
The Pain of Being Empty

My name is Arthur Akai, a 13 old who lost everything. I was betrayed by the ones I loved the most and my life turned into a living hell. I want to die so badly... but I can't. My only choice is to live in despair and suffer in pain.

Lathel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Truth

Today is my last day in junior high, which means that I only need to persevere for 3 more years in high school before I leave this place.

During the course of last year many bad things happened. Including me being in the same class as Aria, Yue and Ellie to me being harassed everyday.

I could just have given up and killed myself, but I choose to persevere. Everyday I tried to feel other things other than pain and rate, but the only thing that came was Emptiness.

That's how my true state is.

After losing everything, what was left was just an empty Arthur who suffered pain everyday and looked at the world with hate.

As every other day I got up early so that I wouldn't bump into my family, so to my surprise when I got downstairs they all were already up.

Looking at the problematic situation, I turned around and left home without saying any words.

It is troublesome that I didn't have breakfast, but I don't mind skipping a couple meals. Although I am numb from the pain they cause me, I still feel it whenever they do something to me.

I arrived at school and as always I went to my classroom. I then took out an advanced science book from my backpack and began to read.

As time passed more and more students arrived at class. After the first three months of heavy harassment, they started to just treat me as air. With the exception of Lily, Yue, Aria and Ellie, you can even say that everyone else doesn't care about my presence anymore, including my parents.


Before I knew it, the class started and everyone went silent. Thinking about it, the annoying girl didn't curse me today yet. Maybe they are giving me some time because it is a special day today? Are they just tired of diligently harassing me everyday?

While I was dozing off, a student got up from her seat and went in front of the class. Her body was visibly trembling.

"Everyone, I have something important to say. Please pay attention."

Is she giving an announcement instead of the teacher?

As I was thinking in this direction I noticed that her gaze was directed to me.

'I looks like I am unlucky.'

"As everyone knows, about one year and a half ago, student Arthur Akai was accused of attacking two girls after school."

As she kept speaking her body started to tremble more and more.

"Everyone knows the details. So please listen to this audio."

Her hand was shaking a lot but she still took her smartphone.

Then the audio started.

[Everyone is here, good.] (Natalie)

[Did you call us again to revise our plans?] (Leilane)

[Yes. During the implementation we cannot commit any mistakes, or else we are done for.] (Natalie)

[Are you sure the plan will make those four girls distance themselves from Arthur?] (Cora)

[Yes, who would stay close to someone who tried to rape other girls. To make it work 100% me and Leilane even decided to beat each other up, so that he also will become a 'violent' guy. ] (Natalie)

[I see… so that's okay.] (Cora)

[Then let's go over the plan quickly, I have to finish my homework.] (Leilane)

[Okay, then let's start.] (Natalie)

[Next week Cora will buy sweets for teacher Elina every day. It has to be enough to be given to many people.] (Natalie)

[No problem.] (Cora)

[The day Arthur goes to the restroom after school we will separate. Me and Leilane will wait for Arthur when he leaves the restroom, while Cora will gather the four girls, our teacher, and other students.] (Natalie)

[Check.] (Leilane and Cora)

[After Arthur gets out, Leilane and I will convince him to go to the storage room with us. We can say that "everyone worked hard to make a surprise for him, and that there will be sweets." He will follow us without any doubt.] (Natalie)

[When we arrive at the storage room, we make Arthur come in first and then we come in, that way we can say that Arthur invited us to that room.] (Natalie)

[No problem.] (Leilane)

[When we are in that we will quickly convince Arthur to turn around, close his eyes, and cover his ears. Then Leilane and I will beat each other up and ripple our clothes.] (Natalie)

[That's the part I hate the most.] (Leilane)

[After we are done we will cling to Arthur and start screaming for help. Not long after we start to scream, the door will be opened and the people gathered by Cora in the name of getting sweets from teacher Elina will look at the scene of Arthur 'Attacking' us.] (Natalie)

[That is the hardest part, we cannot commit any mistakes there.] (Leilane)

[At this moment I will then slap Arthur's face and run with Leilane towards the crowd, we will keep crying and answer each question the teacher asks us according to our plan.] (Natalie)

[Every part will need to be well coordinated, and we will follow this timeline order of events. We need to make every part connect smoothly.] (Natalie)

[Understand.] (Leilane)

[We will do it.] (Cora)

The audio finished and the class was in complete silence.

'So that's how they did it, I knew it was too much of a coincidence for the four of them to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.'

As I thought about it I looked at Yue who was sitting in front, beside that her body was trembling. I couldn't see her expression, so I looked left and right where Aria and Ellie were sitting.

Both had pale faces as white as paper and their bodies were shaking.

I then opened my book again and started to read, whatever happens there is nothing to do with me.

But I couldn't help but be curious, will they stop harassing me?

It would be perfect if they never appear in my front again, that way I can dedicate my heart and soul to my hobby.

As my thoughts were going in a positive direction, the surroundings suddenly turned vivid.

"No way. So the whole time Arthur was innocent?!"

"I feel so guilty, I called him a rapist many times."

"The girls who tricked us into believing that Arthur attacked them are the worst human beings on Earth!"

"This matter is too big, will the school do something about it?"

I wasn't interested in the discussions around me, but I was still annoyed by their hypocritical remarks.

Then the second wave came.

"I am sorry for not believing in you Arthur!"

"Arthur, please forgive me for what I did, I was tricked."

"Arthur, I never did anything bad to you, but I am sorry for never trusting your words."

They were pissing me off.

They treated me like a criminal for over a year and they think a few words of apology would solve everything?

They are all scums.