
The Sea King’s Dilemma

"Finally...." Ronald said after stepping on land, after years of suffering, he finally gained back his human form.... Well, somewhat. He set out to become part of civilization once again where deep underneath it, lies an abomination like no other. Watch as he climbed the social ladders of Windsor Kingdom for fun... And bring terror to his enemies at sea. _________ I'm trying out on writing an OP mc with politics and probably also comedy. Let me know what you think in the comments. Important Reminder: English is not my native language and I remember failing at English class once so be warned! Also post on SH with same name.

EmptyName22 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

After the auction…

Eventually, when the price reached a hundred thousand kels, the voices quieted down And only two people kept bidding..



Ronald turned his head towards the two who kept bidding, the other was a fat man with jewelry all over his body while the other one is a young man with an aristocratic air.

Whoever wins, its money in his pocket.



The fat- man shouted last and this time, it seemed the youth slowly backed down. Seeing this, the fat man showed a proud smile.

"110,000 Going once!"

"Going twice!"

Just as the host was about to smash the hammer,


A small commotion happened and everybody looked to who it was.

Ronald did the same and was surprised to see it was the noble Harold who bid.

Seeing the noble with the highest title here, everybody including the fatman who was indignant thought it was over.

"115,000! Going once!"

"Going Twice!"


The skeletal remains were sold at 115,000 kels, minus the portion the explorers guild takes, Ronald earned, 109, 250 kels!

It wasn't exactly a huge amount, but it wasn't small as well. The old man, as a judge probably has to save 2-3 years before he could earn that amount.

"109, 250 kels Check it"

Ronald was currently inside a room staring at a case half filled with notes.

"I trust the guild so there's no need to."

"It's a pleasure doing business" An old man with gray hair and a long beard across from him nodded.

Ronald closed the suitcase and left the room with a full smile. Outside, he saw old man Vance and a few people behind him waiting.

"Hey, old man! As promised, I'll pay you back. Do you have the list of houses already?"

Ronald beckoned to him, just moments ago Ronald requested him to find any available houses in the market, preferably one that was close to the ocean or has a lake to it.

"My lord, I already got the list, do you want to visit them one by one?"

"Of course I do, so let's go"

Ronald hailed a carriage and he went inside, he didn't use the carriage the old man prepared for him. He didn't want to rely on more than necessary and give false hope to the man,

It is just that, right now he has no choice but to rely on him, he should hire some assistance after renting a house.

Naturally, the amount he had currently isn't enough to buy a large mansion so he planned to just rent one for now.

Inside the carriage, Old man Vance followed him and sat inside.


Ronald opened the suitcase and took some money worth 19,250 and give it to the Old man's Vance.

"My lord, there's no need to- "

"Just take it, I will have more soon anyways"

Vance reluctantly accepted the cash, "My lord, If I may ask, what plans do you have?"

"Hmm…" Ronald pondered for a moment then asked… "How do you become a noble??"

Vance was stunned hearing this question, he wanted to say something but shook his head and answered…

"Well, aside from gaining an achievement or merit to warrant an official title, there are three steps to becoming a noble in the kingdom"

Ronald listened on as the carriage headed to the first candidate for his soon-to-be home…

"The first is to donate a million kels to the royal family.

It seems even in this world, one can pay a lot of money to become a noble, Ronald thought,

"The second step is to have 10 ships along with its crew of your own"

Ronald inadvertently frowns at these requirements, however since the kingdom is highly dependent on the ocean, it's not wrong to say that ships are a symbol of power.

"And the third is, to have contact with the mainland and do business with them"

Ronald was surprised by the third requirement.

"The mainland you say?"

"Yes, as you know, the kingdom is situated on many islands so we wouldn't be able to produce some things on our own like wools, furs, grains, and more so…"

Old man Vance explained patiently. Ronald listened with interest.

"In fact amongst the three steps, the second step is the hardest one, building a ship, especially a fine one, requires a master shipwright, Which is a rare profession and has a status equal to that of a great captain. Then the amount of time to build a ship is also a factor, our- Cough! The Haileye family has its own shipyard where craftsman builds ships, however, to build a two-masted carver-built ship would take 9-12 months…"

Soon they reached the first house as the carriage stopped.

When Ronald got off of the carriage the first thing he saw is the large iron gate.

Up to some distance away, he could see a large three-store mansion.

It had an English style of architecture from the 1900s while using large columns having the element of Greek style architecture.

But a strange expression appeared on his face not long after…

"Hey old man… don't tell me… this is one of the properties owned by the previous Ronald Haileye"

Ronald looked at the old man with suspicious eyes.

The old man flinched before replying calmly…"My lord, it is indeed as you say… but lord Regan has already allowed the mansion to be rented and since you were looking for someplace to stay, naturally, this was listed as one of the options"

Ronald narrowed his eyes at him, and the old man took it casually.

"Let's go look at another place," Ronald said after a few seconds, He didn't want to complicate the situation as it already is especially since it's only been 2 days since walked on land.

Soon after they looked at a couple more houses before he settled for a two-story house that was abandoned with wild weeds and vines crawling up the house.

Sorry for not updating these last few weeks, been going through some rough times. Anyways, leave a comment for any mistakes and most of all, support me here on https://ko-fi.com/casuallydreamin Thank you all~~

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