
The Pirate Saiyan

Eto Shapan suddenly woke up in the body of Goku. He was excited to be alive in the world of his favourite anime. Things however were not as they seemed. This was a world of Pirates and great adventures on the high seas. This is the world of One Piece. [Disclaimer: I do not claim any sort of ownership to any character or plot or world regarding either the Dragon Ball franchise or the One Piece franchise. Any and all related copyrights belong to their respective owners. This is simply a fan fiction of one of the best and most popular anime franchises on the planet]

thesaiyanprince99 · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

8. Syrup Village (IV)


The small, rustic restaurant bustled with activity as the evening crowd settled in for dinner. Goku, Nami, and Zoro sat at a table near the back, enjoying a hearty meal. Plates piled high with food surrounded them, and the aroma of roasted meat and fresh vegetables filled the air.

Goku was in his element, attacking the mountain of food before him with gusto. Most of his plates were filled with various kinds of meat, which he devoured with relentless enthusiasm. Nami nibbled on a salad, and Zoro methodically worked through a steak, enjoying the rare moment of peace.

Usopp entered the restaurant, scanning the room until he spotted his friends. He hurried over, a relieved smile on his face as he took a seat beside Nami.

"Hey, guys," Usopp greeted, his voice tinged with exhaustion but also determination. "Kaya agreed. She said Goku can get rid of Captain Kuro."

Goku paused, a piece of meat halfway to his mouth, and nodded. "Good. We need to take him down before he can cause any more harm."

Nami leaned forward, her eyes serious. "So, how exactly are we going to do this?"

Usopp explained their plan. "We'll be at the mansion early in the morning, before Kuro's plan begins. Zoro, you'll handle the pirates arriving on the north shore. Nami, you'll stay with Kaya to keep her safe. I'll assist Zoro from a distance using my sniping skills."

Goku grinned, finishing off his current plate. "Sounds like a solid plan. Let's make sure we're all ready."

With the serious matters settled, the conversation turned back to dinner. Goku continued to demolish his mountain of food, while the others watched in amusement.

"Do you ever get full?" Usopp asked, marveling at the sheer volume of food Goku was consuming.

Goku laughed, his mouth full. "Not really. I've got a big appetite!"


The next morning, Zoro stood at the north shore, waiting for the pirates to arrive. The beach stretched out before him, bathed in the dim light of dawn. The sun was just below the horizon, casting a gentle glow over the scene. Usopp was hidden in the trees nearby, his keen eyes scanning the water for any sign of the enemy.

Inside the mansion, the atmosphere was tense. The grand halls were eerily quiet, the elegant furniture and decorations casting long shadows in the early morning light. Kaya's room, filled with delicate furnishings and personal mementos, felt like a sanctuary amid the impending storm.

Goku, Nami, and Kaya sat together, the gravity of the situation hanging heavy in the air.

"Klahadore will be here soon," Goku said, his voice steady. "We need to be ready."

Nami glanced at Goku, noting the intense seriousness in his eyes. He had a way of switching from carefree to deadly serious in an instant, especially when it came to fighting. Even with him on their side, she felt a pang of fear. Yet, despite her fear, she trusted him implicitly. Her feelings were a confusing swirl, bubbling beneath the surface. She tried to push them aside, focusing instead on her own mission, always thinking of ways to get back to her true goal.

Kaya sat beside Nami, her emotions a tangled mess. She appreciated Klahadore's years of service, but the knowledge that he had been plotting against her all along, even killing her parents, filled her with a burning hatred.

Suddenly, Goku stiffened, his senses alert. "He's here," he announced, turning to Kaya. "Stay with Nami and don't leave this room."

Nami's heart skipped a beat as she realized how perceptive Goku was, almost as if he had been reading her thoughts. She watched in horror as he walked out of the room, his determination unwavering.

In the hallway, Goku moved with purpose, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. He made his way to the living area, where he finally encountered Klahadore. The butler's appearance had changed drastically. He now wore his cat claws, and his demeanor radiated a dark, bloodthirsty energy.

Klahadore's eyes narrowed as he saw Goku. "What are you doing here?"

Goku smirked, a dangerous glint in his eye. "The girl's about to die anyway. I figured I'd relieve some... frustrations with her first."

Klahadore's face twisted with fury, the implication clear. Behind a wall, Nami and Kaya eavesdropped on the conversation, both blushing at the bold insinuation.

"So, you enjoyed some quality time with the girl?" Kuro sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Goku met his gaze, unwavering. "Yeah, you could say that. She was quite... receptive," he lied smoothly, knowing the insinuation would cut deep.

Kuro's eyes darkened, and a cruel smile twisted his lips. "I had my own plans for her, you know. I've been holding out, waiting for the right moment. But now that her time is up, I suppose I should take what I want from her pale, frail body."

As Kuro started to walk past him, Goku moved swiftly to block his path. "I've had a change of heart. The girl stays alive. She's mine."

Kuro's smile faded into a cold mask. "Is that so?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Without warning, Kuro swiped at Goku with his long cat-claw blades, but Goku was ready. He dodged effortlessly and countered with a powerful punch that sent Kuro crashing through the wall and out into the back garden.

The garden was a stark contrast to the violence erupting within the mansion. Manicured lawns and meticulously tended flower beds glistened under the morning sun. A stone pathway wound through the greenery, leading to a tranquil koi pond surrounded by cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Goku stepped through the gaping hole in the wall, his eyes locked on Kuro. The butler-turned-pirate stood up, dusting himself off and discarding his broken glasses, still somehow maintaining his composure.

"You should have minded your own business," Kuro warned, his voice calm but filled with a deadly promise.

"This is my business," Goku retorted. "I'm a pirate too, and I made a deal with Kaya. I get rid of you, and I get a ship."

Kuro's face twisted in frustration and annoyance. "So, you're the one ruining my five-year plan. How tedious."

The air between them thickened with anticipation. Kuro lunged at Goku with ferocious speed, his cat-claw blades flashing in the sunlight. Goku met him head-on, their clash sending shockwaves through the garden.

Their encounter was a blur of motion, Goku's fists and feet moving with lightning speed, while Kuro's blades sliced through the air with deadly precision. Each clash was punctuated by the sound of metal on flesh, the garden echoing with the ferocity of their battle.

"You think you can beat me?" Kuro taunted, his voice a snarl.

"I know I can," Goku shot back, his eyes blazing with determination.

Kuro leapt back, using his speed to create distance. "You've got spirit, I'll give you that. But spirit won't save you."

"I don't need saving," Goku replied, launching himself at Kuro with a flurry of punches and kicks that forced the pirate to defend himself.

Their next clash was even more intense. Kuro's blades caught Goku's arm, drawing blood, but Goku barely flinched. He responded with a powerful roundhouse kick that sent Kuro skidding across the garden.

"You're just a nuisance," Kuro spat, anger flashing in his eyes.

"And you're just a coward hiding behind a mask," Goku countered, his voice steady despite the blood dripping from his arm.

Kuro charged again, his movements a blur. Goku met him with a series of rapid punches, each one landing with bone-crushing force. Kuro staggered back, his composure slipping.

"You're strong," Kuro admitted, grudgingly. "But strength alone isn't enough."

"Good thing I've got more than just strength," Goku said, his voice cold. "I've got resolve."

The clash was a brutal dance of death. Kuro's blades whirled around him, but Goku's agility kept him just out of reach. He landed a series of blows on Kuro's torso, each one driving the pirate closer to the edge.

Kuro snarled, his frustration boiling over. "Why do you fight for them? For her? She's nothing!"

"She's my friend," Goku replied simply, his eyes hard as steel. "And I don't let my friends get hurt."

The exchange was the fiercest yet. Kuro's attacks grew more desperate, his precision giving way to wild swings. Goku took advantage of the openings, landing a devastating punch to Kuro's jaw that sent him sprawling.

"Your plan is over, Kuro," Goku said, his voice carrying a finality that chilled the air. "Give up."

Kuro stood, wiping blood from his mouth, his eyes burning with rage. "I don't need a plan to kill you."

Their next encounter was a blur of motion. Goku's fists and feet moved with blinding speed, each strike a testament to his skill and determination. Kuro's blades sliced through the air, but Goku's movements were fluid and precise, dodging and countering with lethal efficiency.

Finally, Goku landed a series of powerful blows that pummeled Kuro into the ground. The pirate lay there, bloodied and dirty, his plan in ruins.

"You've ruined everything!" Kuro roared, his voice filled with rage and desperation. "My five-year plan... gone!"

Kuro stood, his eyes wild with fury. He prepared to go all out, assuming a stance that made him sway side to side like a drunken master. His arms hung low, his claws ready for the final strike.

Goku faced him, unwavering. The air between them crackled with tension as they prepared for the ultimate confrontation.

[A/N: Read 5-10 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/ImperialFantasies]