
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasie
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96 Chs


She could still feel the heaviness in her chest. She could feel the traces of fear and shock in her chest as she opened her tightly shut eyes which were refusing to unleash themselves- it seems she shut them too tightly, making her eyelashes entangle themselves.

Her heart raced as she regained her memory. "Where was she?. Was she....Why is she in a tent?. Did they find her and brought her here?. How long has she been out?. Did they survive the fight with those monsters?". And her eyes dilated with the reality that hit her.

She still hasn't come in terms with their true nature. It was still shocking and she isn't sure she can accept the fact about them. If she brushes the thought off, it would still remain a surprise to her anytime she thinks about it. But still, it wasn't their fault. What were they supposed to do?, Tell her they were supernatural creatures?, which will make her freak out like right now, Or she might take it lightly as a joke. They did the right thing by keeping it away from her, to avoid what was happening right now. But she had to admit, there was nothing for her to do than accept the truth. If she doesn't, she'd be the one regretting. If she refuses to accept the truth, it'll affect her mentally and also how will she cope?. She's the one relying on them to survive. How will she survive without them?!".

Sigh. She sat up straight leaning her head backward as she shut her eyes. She rested all her muscles on her hands which she placed flatly on the ground, by her sides. She sat there, drowning herself in deep thoughts.


There were still in that woods that looked creepy ever since that incident occurred. Thank goodness it was morn and not midnight like she was used to waking up to. She didn't even know what to do?. Where was she going again?. She stopped in her tracks, wondering why she was here, and how she ended up outside the tent. She felt.....what was it?. Fear?. No not fear, it was something else. Whatever!, she isn't interested in knowing, all she knew was that she wasn't ready to face anyone. The thought alone made her dizzy and nauseous at the same time. She quickly turned around to excuse herself but what she didn't expect was waiting behind her without her noticing.


Her eyes widened when she saw him standing behind her, not too faraway. All she could do was just stare at him from where she stood with thousand of question swirling in her eyes even though she didn't open her lips to utter a word. She just stare at him with her eyes doing the talking.

She could feel her chest feel heavier as she jammed him. Her chest felt tighter, and heart beat faster. Her chest hurt and she could feel her chest get tighter due to her holding her breath. She stared right at him and for the first time she didn't drown into that eyes of his. She wanted to open her mouth to talk but before she could open them she had a second thought about it and kept shut. She just walked out on him since there was nothing she could say at the moment. Right now, was an emotional rollercoaster for her. She doesn't even know how to feel, what to feel, how she was feeling. All she knew was that she needed sometime to absorb what was going on.


She walked out on him with no conversation going on between them, all they did was stare. She turned to her west and walked further away from where she stood; She didn't even know where she was heading. Unlike the desert where they just exited, this place was dimmer than it. And it had vegetations everywhere, blocking every possible escape of the sun's reflection. The earth wasn't sandy, it was marshy, not too mushy.

She didn't even know where she was heading all she knew was that she was getting farther away from him. Even though she was fully aware about her distance away from the camp, she didn't stop in her tracks. She was too occupied with thoughts. Mira didn't know why she wasn't crying or why her eyes wasn't burning with tears. Why was she like these?. It was as if her body and mind was demanding a particular emotion from her heart but the emotion is just none existent. It was there but she just couldn't pinpoint what type of emotion it was.

She finally stopped in her tracks, taking a deep breath before turning around to start heading back to where she was coming from in the first place. She finally made up her mind to just accept it and brush it off even though it seems hard to accept. She took in an extra deep breath, looking down at her bare feet that looked dirty and smiled before shutting her eyes to settle herself and embrace what life was throwing at her. She exhaled, opening her eyes before turning around to meet the person she was avoiding.

He stood not far away, it seems he was giving her some space with the distance he gave. It was not more than twenty feet away. Mira didn't know why she froze once more when they met. The staring competition resumes as they both stared at each other like they did few minutes ago.


"We need to talk". She uttered not too loud and not too low either but there was a slight change in the way she spoke. It was distant.

It took her every ounce of courage in her to have said that word. She said that because she knew he knows that she know about their secrets.



They both stood there, distance apart. It didn't seems as if Mira would like to enclose the distance between them as she stood there rooted not moving an inch as she asks him the question which she thought was appropriate. And Zamiel understood, he didn't take a step further from where he stood, by respecting her privacy. She might not have said it with her mouth but her body language said it all. With the way her voice turned fierce, to the way she refused to move, and to the way she keeps asking him question in that position, not caring how long it takes for them to stand.


" Why didn't you tell me?". She blurted. That was. all she could think of. She had thousands of question to ask but she just couldn't come up with one. What to ask, she wasn't sure of.

She stood defensively as she held her breath for his reply. She didn't even know why she was holding her breath. Was she wary of him?. It was right for her to be wary after all that happened.

"Cause you would react just like right now. It can't be avoided-the truth". She took in every word, listening attentively like an obedient student would to her teacher. Unlike before where she would have that nonchalant attitude whenever she's been spoken to.

" Why did we get married again?". She know she shouldn't have said that, it sounded rude and intuitive but still she went ahead since this was the only opportunity to ask such question. And she was right. She could detect a twitch in his never changing expression which was shocking to her. She has always imagined him with several facial expression but her imaginations were underrated which has never happened to him. It was just impossible to have this statue with another mood like sadness, joy, depressed, happy, anger, and every other mood except being gloomy and having that domineering expression always.

Wishing you all A merry Christmas and Happy New Year 😚.

From your lovely author
