
Aria and Ellie

Aria (POV)

It's been a month since the incident.

Despite working hard with Lily, Yue and Ellie, Arthur is not showing any signals of remorse. It is very worrying that even after all we did, Arthur remained unshakable.

Since I arrived at home from school today I've been thinking in ways to make Arthur become what he once was.

While thinking on that I decided to check the chat group I created with the other girls to fix Arthur.

[I have been thinking, but does anyone have any idea why Arthur's face is expressionless since that incident? Even when he talks back to us his tone is plain.] (Ellie)

[It must be that he is ashamed of what he did, but is too stubborn to admit it.] (Lily)

[He must be trying to cover his emotions. Lily's argument is also valid, I never saw Arthur commit anything even closer to what he did. He must be trying to act innocent but to do it he needs to cover his emotions or it would be easy for us who have been with him for so long to know if he is lying.] (Yue)

[As expected of Yue, your comprehension is still the better between us.] (Ellie)

[What Yue said makes sense. Now does anyone have any Idea of how to break Arthur's mask?] (Lily)

As I read Lily's reply I start to type what comes to my mind.

[What about we beat him up?] (Aria)

[...] (Lily)

[...] (Ellie)

[...] (Yue)

The chat suddenly turned silent when I sent my message. For a moment I thought that I committed a mistake, but soon the chat became lively.

[That's not a bad idea.] (Ellie)

[Yes, it might work.] (Yue)

[Why didn't I think about it?] (Lily)

Looking at the answers I got I realized that my idea wasn't bad at all. I then made a decision.

[Let's try it tomorrow, it is friday.] (Aria)

After I sent that message we started to discuss the details about how to beat Arthur up.


Next morning…

I got up at the usual time and stretched my body, today was going to be a tough day. I got ready and quickly left home towards school.

During the walk, I was thinking about what we discussed last night.

We have decided to be physical with Arthur. Be it pushing or slapping, we need to do something that will help our words to reach him. We need to show him reality.

As I affirmed my thoughts, I finally arrived at school. But I didn't get in right away, I needed to wait for Arthur to show up.

Only after almost 30 minutes did I see him coming. I took a deep breath and walked towards him.

"How do you manage to get up everyday? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

As I said those words my heart tightened, but I still maintained my strong composure.

"Why would I be ashamed of something I didn't do? Aria please believe me, I am inno-"



As I give him a slap, my hand trembles. It was a good thing that his face was still turned.

"Why are you still lying? I saw the truth with my own eyes, how do you want me to believe that you are innocent? You are not the Arthur that I know. "

Saying that I turned and walked towards my class.

Because I left too quickly I missed Arthur's subsequent reaction and words.

Tears began to run in his face as he murmured.

"And you are not the Aria that I know…"


Ellie (POV)

A month and a half has passed since Arthur attacked those girls.

I am very sad that he still won't admit his wrong doings. We've been trying everything we can during this time, but he was like a rock, completely unmoved.

I've been reflecting during those days on the reason why Arthur is still so stubborn. But the only thing I can think of is pride.

The moment Arthur assumes the crime he committed, the world of lies he created to himself will crumble, and this is the first and most critical step for his rehabilitation.

So even if it hurts both of us, it is necessary.

As I get ready to school I start to think why things got to this point, why did he have to attack those girls?

As I left out a sigh I left my house and walked to school.

Today was like any other day. I walk to school, go to class, say harsh words to Arthur, the class starts, and bla bla bla.

It's just not the same thing with and without the old Arthur.

I miss him so much…

It is so hard to stay away from the person whom I love.

I don't know what to do anymore. I love him but he did something unforgivable. I can forgive him, but he needs to change.

As I buried my head in the pillow I started to remember the happy moments I had with him.

[Arthur, what do you like about me?]

[I like everything.]

[Eh, it is impossible. There should be at least one thing you don't like.]

[Nobody is perfect and they will have their own defects. What I like about you is you whole as a person, and you can't be yourself without your defects. So that's why I said that I like everything.]

[I-I see…]

[Now it's my turn, what do you like about me?]

I turned my head as other memories appeared.

[Ellie, do you want to visit my house? My mother made sweets?]

[Yes! But Arthur, are you alright about sharing the sweets you love with me? Won't you have less to eat?]

[That's okay, when you share things with a person who is important to you it's like you are also eating their part! And the best thing is that everyone will be happy, isn't that amazing?]

My breath feels heavy, but I keep thinking about those happy moments we had.

[Ellie, do you promise to never abandon me?]

[Yes! I will be with you forever!]

Arthur, don't worry, I will help you go back to normal. Then we will be together again.


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