
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Sneaky Ghost

You know I found it very weird being a ghost.

Im starting to love my new body! It is not very cute but hear me out.

Im floating and killing green creatures the whole day, and im not even tired!

Now that I think about it I forgot to check my status, I will have a look now.

( Lv 2/15

EXP: 32/40

HP 205/205

MP 205/205

Souls: 11

Race: Ghost

Class: None

Skills: Soul Drain Lv2 ) 

My HP and MP broke the 200 barrier yeah sir! That is the good stuff.

I have 11 souls now, I could get teleportation but im kind of scared.

The cost is too low for a skill that looks like a cheat.

It totally looks like bait! How does a skill that can teleport cost only 10 souls while the other one that can make fear costs 30?

I guess that teleportation will be a bad skill at the start and will only be good if you level it up.

I will try another thing.

Upgrade Soul Drain.

A window pops in front of me.

(Do you wish to spend 10 souls to upgrade Soul Drain to level 3?)


I guess that is the safest option right now, Soul Drain is the only attack I have.

Another window pops in front of me.

Hmm? What is this?

(Soul Drain meets the requirements for evolution, Soul Drain will turn into Soul Steal)

A white light emanates from me and my status window appears.

Wow! That was crazy, skills can evolve didnt know that.

Now I have a Soul Steal Lv1 in my skills while Soul Drain disappeared.

Soul Steal? sounds kinda ominous.

I will give it a try, let's see.

[Soul Steal]

3 lines of smoke get out of my body.

Wow, and the range is doubled, that is crazy!

But dont really justify the Steal thing on the name now.

I guess I will have to find something to test out.

Back to float around the forest.

In times like this, I wish I could sing or something to pass the time.

And I float and float some more...

After a little time, I came across a tiny village with tents made of straw and sticks and a fence made of sticks.

Hiding in some trees I see that some green creatures are gathering around the village so I guess this is their base.

Lucky me! some of them are leaving I will ambush them when they get far enough away.

I follow a pair of green creatures for a while until they are far enough from the village.

I sneak behind them without them noticing me.

[Soul Steal]

Three lines of smoke get out of my body going toward the creatures, one line goes toward one green creature and the other two lines go toward the other green creature.

They try to attack me but do no damage.

In a few seconds, the green creature that had two lines of smoke in its head fell to the ground.

Damn! That was a lot faster.

The other fall too a few seconds later.

Multiple windows pop in front of me.

(EXP Gained 8)

(Level up)

(You have 3 points to spend)

Level 3 now, finally! it is getting more and more difficult to find these creatures.

Luckily I found that village.

Well, I think I will put everything into agility again, making 6 agility now.


Hmm, now I need 50 exp to level up sigh, that will be a lot to get only from green creatures.

Well, for now, I will float back there and try to do it again.

A few time later.

Dude! Just get out already! They are not coming out anymore.

I think that they are starting to figure out that someone is killing them around so I doubt that they will get out for now sight...

It is almost nighttime, these creatures need to sleep... I guess?

I will wait here for a while.

sigh... this is going to be boring.

Soon the night falls into the forest and the village is now in the dark.

Finally! time to raid a few greenlies, thats the name I gave them, I was bored so I spent the time thinking of a name.

I float toward the fence trying my best to not make myself too visible.

I can pass through the fence because it has holes.

Seems like no one saw me thats a relief...

I dont really know what will happen if a bunch of them try to attack at the same time, Im guessing that it will do damage.

I swiftly go floating behind some tents looking around to see if there is anyone at the entrance.

I enter one of the tents and I see a horrible sight.

A woman looking around 20 years old with blonde hair and white skin, she is dead.

And looks like... she was raped a lot.

Her eyes are swollen and she is naked on the floor.

If she is still here then it means...

In the middle of the tent, there is a greenly sleeping on the floor.

I float toward him and stop at his side.

[Soul Steal]

Her dont wake up even if I do this? It doesn't hurt at all then.

In a few seconds, the greenly is old and dead.

I float to a few more tents trying to make sure im not spotted.

I found some more women but they are all dead.

I killed a few more and im now at the last tent, this is a big one not like the others and it has a few details in red outside.

I float inside and see a bunch more women dead, looks like the boss got more of them.

Hmm? Seeing this greenly from up close he doesnt seem so different than a normal one, he is wearing a red robe though.

Shit! he woke up and saw me.

"Who are you??!! Intruder! Intruder!" Says the red robe greenly shocked

What the hell?! I can understand him!


While I was lost in thoughts the red robe greenly pointed his hand toward me and a red circle appeared on his left hand, some words and a few blocks were rotating in the circle.

Magic?! goddamn run!

I float to the side trying to evade whatever he will send at me.

"Fire Bolt!" Yells the red robe greenly

A fireball the same size as a baseball ball came out of his hand.

It comes in my direction but im faster and I evade it successfully.

A little explosion of flames burst out as soon as the ball hit the ground close to me and it hit me a little.

I quickly look at my status to see my HP.

(HP: 170/250)

If my face could get pale I would now.

What?! That thing didnt even hit me how I lost that much?

Shit, no time to think, I cant let him throw that again!

[Soul Steal]

I send Soul Steal on him and three white smoke go in a straight line toward him.

It hit and I start to run away without getting out of range so it continues to suck his soul.

I get out of the tent while he is going crazy inside with a bunch of fireballs and putting fire in everything.

The red robe greenly runs to try to catch me sending a bunch of fireballs.

One of the fireballs almost hit me.

(HP: 90/250)

What the hell dude! This is literally unfair it is not even hitting!?

I keep floating at high speed inside the village while he is going crazy with fireballs.

The whole village is burning.

Dude that is your own village!

A fireball comes toward me but with my agility and 360 vision I evade without getting damaged.

Soon the red robe greenly goes growing more old and more tired and he fell to the ground dead.

A window pops in front of me

(EXP Gained: 15)

Shit that was a close call! if my agility was a little bit worse I would have died for sure sigh... calm down that is not the time to freak out, get out of here first everything is on fire.

I float my way toward the forest in a hurry while everything burns in the village.