
The Scrummy Bummy Lore

In the infantile state of a new universe were many creatures in their starting phase, one of which was a juice pouch and straw that would challenge any vegetables from the cabbage patch to a round of fisticuffs, ultimately overcoming them and absorbing their power, thus, it became formidable and left behind an entire and complete heritage behind. This being was later known to be none other but...The Succ Sage. The self named Genius Gang, a group of intellectuals with knowledge far beyond the norm of this infantile universe then began to rise and found this heritage, allowing them to begin their ascent to the higher realms. The Scrummy Bummy Lore is an incomprehensive, shortened archive of the real events that the Genius Gang went through on their path. Translator's Note: As the best translator in the world, it is easy to assume that my translation will be complely on point, however, the Scrummy Bummy Lore, being written in the language of the Gods, was far too complex for even a genius like I to translate fully, as I, just like you, am a mere mortal. Please do read this novel with an open mind, keeping in mind that not only are there multiple meanings that we do not understand, but also many that can eventually be understood through comprehensive thought. I myself feel as though I have matured as not just a person, but as an entity in this vast universe that we call our home after reading this novel. In short, I must say that if the human race ever evolves to the point where we can incorporate the Scrummy Bummy Lore into our national curriculum as the most significant subject, I can die knowing that humanity shall live on to achieve great things.

ImmenseEgg · realistisch
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explaining why you are the imposter

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imposter (noun)

a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.

"the charity has warned anyone approached by the impostor to contact police immediately"


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I know that you are the imposter. I saw you sussy vent in elec and faketyour tasks! you are the sussy imposter and you cannot deny hence i press emeregcny meetingf. and vote. you out!!!!!!!!! when you go to the keanue reave store i seeyou being a cheater · defrauder · exploiter · rogue · wolf in sheep's clothing · phoney · con man · con artist · flimflammer · flimflam man · confidence man/woman and call you out for being the im;personater. ding ding ding ding ding ding ding di-di-ding. YOYU SAY YKIHYUGB TBNORE THE RIMPIOSTER B8TDSAW YOU FAKIING YOUR TASKS ANDW DWWHEN YOU MOVEVE FAWAYD FEROM THW SUSSSY WIREDS THE ATASK COMPELETION DID NOT EVEN GO UP!. !!!!!!!!!!1111122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 FOR WHAT REASONM ??????



youlooked at my screen as the hit gamie amog us. reveai my allegiance :::::::::::::::::::::: the chungus crewmate name is jeff. damn son wherred you find this ? 55

and u werre thw sussy engineer . for what reason did you vote out madlin makan, "i saw she vented in elec! i saw he faking her task" thnnnking yjou can sabotage.l kne from you r delect and ecsy that you qerwnthe disreputable · unsavoury · dubious · suspect · guilty gaming. pussy man gaming ALL along.

CLOWN gaming, A

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whe you were born. joe said they expectred a epic keanue chungus.joe said they expectred a epic keanue chungus.joe said they expectred a epic keanue chungus. for what reason did yiou stray from thispath? you B


Baby Shark <----------

Baby yoda


Back at the Barnyard

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i saw your screen when you were downloading the erotic game. i saw your screen when you browsed through your erotic pictures, and videos, and text. for what reason did you download my virus.png? and bgecome riddled with sussy chungus? ? what keanue reaves you are, a man has fallen in the ruiveryou are thye masquerader.

when you whent yio thwe co-op. and your card on your pone was apprehensive, due to your irregular · queer · funny · doubtful · not quite right · under suspicion · mysterious · murky under suspicionunder suspicionunder suspicionunder suspicionunder suspicionunder suspicionunder suspicion behaviour. who was it that drunk fronmthe river of gangnam style and annoying orange? who wasit that extracted the caffeine from the carrot. in younger years he talked about the carrot to the delight of the impersonater.

so then for what reason. did you look asty my scrween>? 0nly to see that i: am a crew mate from --- the hit movie will. i am . lejeend. and the ghhit game among us. for what reason did you stray from tghe river of chungsus and become the sussy madalin maka onlytovent in front ofmycams . knowing that you arethe masquerader Baby Shark <---------- . you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 you committed tax fraud in 2014 . do not try to deny it.

did you thinkyou could vent under my cams? I knew you were the flimflam man...

goiyysss why what dowhat why doi have the imposter button guysss!!??? guys what does sabiotate eman uive never playedamogyusd befoerwhoedwdfoiplaya nmogus whatrd ros impister ema guysd whwatd ?????? ?66666???

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