
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
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94 Chs


She didn't know what to say, or the word to say, she just come up with that question. The burning question that has been itching her to ask: Why they got married?. The part she was interested in was where she came from in this realm?, And her parents, her kingdom? And a lot of questions that concerns her life in these realm.

She could see the hurt in his eyes. He looks pretty offended but he quickly masked it with his gloomy expression which turned gloomier maybe. It was as though she was the one imagining, it only lingered on his face for few seconds, few was more like an understatement; It stayed only for milliseconds. That look that she received had her a tinge of guilt.

"Why'd you ask?". He returned her question with a question.

" Don't I have the right to know?". She retorted, not backing down either.

"That's not the reason why we're having this conversation".

" You're right. But I'd still like to know". She insisted, standing her ground on the matter.

"It was planned". He finally fed her the info she was craving for. But that wasn't all she wanted to know.

" And where am I from in this planet?"/ She added. She was still wary of him even though she doesn't want to but her common sense kept insisting. Like she said-: What if they were the bad guys like witches. Well, not witches now that

she found out what they really are.

"Nowhere". He replied.

" What?!". She exclaimed

He didn't answer that question, knowing fully well that was a rhetorical question.

"Is there any other thing you need to tell me that I don't know?". She asked, after contemplating on what next to ask. She wanted to ask about the relationship between himself and Beebah but she held back not wanting to cross her limits with the little grace she had.

" No". He replied smoothly and calmly which indicated how sure he was.

"Are you sure?". She interrogated, trying to clear any misunderstanding right now.

" Hm". He mumbled, reassuring her.

"Okay. Then let's head back". She said this with a not so cute voice. It had distance painted all over it (voice).

Zamiel took note of this but turned a blind eye to it. He didn't blame her, he understands how she feels he wouldn't blame her for any sentiments she shows.


" I'm sorry". She uttered, while looking ahead of her. They already left the camp few hours ago and now here she was, sitting on top the horse's back with Zamiel behind her. Staring ahead of her as she anticipates an answer from him.

"For what?". His voice vibrated behind her as he replies to her question.

" For what I said the other time. About why we.....married". She forced the word married out of her mouth. It still sounded weird to her. She still isn't accustomed to the feeling of being married or having a relationship. Not that she have not had a relationship before, but this one was different. It was different because it was marriage which she isn't ready to accept, and maybe because he was older?.

"I understand. It's not your fault you had the right to know". He empathize with with her.

" Thanks". She smiled , feeling the heaviness in her chest lighten.


"When did Mr Avi arrived?". She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. She held back this question before, since she was still not used to talking freely with him. She glanced at the others who were ahead of them as always.She was aware about what he was doing:he didn't want her to feel uneasy from day one. This thought had a smile crawling on her face without her consent.

" Four days ago". He responded flatly

"Four days!. How long have I been out?". She asked like a desperate child.

" Four days". He responded like a tired father who was tired of answering question from his little daughter.

"Four days?. Then that means he arrived the day I passed out". She deduced aloud while staring at the man who she was gossiping about. She didn't need him to confirm it for his silence already said it all.

But wait. Is Ramon also a supernatural creature?". She thought inwardly, staring at Ramon who was on his horse, chatting with the others.

Who was she kidding? . Of course he'd be a supernatural being. But this thought still filled her head with the thought of him being a werewolf or vampire. She couldn't stop starting at the people who were riding ahead of them, but this time it was out of amazement.


" Your Majesty". Uttered a voice from the pitch black room that only had a tinge of light which was a torch light that was hung on the wall to enable slight sight only when you are in close proximity with the torch. The room was too huge for the torch to illuminate.

"You called for me ". Said the voice that belonged to a lady probably in her fifty's. She bowed down fully, anticipating an answer from her master which she can't see at the moment but she was aware he was there in the same room with her for she was summoned. She could feel his gaze scanning her which had goosebumps crawling down her arm. She was aware her master wasn't an ordinary being. He was more than ordinary. He could see her in the dark even though the throne was probably far from where she bowed.

And sure enough, he was scrutinizing the old lady with his molten lava eye that looked cool and calm. He could see her since she was in the torch's vicinity.

" Queen Mother. I'll be leaving very soon and I'll have the city under your care. I didn't call your husband for reasons only I can know. I hope you respect that". He spoke with authority. His voice echoing in the room causing shivers to run down the poor lady's arm. It was as if the chamber's temperature dropped down totally, making the lady shiver. But she kept that to herself.

"When do you plan on living? Your Majesty". She asked out of fear. She only asked since that was the only appropriate way she could entertain him and not just crouch there like a statue.

" Sooner. Don't worry, you'll know when it is time. I'm just notifying you". He said, his tone detecting zero percent of what he said. He said it like a warning. "You can leave".

He watched as the old lady rose up to her feet with a bit difficultly, but still that didn't stop her with hurrying with her pace. It was obvious she couldn't wait to get out of there and these didn't affect him a bit. He only smirked at the old lady's action.

The smirk faded away from his sight as the Queen Mother left his chamber. He now had an unfathomable expression as his golden eyes changed it's colour like a venom contaminating the pure and clean lake. It changed its colour from golden lava to blue.


" Can we please upgrade in our training. It's stagnant". She lamented not able to tolerate any more of the rein holding.

"Sure". He responded smoothly without putting up a debate like he used to, and this surprised her. She was actually expecting a debate or an hesitation from him, but instantly agreed with no stress

" So when do we start?". She asked, slightly loosing up to him. It's been three days after she confronted him. She was starting to be loose with him. But still there was still an invincible distance between them which she was sure they both know. She didn't think it'd take her such little amount of time for her to be herself again. She was starting to accept the fact about them and it wasn't so bad. The truth is, she was happy she had supernatural beings as partners.

"Now". He replied nonchalantly as if trying to make her give up or punish her for being impatient with her teacher.

" Now?. Okay". She spoke with her voice soaked in excitement. "What's my first task". She replied totally what he was expecting. But what he said next wasn't the training which she was expecting.

" Ride the horse". He left the reins for her as soon as the words left his lips.

Ride?. How was she supposed to ride when she knew nothing but to hold on to the horse's reins. "Hm hm". She cleared her throat which seem to have little mucus blocking its passage. She stared at her hands which were holding

on to the reins, totally unaware of what to do. What was she supposed to do?. Make the horse run by flailing the reins? Or hit the horse by the sides with her leg?. She glared at the reins in her hand, contemplating about what to do with the ropes she was holding.

She sat there doing nothing but holding the the reins. She felt uncomfortable doing these. She just held on to the reins numbly. She tried all her best to balance her seating posture that kept swaying left and right everytime the horse takes its steps. If not for the rope she'd have probably feel off the horse's back to pay a visit to the ground.

What was he doing anyway?, sitting behind me. Won't he fall of the horse?. Oh, he's a.....wait what creature was he?.