
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Ghost The Ghost

Floating like a champ in the forest! this is so convenient.

I dont feel tired no matter how much I float, I dont feel hungry, thirsty, and drowsy.

I tried to drain the souls of a few bugs but they dont give me souls or exp, I guess that their souls are too weak to count.

"Krnk" I hear a strange sound

I hide behind a tree and peek at who made it.

3 green creatures talking, seems like they are hunting a snake-like creature with three eyes.

The hunters are being hunted now hmm, that's kind of ironic hihi.

Now, I go around the trees getting on the back of the green creatures.

I float closer to them, they are not looking behind.

[Soul Drain]

A cloud gets out of my body in a straight line, going around the head of one green creature.

Haha, the others got scared and jumped a bit.

They try to hit me but do nothing.

These creatures are dumb as heck that I can tell.

They just stand there attacking again and again, well at least there is something to say about their perseverance.

I find it strange that Soul Drain dont seem to hurt, it just makes the person grow older faster but doesnt cause them pain, if it caused pain I doubt that they would be attacking me.

This is going to take a while sigh...

I hope that when I evolve Soul Drain it goes faster.


( Lv 1/15

EXP: 20/30

HP 125/125

MP 125/125

Souls: 5

Race: Ghost

Class: None

Skills: Soul Drain Lv1 )

Finally, my HP and MP are now 125 haha yeah baby getting stronger.

I dont know exactly why but this makes me kind of happy.

Evolve Soul Drain.

A window pops in front of me.

(Do you wish to spend 5 souls to Evolve Soul Drain to level 2?)


(Soul Drain is now level 2)

Yeah! thats the good stuff right here!

I will try it out let's see.

[Soul Drain]

Two straight lines of smoke go out of my body.

Wow! There are two now and the range is bigger too.

Man getting stronger is so much fun, if I had known about this I would have played more games in my former life... Now I'm sad because I remembered it sigh.

Well, whatever I will just float around some more.

I start to float while lost in thoughts.

The float quee... wait, a king? what am I? I have no gender now that I think about it.

Actually, what is my name?! I cant remember my name or my gender from my past life.

Wait wait... I can remember my life but all the memories of my name and gender are a blur for some reason.

Well, whatever I guess.

Im Ghost The Ghost hell yeah!

Gender? We don't do that here.

Now im curious about a few things.

My level has a limit, I will be a level 15 ghost forever! cant be right?

And this class thing, I do not really know exactly what it is but I guess that are things like mage warrior or something.

Haha, imagine a ghost warrior how strange would that be?

The last thing anyone expects is being punched in the face by a ghost haha.

"Kriii! Kriii!" I hear some cries from afar

More green creatures! I start to float toward the cries.

When I got there I saw a grotesque scene.

A huge wolf-like creature with white fur and red eyes.

Devouring two green creatures alive while they panic in pain and fear.

what the hell! that thing is almost double the size of a normal wolf.

Im scared! What happens if he devourer a part of my body and it goes inside him? I will take damage for sure!

I will slowly make a strategic withdrawal.

The wolf seems to be smelling something in the air and it starts to run towards me.

Shit! Ghostar technique FLOAT!

Im made of smoke you dog! how are you smelling my scent that makes no sense at all!

He is getting closer! Four legs vs No legs, are you not scared of being canceled on social media wolf?!

Every step the wolf does makes a boom and it gets closer and closer while I run.

I will have to fight! I cant outrun him.

[Soul Drain]

While floating away I cast Soul Drain and the two clouds of smoke hit the head of the wolf.

Ghostar technique! Hit and Float!

While my Soul Drain is connected to his head I keep floating but I try not to get out of range so I keep draining him.

He dashes in my direction with his mouth open biting the upper part of my body.

(HP 90/125)

Aaah! That hurts what the hell!

What kind of cheap ghost feels pain?!

Calm down! Survival ghostly instincts come on do your thing!

I keep floating as fast as I can around the forest but the wolf is faster.

His bite found my body once again.

(HP 65/125)

Calm down, the pain only lasts for a second, just keep floating while draining him.

He bites a tiny part of my body

(HP 40/125)

The wolf is getting slower, it is working just a bit more!

He gives me a big bite

(HP 12/125)

He jumps and tries to bite me.

The wolf died with his mouth a few inches from my body.

Shit! Shit! I thought that I was dead for sure.

Im already dead but you know what I mean!

While I was lost in panic multiple windows popped in front of me

(EXP Gained: 10)

(You are now level 2)

(You earned 3 status points, choose where you wish to put it

Strength 1 [Enhance your physical strength]

Agility 1 [Enhance speed and reflexes]

Intelligence 1 [Enhance processing information and the amount of time to understand it]

Defense 1 [Take less damage] )

Ok, let's think for a moment here.

first of all, strength is useless to me.

Agility and Intelligence seem to be the better options right now, but Intelligence is about studies, and well... Im in the middle of nowhere in a huge forest there is nothing to study where!

Defense is ok I will have to put points on it soon or later.

But for now, I think that Agility is the best option.

I put these 3 points into Agility and try floating.

Wow! I wouldnt say it is a huge difference but im totally faster!

How does this even work? It's so weird.

Well, to tell the truth, everything that happened to me after turning into a ghost is completely weird haha.

Looking at my status I see that my HP and MP are now at 185 maximum.

I think that if the creature im draining is stronger it gives more HP and MP.

And I leveled up so im guessing that I won some too.

Looking at my souls I see that I have 3 now.

So the number of souls varies on how strong the creature is too I think.

If I could make an expression It would be relief.

I almost just died, again!

I better stick up with the green creatures for sure.

Seeing the mouth of the white wolf from up close, look at these huge teeth! this thing could smash a tree I think.

But you lost! haha, Ghost The Ghost is a champion!

If I had hands I would do the peace sign.

Looking around I can see that the forest is more illuminated.

I guess it is daytime already.

I will continue to float around yeah! Ghostar technique Float!


Nefert, a city east of Ghost location.

In a street made of stone with street stores selling food and other things.

People are walking around happily and cheerfully.

In a building made of wood and stone a few windows at the front, with a plaque with crossed swords.

A group of 3 people are talking at a road table.

A woman with black hair and smooth white skin, wearing a blue robe and holding a golden staff with a red stone at the top.

A tiny man with a brown big beard, brown short hair, and slightly tanned skin, wearing steel armor and holding a big axe.

And a man with blonde hair and white skin wearing a collarless yellow waistcoat over a white belted tunic with black trousers bloused over black riding boots and a curved blade in his waist.

"Looks like it is time for another job!" The blonde-haired man says excitedly

The woman with the mage robe looks at him in disapproval.

"You are the only adventurer that actually gets happy risking your life for money" Says the woman with a hint of angriness

The tiny man burst out into laughter.

"Come on nothing wrong with liking your job right? I like to have fun adventurers with my friends haha" Says the blonde-haired letting out a laugh

The woman let out a cheerful laugh and blushed a little.

"So innocent! but whatever, what is the job?" Says the woman casually

The blonde-haired man grabs a piece of paper and puts it on the table.

"Just the usual, a monster extermination job, there is a pack of goblins forming up at the blackout forest in the east, some women were missing, and well you know..." Says the blonde-haired man with a hint of disgust at the end

The mage woman and the tiny man put on serious expressions.

"If they are crowding then it must mean that a shaman or a hobgoblin is leading them, it is not strong but we better be careful" Says the tiny man with a serious tone

The mage woman puts a smug on her face.

"Shaman or hobgoblin it will die with one of my Ice spikes haha" Says the mage woman putting her staff into the air with a proud pose

The blonde-haired man let out a little laugh.

"Your confidence is something else" Says the man with a sarcastic tone

"Confidence is the trait of every skilled mage!" Says the woman confidently

The tiny man gets up from his chair laughing a little

"Yes yes let us get going already we have at least 3 days of travel until the blackout forest" Says the tiny man casually


Back to Ghost.

Im floating for God's know how long.

I drained some more green creatures that I found around but thats it.

let me stop and take a look at my status for a moment.

( Lv 2/15

EXP: 16/40

HP 185/185

MP 185/185

Souls: 7

Race: Ghost

Class: None

Skills: Soul Drain Lv2 )

The amount of EXP I need to level up increased by 10 hmm.

That means that after some time only these green creatures will not be enough anymore.

Wait... why im starting to think like a killer machine?

Well, whatever I guess, feels good to get stronger and I dont really have anything better to do anyway.

I will float around some more! Ghost The Ghost is starting again!