
New Routine

Arthur (POV)

It's been over two months since I was falsely accused of attacking two girls. Since that incident my life has turned upside down, from heaven I fell into hell.

All relationships I had were destroyed. I even lost the most important people in my life.

I became thin due to the lack of nutrition, and my grades went down.

Everyday was painful to me, and the girls I liked the most were the cause of my greatest pain. They said and did horrible things to me, and it was so painful that I reached my current situation.

Right now I am sitting in my bed while holding my smartphone. I am looking at old pictures and reading old messages.

Even though it is full of precious memories, even though one day I have loved them…

It doesn't matter anymore, it is time for me to change.


I threw my phone with all my strength towards the wall. And as expected it broke.

"I don't need a phone anymore, there is no one to call."

I said those words out loud and my expressionless face finally changed for the first time in a long time.

My eyes are darker than usual, and it is like they are burning with dark flames. Flames of pain and… rage.

From the moment I broke my phone I have already made a decision. I don't carry anymore the emotion called love, the only thing left is hate.

For two months I've been trying to prove to them that I am innocent, but the only thing I received in exchange was a slap in the face.

I will never forgive them.

I will never forgive the betrayal of the people who I loved the most.

From now on I am not saying any words to them. From now on I will just live my life alone.

I used to believe that the most precious thing in the world was the memories we make with the ones we care about.

But now I believe that this world I live in is hell for good people and is full of injustice.

It's time for me to wake up.


Next morning…

I woke up much earlier than usual. I have decided to do that in order to avoid excessive contact with my family.

I quickly got ready for school and left home after eating breakfast and preparing my lunch.

When I arrived at school it was mostly empty, I made my way to my classroom and got to my seat.

Then I started to study till the class started.

During that time many people tried to mess with me, but without exception I ignored them all.

But then Yue and Ellie arrived together.

I ignored them and continued to read the science book in my hands.

"What are you doing?" (Ellie)


"I asked what are you doing, your bastard." (Ellie)


"Looks like he is trying to ignore us so we would stop bothering him. But he is completely wrong." (Yue)


"So you finally reached your limit, hum. So I will tell you again. As long as you admit your mistakes I will let you be my friend." (Ellie)


"You…" (Ellie)

The conversation between the girls and the wind kept going till the class started.

But what annoyed me wasn't that they were messing with my attention while I was trying to read a book. What annoyed me the most was that even after deciding to change, even after hating them, their words still hurt me.

It's the same pain I've been having for over two months. This pain makes me wish that I am dead.

But I cannot die. If I die because of the pain they cause me, I will be losing everything for nothing. I refuse to give up because of them.


After school I didn't walk home as usual, I already decided to change my routine.

I went to the field nearby and started running around it.

I ran until I got exhausted, following that I took a few minutes of rest. Then I started to exercise.

Pushops, sit-ups, squats…

I kept doing it till my body got weak and tired, then I ran around the field again…

This is part of the new routine I made.

I would ignore every insult, study when I am free, do and eat all my meals, and exercise after school and on the weekends.

I didn't do anything entertaining because it made me remember the times I had fun with those girls. So I decided to adopt study as my new hobby.

After getting exhausted from running, I headed back to the place where I live.


As I arrived at home the first thing I did was go upstairs to drop my backpack and get my stuff to shower.

But of course things can't be that easy. Right in front of the stairs was Lily's figure with her arms crossed blocking the way, her expression wasn't good.

"Where have you been this late out of the house?"


I didn't say anything and only kept staring at the floor.

"I am asking you a question. Don't tell me you went to attack more girls, did you?"

Hearing her words, I feel my heart ache. But I still remained in silence.

"Good, very good. Don't think that secrets exist in this world, sooner or later they will be revealed."

Saying what she wanted she turned around and went upstairs.

I couldn't help but internally agree with her last words. The truth can't remain hidden forever.

After a while I went upstairs and resumed what I wanted to do.

From today onwards I was going to live in my own world.

I don't need unnecessary emotions like love and happiness.

In this painful world all I needed was to get 'successful' and look down on everything and everyone.

And like this time passed day by day, and after over one year it was the day of my graduation from junior high school.

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