
The Sand Hero of DC comics

A teen died and meets GOD. Get powers to go to DC world. Arthur's note: I don't own any characters from DC or naurto and boruto. I only own OCs. There is No harem, but there will be different relationships that go on, break up, and etc.. I will upload once or twice a week.

UnknownGod94 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1( edited with system)

Surrounded by an abyss of complete obscurity, I found myself suspended in the vastness of space. Questions swirled in my mind, wondering where I had ended up and how I had arrived here. The last fragments of my memory were hazy, recalling the simple act of turning on my television to indulge in a show recommended by a friend. But in an instant, a deafening explosion shattered the tranquility, leaving me bewildered and disoriented.

"Mmm, I suppose this must be the afterlife," I muttered to myself, resigned to the idea of my demise. Yet, out of the void, a voice emerged, cutting through the silence.

"You are correct, young man!"

Startled, I frantically searched for the source of the voice. "Who's there?" I called out, my voice echoing into the emptiness.

In a sudden twist of fate, I was whisked away from the darkness, pulled into a blindingly white room. As my eyes adjusted, I beheld a figure before me, resembling none other than the iconic Morgan Freeman.

"Hello there," the enigmatic figure greeted me with a wave. "Would you kindly take a seat, so we may converse?"

Compelled by a mix of curiosity and trepidation, I obliged, dragging a chair across the pristine floor and settling into it. The figure's presence exuded an aura of wisdom and authority, leaving me with an inkling of who he might be.

"Are you God?" I ventured, unable to contain my question any longer.

A gentle smile graced the figure's face as he nodded. "Indeed, I am."

A surge of realization washed over me, as if the pieces of a puzzle were finally falling into place. "I knew it," I exclaimed, a sense of awe coloring my words. "That voice, it's too smooth to be human."

A warm chuckle escaped God's lips as he nodded. "Indeed, I have the ability to delve into the depths of your thoughts. But fear not, for I am here to shed light on the circumstances that led you to this peculiar encounter. One of my angels, in a moment of mischievousness, inadvertently tampered with a lighting system, causing an unfortunate mishap that befell your home. It was a mistake, and I assure you, appropriate measures have been taken."

A mix of astonishment and acceptance washed over me. "So, I died by mistake... Does this mean I have the opportunity to ascend to heaven or embark on a new journey through reincarnation?"

God, or rather Morgan, as he appeared before me, raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I must say, your lack of anger is quite refreshing."

A sense of resignation settled within me. "I am but a mere mortal, powerless in the face of death. There is little use in harboring anger or resentment. I trust that you have dealt with the angel responsible accordingly. Instead, I choose to embrace the path that lies ahead."

A smile of approval graced God's countenance. "That is a wise perspective, my child. Now, the choice is yours. You may opt for reincarnation, allowing your soul to embark on a new adventure, or you may ascend to the realm of heaven, where eternal bliss awaits."

A sense of excitement welled up within me as I declared, "I would love to embark on a journey of reincarnation, preferably into another world."

God, or Morgan, as he had introduced himself, nodded in agreement. "Very well. Let us first determine the world you shall venture into." With a flick of his wrist, a magician's hat materialized before us.

Curiosity piqued, I watched as Morgan reached into the hat, his hand emerging with a single slip of paper. The sound of drums reverberated through the air, adding an air of anticipation to the moment.

"The world you shall be transported to is none other than the DC comic universe!" Morgan announced, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Fear not, for it is a realm filled with extraordinary beings and thrilling adventures. And worry not about being powerless, for you shall be bestowed with a unique ability."

As if in response to his words, another hat appeared beside the first one. Morgan reached into it, retrieving yet another slip of paper. He unfolded it, revealing the details of the bestowed power.

"The ability you have been granted is the kekkei Genkai of Magnet Release, originating from the Sand village," Morgan explained. "Now, my child, you have the opportunity to choose the material you would like to manipulate with this power. The choice is yours."

God/Morgan listened attentively to my requests, nodding in understanding. "Your concerns are valid, my child. I shall grant you the ability to manipulate Iron sand, making it ten times stronger and eight times lighter than its natural state. Additionally, this sand shall possess an innate ability to shield and protect you from incoming attacks."

A gentle smile graced his lips as he continued, "To ensure your safety, I shall bestow upon you a strong resistance to both electricity and heat-related attacks. You need not fear being cooked or electrocuted while utilizing your newfound powers."

Taking note of my desire for a fresh start, God/Morgan nodded once more. "You shall be reborn as a child, allowing you to grow and develop within the DC comic universe. And fret not, for I shall provide you with a suitable background, ensuring that you do not draw unnecessary attention from the likes of Batman or other vigilant heroes."

With a final nod, God/Morgan concluded, "Your requests have been granted, my child. Embrace this new life and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead. May your journey through the DC comic universe be filled with wonder, growth, and the fulfillment of your desires."

God/Morgan's words resonated within me, preparing me for the journey that lay ahead. As I felt myself fading away, a sense of anticipation mingled with a tinge of sadness. I knew that once I awakened in the DC comic universe, my memories of this conversation, as well as my knowledge of other fictional realms, would be veiled from my consciousness.

With a final nod of gratitude towards God/Morgan, I embraced the unknown, ready to embark on this new chapter of my existence. The promise of a fresh start, with newfound abilities and a chance to shape my own destiny, filled me with a renewed sense of purpose.

As the darkness enveloped me, I held onto the knowledge that my memories of the Naruto series would guide me in understanding and utilizing my powers within the DC universe. Though the specifics of my abilities and the challenges that awaited me remained a mystery, I trusted in the guidance and wisdom of God/Morgan.

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, I surrendered to the ethereal embrace of the unknown, ready to awaken in a world of heroes and villains, where my own journey would unfold.