
Chapter 22 Experimenting

"No.206 quirk enhanced eyesight." A person on the side said before Jin's horn began to glow and the Nomu in front of him began to revert. Its brain began to be covered as it's sclera turned white. Its skin color turned more natural and it reverted to a normal human.

"W-What, I am back." The man said as he looked at his hands. "T-Thank you for saving me." He said before someone took him to a side room.

"This should be it right?" Jin asked as he looked at the man on the side. "Yes thank you for your help." The man said before bowing. "No problem, it helped me too." Jin said before turning around.

"May we leave now?" Jin asked. "Sure." The man said as the door opened and they walked out. "So it seems you've gained some control over it." Kai said as they walked towards the exit. "Ya, sadly even with you there as a safety net 10 villains ended up dying." Jin said as they reached the door.

"Well, it's better than them living as trash." Kai said as they entered the visitor room where Eri and Toshinori were chatting. "Oh, you're back." Toshinori said as he scratched the back of his head.

"So, soon? I was having fun talking to Mr.All Might." Eri said as she pouted a bit. Seeing this Jin grinned a bit. "Well you can talk to him another time, he has some things to do now, so let's go Eri." Jin said as he beckoned Eri to him.

"Mhm, okay." Eri said as she got up and went to Jin. "Thank you for taking care of her, teacher." Jin said as he bowed a bit. "No problem, and who's this guy? He was at "that" place as well." Toshinori asked as he looked at Kai curiously.

"Tch!" Kai said as he walked off. "Since we're done here I'll be leaving." He said as he left. "He's, a friend." Jin said as he looked at Kai with an annoyed expression. "Don't worry he's a bit of an ass hole." Jin said while covering Eri's ears.

"Oi, why are you covering my ears?" Eri asked while moving Jin's hands away. "Okay, I am sorry." Jin said as he moved them away. Seeing this Toshinori chuckled. "Well bye, then Jin." Toshinori said as he got up.

"Bye, by the way, I almost forgot can you go to our training beach tomorrow. I have something to give you." Jin said as they left. "Sure." Toshinori said as he waved goodbye. Eri did so as well as they left.

"So how do you know All Might Jin?" Eri asked. "Oh, he was my teacher, and also my close friend." Jin said as he picked up Eri. "Hold on tight." Jin said as he held her tight. "Mhm." She mumbled before Jin jumped away at high speed.

Soon they reached home and they entered their flat. After he sat down Eri on a chair and looked at her at eye level. "Now Eri, what I am about to tell you here is very important." Jin said as he looked at her with most serious expression he's ever looked at her with.

"Okay." She nodded as she looked at him curiously. "Now I am going to give you back your quirk and another, and you are to NOT under any circumstances use it on anyone, unless they're going to hurt you, and I mean really bad, okay?" Jin said as he looked at her seriously.

"Mhm, I promise." Eri said. "Good, now brace yourself." Jin said as he touched her forehead. After that he used rewind and Eri's horn began to regrow, a second later Jin stopped but he didn't pull his hand back.

'I thought about this for a while and I am going to give her decay. Not only will it keep her safe but it's not plausible for me to have it.' Jin thought as the energy of decay within him gathered and left his body before entering Eri.

A few seconds later Jin took off his hand. "....I don't feel any different." She said as if she expected such a change. Suddenly she grabbed a nearby doll. "No don't!" Jin said as he snatched the doll away but it already started decaying a bit.

"W-What did I do?" Eri asked in a bit of fright. "That's your other quirk decay. Once you put your 5 fingers on an object it will begin to decay. Even objects attached to it will begin to decay. Don't worry though, with time I am sure you can control it. Not only that but I got these gloves here for you." Jin said as he gave her some gloves.

"Oh, well I guess that's fine, I just hope I don't hurt anyone by mistake." She said as she got off the chair. "And my doll." She said while tearing up a bit. "Don't worry." Jin said as he activated rewind. "Good as new, now I have to stay in my room a bit, so don't disturb me please." Jin said before leaving.

"Okay." She said before hugging her doll again.

After Jin entered his room he immediately shut the door and locked it. After that, he sat in a crosslegged position on his bed. Once he did this he looked inside his dantian and inspected the many quirks.

'I've learned a few things from this experience. Firstly I can currently only see inside my dantian, when I am A) Giving or B) Taking a quirk, I can also see inside my dantian when I am C) In a calm state.

Apart from that, the quirks in me all have different activations, some are like decay which requires contact. Other's are mental, while some are semi-permanent such as rewind, which gives me a permanent horn but I need to think about it to use actually Rewind.

I also learned something else, normally it would take time for the energy within the horn to recharge but due to a quirk, seemingly All For One, I gain energy back at a ridiculously high rate, allowing me to spam Rewind.

Lastly One For All has seemingly gotten stronger due to All For One's, and the Nomu's quirks. It seems some of them automatically combined with One For All increasing it's power by about 50% give or take a bit.

Now, apart from that what am I going to do with all these quirks.' Jin thought as he still sat calmly in a meditative position.

Jin had also taken the quirks of the Nomu he rewound, he left their actual quirk though which he was informed of by the guy on the side.

After a few minutes, he had an idea. 'I can give the quirks I don't need to quirkless children, and the other more useful ones to my future comrades.' Jin thought as he had now gotten a plan.

'Apart from that, I am going to sort out my dantian.' Jin said as he looked at the orbs of light within it. He could interact with them while they were in his dantian. He couldn't alter the activation points but he could alter their position within his dantian.

About an hour later Jin was done and only 1 big orb of light along with 3 smaller orbs of light remained.

'I naturally wanted the strength and kinetic boosters but since they combined with One For All then there's no need, apart from that the 4 quirks I mainly need are Rewind, All For One, One For All, and Air Cannon.

The first 3 are self-explanatory but Air Cannon can enhance my attack prowess by multiple times allowing me to beat up anyone, at least in this world.' Jin thought as he looked at the lights.

He could identify which quirk the lights were by touching them. Because of this, he knew that One For All was the biggest orb, it had a pure white color and 7 other lights could be seen within it. All For One was a multi-colored light orb of about average size, Rewind was a blue light orb of also average size, and Air Cannon was a grey orb of about average size.

'Now that I think about it, can't One For All evolve quirks?' Jin thought as he looked at One For All evilly. 'Doesn't that mean I can evolve these quirks? Also wouldn't it be much quicker if I take out those useless quirks?' Jin thought as he stared at One For All like a child would their new toy.

A few hours later Jin had finally finished with his experiments. One For All had shrunk down by quite a bit but now 6 of its quirks had been taken out while 3 new ones had entered. 'I left the quirk transferring ability as that may come in useful later, but the rest I took out. Firstly float is useless, although black whip is cool it's too strenuous, and for some reason, I can't identify the rest.'

(*COUGH* *COUGH* aka author doesn't know what they are and so I won't have people complaining in the future. I do not know what the other quirks are, so if there was either a hax quirk I should have kept or something that was pivotal to One For All functioning (which I doubt) I DID NOT know so don't complain about it, a year or maybe half a year later, etc)

Once Jin was done with this he also began fiddiling with all the orbs of light as one by one they lost their light. 'I also found a method to deactivate them, having them activated is useless as I may activate one accidentally and do something badly, or may trigger a weird mutation, besides that they're wasting my energy.' Jin thought after he deactivated all the useless quirks.

After that, he got up and left his room, and he found Eri eating lunch without him. "What time is it?" Jin asked in surprise. "It's 4 I've been waiting for you for hours." Eri said annoyedly as she ate her food. 'Shit.' He thought before saying "Sorry I was doing something."

Hearing this Eri shook her head before she continued eating. 'What would he do without me?' Eri thought while looking down on Jin with a high and mighty look on her face.

Seeing her look Jin thought to himself 'What would she do without me.'

(The real question is what would you do without me.) The Author thought as he ended the chapter.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter we will be leaving. After that, I am probably going to do a short side story chapter, and then we will finally be in the next world. I am gonna keep it a secret for now, but I am sure some of you already have some ideas.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts