was a boy, laid down on the only bed. Sitting besides him on a chair was a girl. On some distances sat a woman on a sofa, who was peeling a grey fruit.

"When will he wake up?" The girl asked her eyes still fixed on the boy, her voice displayed her extreme worry.

"...You know you have asked that thousand's of times already." The woman replied, shaking her head wearily.

"...But that's because he isn't waking up. It's already the third day and still... even his breathing is hard to notice." A tear fell from the girl's eye.

"Sigh! You should be thankful that by some luck he is still alive. And considering him, I am sure my son will wake-up soon." The woman's consoling voice eased the girl a bit.

"Hmm! Hep will wake-up soon." The girl caressed Helkep's forehead gently.

"...Three days. Yet father has still not shown up. Ha-ha! I guess he must be PRETTY BUSY." Her eyes displayed her anger and disappointment at her father.

"...You know he...he is...bu-" The girl interrupted the woman.

"You yourself are hesitating mother." The girl said with a snicker.

"...Sigh! Lets just pray that Helkep wakes up soon." The woman could only shake her head at the end.

At nighttime, the girl was still in the room sitting on the sofa. But the woman wasn't there.

Helkep's eyelids started moving somewhat. Slowly he started struggling to open his eyes. Getting annoyed by his body, which was stiff due to inactivity for three days, he started moaning.

Hearing his annoyed moan, the girl jumped and came running towards him. "Hep, Hep can you hear me? Hep, Hep."

"Uhh!" Helkep got even more annoyed at the sudden appearance of the shouting.

But surely the girl was one to realize his annoyance. Due to her continuous pestering, Helkep was able to open his eyes.

"You are...finally awake." Tears fell from her eyes as she hugged the laying Helkep. It was good that Helkep's body seemed to have recovered, otherwise the hug might have put him in a coma.

"Wha-Cough, Cough." Helkep couldn't speak due to his dry throat.

The girl immediately poured some water in a glass and neared the glass towards Helkep's mouth. Helkep tried lifting his head to drink it, even before his hairs could lift from the pillow, he felt immense pain. The pain caused his head to fall back on the pillow.

"Ahh!!!!" Helkep's scream could have lifted a dead man from his grave.

The girl could careless about the pain in her ears, seeing Helkep in so much pain, she found herself at a loss of what to do.

Helkep throat started aching due to his shouting and the fact it was dry only worsened the situation. Eventually he couldn't even scream.

He laid on his bed, biting on the pillow. His saliva covered his pillow, his eyes bloodshot due to the pain.

The girl had simply lost her strength and was sitting on the floor her eyes fixed on Helkep.

The girl wasn't like this, it was the fact the person screaming in such pain was her bother, who she loved from her heart. If it was someone else she wouldn't have lost her cool and immediately called a doctor.

Helkep's scream had attracted a crowed of doctors outside, but the guards weren't allowing them to go inside, as they had received the order of not letting anyone inside. Eventually, Helkep's mother was attracted due to the crowd.

The guards immediately opened the door letting her inside, though they still hadn't received an order to let the doctors inside.

The doctors themselves were getting annoyed by the guards and left, not caring anymore for the patient who seemed to need help.

"What happened? There was a crowd of doctors outside. Is everything okay?" She immediately asked the girl, seeing her sitting on the floor with her face frozen in fear and helplessness.

"...Hep, Hep was screaming, loudly. He was in pain. He screamed and screamed, I didn't know what to do. I just stood and watched as he, as h—" Tears flowed from her eyes, she felt guilty, thinking if she hadn't passed him the glass he wouldn't have to get up and neither would he had to feel such pain.

"It's alright my dear. You did nothing wrong. Everything is okay. You don't have to worry. Everything is okay." The woman cut-short her daughter's words. Giving her a hug to calm her down.

Tears kept flowing from the girl's eyes. And the woman kept hugging her.

Her eyes were looking at her son, who seemed to have yet again fallen unconscious.

She felt as if something was going to change. Something was going to happen. She had known her son, she knew her son had forgotten what was pain. He had forgotten how to react when he felt pain and what was happiness. For him to shout from pain, a smile formed on her face, as she thought of how her son might remember, what were ...emotions.

Helkep who was actually still conscious, felt his pain lessening. 'This pain, where did it come from? I can sense it there is nothing wrong with my body. The pain came from no-where. This pain... it is just like the pain I felt when I was sent flying by the monster... Wait! How am I still alive? Where did the monster go? Didn't he kill me or did he let me go? No, that still doesn't explain how I got out of the dungeon. Wasn't it impossible to get out of the dungeon unless it was cleared? Did someone kill that monster? Impossible. What happened?' Thousands of question filled his mind. The pain lessened and the questions kept increasing. Eventually he could come up with nothing and fell asleep, his mental fatigue had built-up.

One day passed with him unconscious. Once again at night time, Helkep started regaining consciousness. This time neither the woman or the girl were in the room. The guards were still outside they were still doing their duty.

This time with no one to force him to wake up, Helkep woke up slowly, very slowly. After going through a struggle of opening his eyes, he was greeted with the white ceiling of the room.

His mind went blank for a second before his brain started functioning again. 'This is...a hospital?' No matter how advanced a hospital can be it can't be called a hospital if doesn't have the unique sent of medicines.

'...What happened?' Eventually his mind went back on the road of questioning.

'...Status.' Thinking his status might help in the situation, he called it out.

Title: Genius, The One Born For Greatness, Divine Child, Trash, Absolute Garbage

Name: Ulfreed, Helkep

Type: Human

Level: 7

Experience: 23/400

Innate skill: (Seven Seals)[Only six remaining]{???}

Martial Skills: Six faultless forms[Mastery: Basic], Body Forceful Improvement[Mastery: Basic]

Mana skill:

Health point: 300/300

Stamina: 20/23

Strength: 28

Constitution: 34

Agility: 28

Charisma: 67

Intelligence: 89

Description: Trash of the world. You might just get to live your whole life, if you sell yourself.

(Note: Description isn't the system's opinion but how the world see's you. If the world see you as evil then it will display you as evil.)

Helkep started at his status screen. His mind was fixed on a single thing, his innate skill.

From the day he awakened his ability, it had been nothing but a disaster. It had always, always stayed on the same exact thing. [Seven seal remaining.] But today it had decreased to six.

How could he not be surprised. Eventually his thoughts tracked back to what had happened during his fight with the monster.

– – –

At that time. He had been engulfed by darkness, he could see nothing. The last thing he remembered before entering the darkness was seeing the monster sending Joans flying in the air.

After that he didn't know what had happened. But when he finally managed to struggle free from the darkness, he found himself standing in front of the monster.

Or more exactly, he was punching towards the monster's face. Somehow his mind was able to take in the extreme speed of the monster. He saw clearly that the monster's speed was raising at a visible rate.

He couldn't stop his punch, not like he wanted to either. He was engulfed by terror, he had been bullied many times but he was never at a situation that threatened his life. Seeing the monster's punch coming to claim his life, he felt...scared.

No matter how much he desired death, he had lost his will when standing before death face-to-face.

He remembered how he was bullied his whole life. He cursed his trashy innate skill for it was the reason his life got ruined.

But still, even though he felt fear for a moment, the fear soon vanished, replaced by calmness. A thought entered his mind. 'I wonder if things would have been different, if I could use my innate skill?'

Slowly this train of thought spread like a fire. Eventually, burning hate aroused for his innate skill.

He wanted to use it. He wanted to see just what was so special about it that it refused to be used by him. He wanted to know. He desired to make it submit before him.

Once again he calmed down. Just as the monster's punch was about to land on him, a light flashed through his eyes and with gritted teeth's he shouted, his voice containing sadness and anger.

"I guess, I will die... this feels so good, being freed from this life... but let me, in this last moment of my useless existence, let me try, just try once more, that... THAT THING THAT RUINED MY WHOLE LIFE."

– – –

'Did I... manage to use my innate skill?' He asked himself, his eyes containing shock beyond compare.

'Was it not impossible to use?' Slowly this track of thoughts devoured the mystery of how he managed to make it out alive.

'Sigh! What a hectic day I went through.' He closed his eyes to rest for a bit.

After some time, he decided to get up. But it seemed that some foreign power was hell-bent on making him stay on the shitty bed.

The same pain came again. Immediately making him loss all his strength.

"ahhHH. . ." The pain made Helkep release a scream. Just as the volume of his scream started raising, he clenched his teeth's, stopping his scream in its tracks.

His eyes were bloodshot from the pain. He was clenching his teeth so tightly, his gums started bleeding.

Slowly the pain, which was enhanced due to him bearing it this time, made him loss consciousness.

Later when he was passed out, his mother and sister came to check up on him. Seeing the blood in his mouth they were shocked and called a doctor. Yet the woman was left thinking what was going to change and if the change was even good or not.

The same routine occurred the following days to come, Helkep would wake up, try getting up, the pain would assault again, he would try getting used to it, knock himself unconscious in the process, his mother and sister would come and see blood in his mouth.

Eventually a month passed like this, today when Helkep woke up he was able to get up, the pain had mostly vanished.

The surprise on his sister's face when she saw him sitting on his bed was immense, she stood at the door for 3 minutes straight with her mouth open, before she came running and gave him a hug... a tight hug...a very tight hug.

It was good that Helkep was able to bear it, otherwise...lets stop this here.

"Brother you are finally awake. I am so glad. That stupid doctor said, he said you wouldn't... I am so glad." Tears flowed from the girls eyes.

Helkep looked on calmly as the girl in front of him shed tears for him, he couldn't help but think, 'I am not someone worthy for your tears.'

After the girl calmed down, she called her mother and a doctor. Her mother shock and happiness was just as immense as the girl but she refrained herself from losing control because the doctor was also there.

No matter how large the shock the girl and the woman felt, their shock couldn't match the doctor's, he knew exactly what was wrong with Helkep and what was wrong was... nothing.

There was no injury in Helkep's body which was not healed. The blood in his mouth was due to him clenching his teeth very hardly. But the doctor knew the patient couldn't just act like this for no reason, he had thought that the injury might be somewhere deeper, outside of the physical bounds. The realm which no physical thing could breach.

Though he knew this patient wasn't someone from whom he could ask questions from. He had to see with bitter feelings as the patient left the hospital. His curious heart was killing him.

Helkep at this time was sitting in a car with his sister and mother, their destination... their home.

"Helkep, do you remember...what happened?" His mother's questioning gaze was fixed at him.

"No." Helkep had no intention to reveal what had happened until he himself was certain of what had happened.

"Sigh! I see." His mother could only shake her head in disappointment.

"Can you tell me, why I was in the hospital?" Helkep asked his mother.

"You, you were found outside of a ...dungeon." The woman gulped, her eyes revealing amazement and wonder.

"Which dungeon?" Helkep didn't let that slight moment go un-noticed.

"To tell the truth... the dungeon you were found outside of...had an outburst. You were found in front of the dungeon's gate, when the hunters got their there to clean the area. You were found, unconscious but... not a single monster had attacked you. They had cleaned the area, in which you were found, as if they feared you. Or so the hunters said." His mother's explanation had created even more question for him.

"We have reached over destination ma'am." The driver's voiced, shook Helkep out of his thoughts.

The woman got out of the car followed-suit by the girl. Lastly Helkep got out after a moment of hesitation.

In front of Helkep was a giant gate with guards stationed around it.

As they moved forward, the guards opened the gate. What came next was flowers and trees, it was a miniature jungle with animals roaming around.

After walking for some time, a gate once again came into view. This one was smaller than the first one. Inside the gate the whole floor including the walls were covered in tiles. The tiles were light brown.

These tiles were covering a gigantic Italian house. With tiles covering it all the way to the top. With different colours on different parts.

The three didn't take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the house as they were used to such sights...Huh! Rich.

The three moved inside the house, the first person who came into view was a butler standing right besides the entrance.

"Welcome back! Madam, young mistress, young master." The butler said while giving a bow.

"Inform your master that I am back. Tell him to come to our room if he is free" Helkep's mother said indifferently.

"Yes!" The butler gave a bow and waited for the three to leave and left to do what he was asked, not forgetting to sneer behind Helkep's back.

Inside his mother's room Helkep sat on a sofa, his mind was thinking of the topic that was troubling him since he regained his consciousness.

The door opened and a man walked in, he had long pitch black hair. Which reached down to his waist. His eyes were also black, like the eyes of a hunter devouring his prey. His body was quite bulky, combined with his handsome appearance, he was a man for whom many women would die for.

"You wanted to discuss something, Elina?" He asked looking towards Helkep's mother. His powerful voice awakened Helkep from his thoughts.

"..." Elina was quiet for sometime, before she said, "Nothing in particular."

That's when the man's eyes fell upon Helkep. "...I see you have made a safe recovery." He asked, finally realising why his wife had called him.

"...Yes." Helkep opened a candy, which was placed in a bowl, on the table in front of him and ate it.

"...Alisha, since your brother has now recovered, you should start going to your school, starting tomorrow, you have already wasted a month." Ignoring Helkep's rude behaviour, he said to his daughter.

"...Alright, as you say father." She did the same as her brother and put a candy in her mouth.

"...Sigh! You should rest for a few days, then you should also start your academy." He said to Helkep, though his voice was blank.

"I don't need rest, I will go the academy tomorrow." Helkep had no intention to stay here.

"...if that's what you want... I will be heading to a meeting." Saying that he left.

Elina looked quietly, as her husband left the room. A frown appeared on her face, she sighed and looked towards Helkep, "Helkep go and rest while you can. Since tomorrow you will be going to the academy."

Helkep without replying left and headed towards his room.

Laying in the bed he once again got lost in his thoughts of how he managed to survive.

Since his body had been doing nothing but laying for the past month, it was quite stiff.

His body was completely healed as the doctor had examined it throughly...very throughly. The doctor had given him a medicine for his stiff body but he hadn't taken it.

Soon he fell asleep.

It was late at night when he woke up. Feeling a bit suffocated, he decided to take a walk in the garden...which was actually a miniature jungle.

As he walked in the open air, he felt himself getting fresher.

But as he walked inside deeper in the jungle, he felt as if something was behind him. He looked back and saw only trees.

Slowly as he headed further inside the miniature jungle, he came in front of a pond.

The pond water was quite clean and clear. Helkep looked inside and saw his reflection. His handsome face truly was mesmerising, with his pitch black hair ruffled up a bit due to the wind.

But his face was 'Definitely' something he should be happy about.

But there was something else that did surprise him, it was what he was here for. The weird feeling he was continuously feeling.

The truth is he had been feeling the strange gaze for quite some days. In the hospital, in the car, in his mother's room, in his own room. He had felt as if something was staring at him.

Looking at the reflection in the pound, he gave a weary smile and said, "Am I haunted or something?"

There was...nothing being reflected in the water. Only Helkep and the trees and flowers.

There was no one else... at all

Finally done. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chap.

Made it this far? Comment (>^.^<)

See ya later bois.

Nikola_Nikocreators' thoughts