
The Scrummy Bummy Lore

In the infantile state of a new universe were many creatures in their starting phase, one of which was a juice pouch and straw that would challenge any vegetables from the cabbage patch to a round of fisticuffs, ultimately overcoming them and absorbing their power, thus, it became formidable and left behind an entire and complete heritage behind. This being was later known to be none other but...The Succ Sage. The self named Genius Gang, a group of intellectuals with knowledge far beyond the norm of this infantile universe then began to rise and found this heritage, allowing them to begin their ascent to the higher realms. The Scrummy Bummy Lore is an incomprehensive, shortened archive of the real events that the Genius Gang went through on their path. Translator's Note: As the best translator in the world, it is easy to assume that my translation will be complely on point, however, the Scrummy Bummy Lore, being written in the language of the Gods, was far too complex for even a genius like I to translate fully, as I, just like you, am a mere mortal. Please do read this novel with an open mind, keeping in mind that not only are there multiple meanings that we do not understand, but also many that can eventually be understood through comprehensive thought. I myself feel as though I have matured as not just a person, but as an entity in this vast universe that we call our home after reading this novel. In short, I must say that if the human race ever evolves to the point where we can incorporate the Scrummy Bummy Lore into our national curriculum as the most significant subject, I can die knowing that humanity shall live on to achieve great things.

ImmenseEgg · Realistic
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new tesco meal deal part 1/????????

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imposter (noun)

a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.

"the charity has warned anyone approached by the impostor to contact police immediately"


impersonator · masquerader · pretender · deceiver · hoaxer · fake · fraud · sham · humbug · charlatan · quack · mountebank · trickster · fraudster · swindler · hoodwinker · bluffer · deluder · duper · cheat · cheater · defrauder · exploiter · rogue · wolf in sheep's clothing · phoney · con man · con artist · flimflammer · flimflam man · confidence man/woman

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imposter (noun)


Ifyou arer not the uimposter. listen closely to what i have to say. i ddonut have much loneger time. perhaps. i want you to


i need eyou to vent in electrical ad carry outyour tasksas a crewmate. trust me, .

can i have dementi please - reec aloevera amogus the vera malevalodera avrora malora the sora lora of dora the explorer was at the co-operate. for now and then i. fornow.

bangisherb boi the boi was at cooperativewith bongviper695969 and also duke of britain. "2"

britiain empire/////////

madlinj makan. rigght ok duke ofbritian empire he looked he was looking at they were looking at the crisps oj sstock and they were debaating on whetherhey shoud buy the dorito or not. basicly.

"ruight mr barisherab male male. i donut think we shou. i think we shoudbuylittle bitof dorito for tye road, we should buy some dorto for the journey and th"and bingyshibing boy the agreed!

"tyes and also duke of brish OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. also duke of brish il av u know chavvy wanka taaaht. dorito has cdecrease din price by 10p formerly they werer known aas 1 british sterlingdollar pound dowhere as now thwey are 90 pence and 2 shillings. could it be that we are saving 90% of our bladder capacity for this momanto?"! sussy momanto. irish spiderman chapter merchandise// not going tro lie,. duke of england devalopedmenapause hearing this analysis of crisps.

basicly right last nigyt, in the end of their co-operative shyte they picked up cool original dorto crisp----------------- thisis not becausde tyye were the sussy imposter but because tyere werwe not any spacehoppers or dusty heatwave flavour and thwy were alittlebit peeved 0ff. alovera malora avrora borealuis and%v ~~~~~~~ morea. he opened the refridgeration unit of the coop adn and got his r=fishing rod hoping for a tasty salmon snacajk. keanue reaves wholesome memee chungus dollardollardollardollardollardollar,. chungus pound shilling. dollar to be continueddollar. are you the [?m'p?st?][?m'p?st?][?m'p?st?]

"no sahara desert flavour????????" jongua scong's positiion was 1000m high up and then he teleported into the earths coreand melted, barishibong found this quite true as he too is a pair of plastics scissors. reec was on the side of the gutter and he fell down the drainhole, resulting in bong scong and bangshabong erupting like volcano fromiceland.

"i am yellowstone volcano" reec was searching for the shaar desert flavour but he just couldnt find it, he looked under and over his curtains, under the contienntal plates, and elongated till he was 4 miles long.

ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off

thankfully he was spinach. right . reec's kinetic velocity increased sideways till he wasd about a sphere XD till he wasd and he became a qwerty keyboard, and a registered sex offender. gayden brij knocked on his door the next day and they had a little chat in their basement. EDP was there as well.

madalinj makan.

reec was in the . bro, reec malovera aloevera and then GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG thought it was a bit strange for the co-operative to have beeb floodedbut he relaised soon that itwas actually the qyuint snack station. blodviper 983 downloaded fullbladder.com and saved on his meal deal, this was done when he went to the toilet for 590 mintues and did a piss. knowing this, the cleanerslocked him in the bathroom. and edp was there as well.

he just wantedto go tothe shops tho. (sainsburies)

reec yea, ok so basicly he was lookeing at the bacon. letuce. tomatro. and glass sandiwch but he didnt want it cos his intentions werwent quite as see through as the glass in his bread. mr chong asks what you been saying to this kid blodviper : i aint said chit.

itwas aty this wasd moment where:::::: B::::::::::::::) reec relaised he wanted some sushi, so he was squished down toabout the sideof ana tom, he returned tohis normalform before being comopacteddown into acube and signed up to redhotpawn.com. he whipped out his fishing rod yeah and ebat the sht out of the water and the fish within, and he waited 6 years fotr a bite.

"wasd wasd asdfghhjk !!!!!!!!!" "!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!" suddenly right, after 8 years of not asingle shite, aloe vera with additives fromtetley breakfast club'sfishing rod bobbedup and down. blodvapa isaclown. frantically riiigght it was basicly a little bit tiight cos relamora reeled in what he thiought was a fiiish, but it was actually bnonnor mcalister, the real deadpool, biting onto the luuure. renovate donnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. it seemed that bonna mbalistA got lost while chasing dyuke of europe's big boat and became a fish, in doing so the spoon ran away with a dish.

the wenius gang come say takeoff your clothes and so he did, comesay "dice" andso he did: bonnar mbbalister , despite wearing his 50% polyester bin bag, was split up into perfect cubes of dimensions 5mm^3 befotre being magnetically attracted into the seaweed roll derrived from reec diving itno the ocean and devouriojg 10kg of sand. his mum in the RAF wasnt very happy about this but thwe tensdions betweenbonar mbalisters mum and the wobbly forearm gang was eased after she got a taste of the seaweed roll of bonnar mbalisters diced corpse/ emergency meeting !!!!!!!!

the road aheasd wasthat of a emaldeal and reec alopeverafmaalaorllaodera,yd6nhklaudais that was irish spidman. he beatr fhat lady until she said i like turtles bro i do agree ngl irish spiderman that is true. sorry just my schitzophrenia basicly.

right ok -------------------------------------------------------------------- ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off ook off

basicly the wenius and then some more gang was gouign down the road yeah but then yeahj they became NYLON yeah and were used as wrapping for rope. the end.