
The Sea King’s Dilemma

"Finally...." Ronald said after stepping on land, after years of suffering, he finally gained back his human form.... Well, somewhat. He set out to become part of civilization once again where deep underneath it, lies an abomination like no other. Watch as he climbed the social ladders of Windsor Kingdom for fun... And bring terror to his enemies at sea. _________ I'm trying out on writing an OP mc with politics and probably also comedy. Let me know what you think in the comments. Important Reminder: English is not my native language and I remember failing at English class once so be warned! Also post on SH with same name.

EmptyName22 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Too green and start of bidding…

Cenric added fuel to the fire "Vance! How dare you get someone to impersonate Ronald!? After all these years the family has done for you?!"

Meanwhile, Cenrics companion was dumbfounded by what was going on and murmurs and gossip pervaded the hall.

Ronald honestly didn't expect this attack, he thought he already avoided it by having an auction in this place but he had forgotten, that someone might be watching him since this morning when they hollered the remains to the Explorer's guild.

And taking advantage of the time before the auction starts and his likeness to the heir of the Haileye family, Cenric devised this situation.

It seems he was still too green for this, setting aside Cenric, how can he get out of this situation? Even if Old man Vance was a judge, his appearance alone and his clothes can suggest that he was impersonating an aristocrat.

Though he could always admit that he is, that seems like another matter.

"My lord… It's best if we follow them, don't worry, they can't do something to us without any evidence"

Old man Vance said with a dark frown.

Hearing him say, 'My lord' Ronald couldn't help but smile wryly as it adds to evidence to his impersonation of an aristocrat.

'There is no way the attack just ends here' Ronald thought, Cenric definitely has something in store once they were brought in.

After all, while he doesn't have conclusive evidence yet, he was the one that sent an assassin to kill him.

This man wants his life.

Although it was laughable, he got played.

"Now now, What is this?"

Soon a group of people entered unbothered by the commotion, leading them, is a blonde-haired, tanned, middle age man.

"Lord Harold!"

One of the officials exclaimed and immediately, everyone tensed up and quieted down.

"What's going on here?" Lord Harold asked leisurely to which the officials explained

Pondering for a moment, he stared at Ronald and a slight surprise flashed in his eyes before he asked… "Are you Ronald Haileye?"

Ronald narrowed his eyes seeing the person, one look and he could already tell that this man had spent a great deal of time in the sea.

There was a saying he just learned from Old man Vance. 'A great captain makes a great noble'

That is why one of the customs of nobility is for one to experience being a captain and leading his own ship and crew.

Amidst his thoughts, Ronald responded "My name is Ronald but I am not Ronald Haileye, nor did I try to impersonate him, I just happened to have almost the same looks as him"

Harold looked at him for a few seconds before saying…"You heard him, he didn't impersonate an aristocrat"

The officials hesitated, right now, Cenric has become quiet seeing an official noble interfering. He knew things had already gotten out of his hands.

"Lord Harold, even if his not impersonating a noble, just his origins alone are suspicious"

Ronald couldn't help but sigh inwardly as what the official said poked his problem. His origin is indeed suspicious, simply put, it was like he pop out of nowhere.

Old man Vance was about to say something but someone beat him to eat.

"He's fine"

A cold but gentle voice intervened and Ronald saw the vice master Levina appear.

"The auction is about to start.. please leave if there aren't any problems."

Cenric face got even uglier seeing the new person, unlike him who came from a distant bloodline, Levina is the daughter of the current duke Edwards.

Seeing the two, the officials nodded, bowed, and left followed by Cenrci and his group.

The commotion was over.

In the meantime, Ronald eyed the noble, Harold, He could somehow get why the vice master helped him but this guy…

He was suspicious.

"Thank you, Lord Harold and vice master for the help"

Old man Vance said…

Levina just shrugged it off and left. Lord Harold made a small chuckle and said… "Don't mind it, it's just small stuff." Soon he left and sat down the hall along with a group.

Ronald sighed in relief, he got out of the situation but only because of outside interference.

He might have found himself in jail again if it weren't for them.

After that small fiasco, people still gossiped about it. Ronald soon found a seat as the auction was about to begin.

But his mind wasn't on the auction but on what steps he should take next. He thought he could take things slowly but it seems some people have more time than him.

After he got the money for the remains, he should find a secluded house to buy and rear creatures. Then he could slowly spread his influence by producing rare aquatic creatures.

He'll start with sharkflyers… He already confirmed with the old man that sharkflyers is the most important ingredient in making Sea wavers.

As for the explanation why he could provide sharkflyers, he could only use the excuse that he concocted a potion that attracts them.

Soon, as he was lost in thought, the auction began.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! I know it is sudden but I assure you that what were about to show you will delight you!"

After the host said that, the coverings for skeletal remains were pulled back and the full skeletal structure of a huge beast presented itself in front of them.


"I knew it.."

"To think I could get to see it…"

"I pity those who had faced these at sea…"

Gasps of amazement and murmurings rang out the hall.

Ronald watched this with a proud smile. According to the old man and vice master, he estimated he'll earn about 80,000 kels!

Because of its rarity and fearsomeness, it is safe to say it's worth the price.





The bidding started and Ronald was surprised that it easily passed his initial estimate.

Hands holding a number kept being raised as voices filled the hall.



Leave a comment for any mistakes, Thank you~~

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