
The Sand Hero of DC comics

A teen died and meets GOD. Get powers to go to DC world. Arthur's note: I don't own any characters from DC or naurto and boruto. I only own OCs. There is No harem, but there will be different relationships that go on, break up, and etc.. I will upload once or twice a week.

UnknownGod94 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

In a dark ally in Paris, France. A boy wakes up from passing out. When he woke up, all he saw was a person bleeding and most likely dead. There is rope in the guy's hand and iron sand on the ground by him.

"What happens?"

Suddenly, my head started to hurt and my memories came back to me all at once with the memories of how to use my abilities.

"My new name is Théodore or Théo for short, that means gift of God. I am currently six years old. I'm in Paris, France. The current day and year are December 20, 2001. In this world there is Heros. I'm currently an orphan and was about to be kidnapped by some guy who loves children until my powers awaken. I hope I killed you, dude. Now, I got to get out of here fast and head back to the orphanage."

I kicked the dude and run as fast as I could out of the ally.

------Somewhere else at the same time----------

[ Diana Prince/ Wonder Women POV]

I was currently in the watch tower heading to my room. I open my room and see someone in there. Turn on the lights. Getting ready to battle, but it ends up to be Hermes.

"Hermes, how can I serve the messenger of the Gods?"

Hermes:" Don't be like that Diana. You are pretty much family by now. Let's see, I do have a message from Hephaestus to go see him right away."

"I will get to it right away."

Hermes disappeared. Now, what does Hephaestus wants? As I make my way to go his forage. I can hear a hammer going on with the heat blazing.

" Hephaestus!"

Hephaestus:" Diana, long time no see. That armor I made is looking good on you."

" What do you need Hephaestus?"

Hephaestus: "Getting to the point I see. I am here to cash in favor you own me from helping you out with information. I want you to look for a child in Paris, France."

" What do you need of a child?"

" I want you to adopt the child. The child is the child I had with a human woman. You can be his sister, or mother, or give the child to one of your super friends. I just don't want Aphrodite to find the child and make the child into one of her play things in front of me."

" That's just a child! How could she?"

Hephaestus:" If you haven't learned yet. Age is just a number to us Gods. We don't care. Should've seen your father in his heyday."

" How do you know you have a child? How will I find this child?"

Hephaestus:" Looks like you accepted my request. I know because my child uses some kind of iron power related to mine. I was just finishing up on how you found the child. Here is a compass that will point out where the child is at."

I took the compass and left.


[ Théo Pov]

I finally made it back to the orphanage. The orphanage is called little flowers garden. It is pretty run down. I walked inside without no one noticing. There was barely anyone there. Most children get adopted around the holidays and the workers are busy too. The first thing first is I need to find a mirror to see what I look like. I went to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I have dark spiky hair, small eyebrows, and green eyes. I look pretty handsome compared to my last life

Image here:

Now, that is taken care of. I should go outside to see what my iron sand can do. I went to the backyard and found a spot where no one can see me. Furthermore, I started to go through my memories of how to use it. A handful of iron sand starts to come into the air. I played with iron sand for a while. Then tried to hurt me with a sharp stick, but the iron sand protected me. The best part is that it doesn't use my chakra to do so. I put the iron sand into a jar for now. I will need to start putting my chakra into the iron sand to infuse it to make it 10 times stronger and faster to keep it on me.

Four days have passed since then. It is currently Christmas Eve. During those four days, I have been making and infusing my chakra into my iron sand. I currently made my sand into a small gourd and have it on the side of my belt for now until I make more. I will try to make it into a big gourd or make it where looks like I'm wearing it as a coat. I was in my room until I heard the headmistress of the orphanage call my name.

Head Mistress:" Théo, can you please come down here? There is someone who wants to meet you."

All sh!t, hopefully, it is not the police. I started to walk downstairs. Then I saw a beautiful noticeably tall and fair-skinned woman with straight waist-length black hair, and blue eyes standing by the headmistress. She looked at something in her hand then looked at me with a smile.

" Hello, headmistress. You called for me?"

Head Mistress:" Yes, I did Théo. This nice woman here wanted to meet you. Her name is Diana Prince. Introduce yourself."

" Hello, Ms. Prince. My name is Théodore or Théo for short. I am currently six years old."

Diana:" Hello Théo, it is nice to meet you. I wanted to talk to you for a bit in private."

" That's alright with me."

The headmistress took us to a private room to lets us talk alone. She looked around to make sure we are alone.

" What would you like to know?"

Diana:" You are a little mature. What do you know about your parents?"

" That's what happens when you grow up in an orphanage. Furthermore, I only know my mother died at childbirth, and she had no known relatives. For my father. I don't know anything about him."

Diana: "I see. Well, I do know some stuff about your father. First, do you believe in Gods?"

" Yes, I do."

Diana: "That makes it easier. Your father is Hephaestus, God of the forage. That is making you a Demigod. I'm also a Demigod as my father is Zeus."

My eyes widen open. I'm surprised. I didn't see this coming.

Diana:" That would explain any abilities you use until now. What are your abilities?

Iron sand started to come out of my gourd and change shapes. Diana's eyes widen this time.

" As you can see. I can control iron sand."

Diana:" That is a unique ability. I have a proposal for you. Would you like to come with me, and you can train your abilities? I can give you a nice home and things you will need."

" Like a family?"

Diana: "Yes, like a family."

" So, do I call you mom or sister?"

Diana coughs a few times.

" Sister is fine."

" Alright, I agree. Let me go and pack my stuff. While you talk to the headmistress to fill out papers work."

Diana went to fill out the paperwork. I packed my stuff and we left the orphanage. We took a taxi to a big open field.

" Where are we going?"

Suddenly Diana pulled out her phone out

Diana: "I sent our location. Beam me up with the child with me."

" Beam us up? Are we aliens or something?"

Diana: "Haha, no. I did forget to tell you. I'm Wonder Women, and we are going to the watch tower."

My jaw dropped as she laughed more. She grab me and held me. These women are strong. Then beam came to us. When I open my eyes. I saw people staring at us. This is one hell of a way to start a new life.