
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 23 Departure

The Next Day

"I haven't been here in a while." Jin said as he watched the sun rise. Toshinori who had just arrived on the beach walked up to Jin while saying "Ya, and it's only been about 3 months since then."

For a few minutes, they watched the sunrise before Jin turned around to Toshinori. "All Might, no, teacher. I'll be leaving in a few days." Jin said as he looked at Toshinori.

Hearing this Toshinori became a bit light-headed. "But the world needs you, Jin, they need a symbol of peace." Toshinori said. "Teacher, don't you wonder how I still have One For All, while Izuku also has it?" Jin asked as he looked at Toshinori.

He was immediately confused upon hearing this. "Eri, my sister. Her quirk can rewind time itself, sadly she can't control it well. So I gave One For All to Izuku and had her rewind me till I had it again." Jin said as Toshinori's face became one of shock.

"And now I have her quirk." Jin said as he pointed to his horn. "Wait you stole her quirk!?!" Toshinori said while looking at Jin like he was a villain. "Yes, but no, don't get me wrong she has it again." Jin said as he walked towards Toshinori.

"There's no need to complicate matters. Since I'll be leaving in a few days and you've fallen the world needs a symbol of peace, and with this quirk, I can bring you back to your prime." Jin said as he touched Toshinori.

"W-wait what!?" He said as his body rewound. He began to put on more weight as he grew taller. His back straightened and his eyes became brighter. Simultaneously the scar on the left side of his abdomen disappeared.

"Teacher, would you be so kind, as to continue your hero duties until the new symbol of peace can take charge?" Jin asked as Toshinori looked at his body in confusion, before activating his muscular form.

"You, you really did it young Jin." Toshinori said as he looked at himself. "Let's try out a punch." He said before gazing at the ocean.

"SMASH!" He said as he punched out.



The wind blew everywhere and the punch he threw parted the seas creating massive waves, the recoil of the punch was so strong it created a gust of wind behind Toshinori.

"I think you might've overdone it." Jin said as he looked at Toshinori. "....Thank you, Jin, for everything you've done." Toshinori said as he turned around and looked his student in the eye.

"My story has finished, but I can tell yours has just begun." Toshinori said as he walked past Jin and patted him on the back. "BOOM!" Jin was sent flying because of it and he was hurtled into the waves.

"OI, the fuck was that!" Jin said as he got out of the water. "Oops, I am not used to this again." Toshinori said as he scratched the back of his head. "Anyway, I'll be off, the symbol of peace has a lot to do." Toshinori said before flying into the sky.

The sand on the beach flew as even the nearby sea was affected. 'Tch, this bastard, is this how people feel when I stay hopping into the air?' Jin thought as he got out of the sea. 'Now I have to go take a shower.' Jin thought as he hopped away.

"Honey, am I going crazy, or was that All Might." A man said in astonishment to his partner next to him. "Ya, I think that was All Might. But shouldn't he be weakened?!" The lady said as they looked on in astonishment at the scene.

After this, the days passed. Toshinori made the headlines and the symbol of peace shined brightly, brighter than he did before. Sadly the brighter the light the greater the shadow, no one knew what would be on the horizon.

Finally, the last day arrived, Jin had brought Eri, Toshinori, Izuku, and Inko to Shie Hassaikai. "Why are we here?" Toshinori asked as they arrived at the base. Izuku who was by the side was nearly fainting. 'I can't believe he reverted to his prime.' Izuku thought as he nearly had a heart attack from the excitement.

Once they entered Kai was there along with the Eight Bullets and his close confidants. "Today I'll be leaving, you're to behave properly and follow what All Might says, got it?" Kai said as he walked forward.

"Yes, boss!" The Eight Bullets said with tears in their eyes, apart from Kendo Rappa who looked like he couldn't care less.

"What do you mean leaving?" Inko asked. "I thought we'd be seeing you off to an airport." She continued as she looked at Jin curiously.

"That's not it, aunty. You see, I have an ability, and with it, I'll have to go away a lot, but because of this I can get much stronger. I brought you here to say goodbye and to ask Izuku if he's willing to come with me. While we're away I know you'll miss Izuku so I left some money at home, you can use that to go see Mr.Midoriya." Jin explained as he looked at Inko.

"I see." Inko said with a few tears in her eyes. "But if it means, you can become the hero you want to be, my Izuku, then you can go. As long as you keep him safe Jin." She said as she began to cry.

Seeing this Izuku also began to cry. After a while they calmed down. "I'll come Jin." Izuku said resolutely after some time. "Good to hear. I hope you can handle the rest teacher. After this I don't know much about what will happen, but I hope you can keep this world safe." Jin said as he brought out a bell.

"W-Wait what do you mean "this" wo-!" Toshinori tried to ask before Jin, Kai, Eri, and Izuku disappeared in a flash of light.

Suddenly they appeared in a white space. "I see you've appeared." The Lesser God said as he gazed at the new arrivals. 'Why do I only see 2 men and a loli. Don't tell me, no it can't be, his records don't show that kind of behavior.' The Lesser God thought as he looked at Kai and Izuku curiously.

"These ar-." Jin tried to say before being cut off by Kai. "Who's this, where are we? And where are we headed to? You told me you'd take me to a world without quirks, this doesn't seem like it." Kai said as he looked at the Lesser God curiously.

"All will be explained in due time child. For now, shut it." The Lesser God said, and with this Kai couldn't speak anymore. "Jin what's going on?" Eri and Izuku both asked.

"T-This is my gatekeeper I guess. He allows for transportation between other worlds, basically, I chose you guys to be my comrades who'd travel with me. If you want to quit at any time though tell me and I'll take you back." Jin said as he made some hand gestures.

"Woah, so basically....." Izuku said as he began to mumble. "Does that mean we'll see real dragons and fairies?!" Eri asked in excitement. "Yes." Jin simply answered. "COOL!" She said as she got excited.

Seeing this Kai was growing livid as veins started to appear on his forehead. "Well if you're done chatting have you chosen a world?" The Lesser God asked.

"Ya, you know which one. Also set the time ration for this world to 365:1." Jin said as the Lesser God nodded.

"Then off you go." He said. 'Onto the world of....!' Jin thought before they disappeared in a flash of light. "That kid is either gay, or the one." The Lesser God mumbled as he also disappeared.

Hehehehe, I am keeping this a secret till the last minute. I am evil aren't I! Muahaha, don't worry though, next chapter will be the epilogue and then onto a new volume. The proper next chapter will be released soon so don't worry.

Apart from that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please review the novel, we're at 3 reviews if we get to 10 my novel will have a proper rating, so let's do it. Currently, Endless_Evolution and Zomfox have reviewed will you be the next??

Jokes aside though I wish you well, and see you guys next time.

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